Chapter Six: No fire...

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With the final bow, Hiro couldn't help but grin. He hadn't been sick. He'd flubbed a bit at the beginning of his presentation, but his confidence had grown when the audience took an interest in his project, just like it had the first time.

On a wave of euphoria, Hiro tossed the neuro-transmitter down while his friends stormed the stage. He'd forgotten how awesome it had felt the first time around, but it wasn't hard to remember now. The microbots were a huge hit and he couldn't wait for what he knew was going to happen next.

"You did it!"

"Not bad."

"They loved you! That was amazing!" Honey Lemon exclaimed once Hiro and Tadashi had finished their ritual fist-bump.

It felt nice to have his pseudo friends cheering him on. He hadn't had that growing up, and having it now meant the world to him. It was the best feeling in the world, being accepted and congratulated for doing something good.

And then came the part Hiro wasn't prepared for, even though he knew it was coming. Alistair Krei walked over, interrupting anything else Honey Lemon was about to say.

"Yes. With some development, your tech could be revolutionary."

It was almost as if someone had hit a pause button. Everyone froze. Then, one by one, Honey Lemon, Wasabi, GoGo, and Fred slunk away, as if realizing this was a showdown between Hiro and Krei. The only support that remained was Tadashi, steadfast as ever. And Hiro was more than grateful for that.

"Alistair Krei." Hiro felt his heart thud. He'd almost forgotten about this part. But he wasn't entirely unprepared. He clenched the single microbot in his pocket, as if that would give him courage.

Krei reached out a hand. "May I?" His smile was charming but Hiro wasn't having any of it. He knew what lay behind it, and what would happen if he gave over the small bot. The businessman would pocket it and try to walk off without a second thought.

"I'd rather you didn't," Hiro replied. He made a mental note to retrieve his transmitter once this was over. "I want to work on them without worrying about others trying to copy my work. Besides, Tadashi said he'd help me apply for the appropriate patents."

"That's probably not a bad idea," Professor Callaghan said as he walked over. He gave Krei a dirty look. "It's better to not let them fall into the hands of someone who only worries about their own self interests."

It was easy to feel the animosity coming off of Callaghan as he glared at Krei. It was almost palpable, like Hiro could cut it with a knife and serve it up with coffee and dessert.

"Robert, I know how you feel about me, but that shouldn't affect—"

Callaghan cut him off with a wave of his hand. "This is your decision, Hiro. But you should know Mr. Krei has cut corners, ignoring sound science to get where he is."

Not to be put off, Krei tried again. "That's simply not true."

Hiro had heard enough. "I'm sorry," he interrupted, "but I've already made up my mind. My microbots aren't for sale. I made them so I could get into this school and don't intent to let them out of my sight."

Tadashi stepped forward, approval radiating from him as he put a hand on Hiro's shoulder.

Callaghan smiled. "Well, I can certainly help with that," he said as he took out a white envelope and handed it to Hiro with a flourish. "I look forward to seeing you in class."

Hiro couldn't help but look down at the seal on the white paper, his heart lifting like the corners of his lips. He'd done it. He'd passed the first real hurdle. And he'd managed to cut short the confrontation between Krei and Callaghan. It was a win-win situation.

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