Jackass! Go Die In A Hole (Arranged Marriage My Ass) (4)

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Hey guys! the chapter is finally here.. it might be a little short but bare with me.. lol i wont be doing a thank u list cuz its gotten quite big so yeah. lolz.. erm i request 30 votes in order for me to write the next chaapter .(i want to make it long and interesting and i wanna like... frikin.. like ... yeah idk how to describe it) heheh... okay shout out to my editor: Dnaaat (Go check her out!)

Songs Of The Hour:

Set the fire to the third bar- snow patrol

Your guardian angel- red jumpsuit apparatus

skyway avenue- we the kings

secret valentine- we the kings

rebirthing- skillet



My eyes widened. How the hell did he know that?

"I know everything about you Katelynn," he whispered. "I know your favorite music, your favorite stores, your favorite movies, I know everything there is to know about you,".

I looked at him with a WTF expression. "What are you some kind of stalker?!?!?" I screamed. All the nurses, doctors, and visitors that were in the hallway came to a halt and stared at us.

"Would you keep it down," He whispered harshly. "And I am not a stalker, like I said, your mom told me everything about you."

"Whatever," I said rather annoyed. "If she wants to give me away, then that's fine with me."

"Look, go talk it out with your mom because once we get to the house I don't want you crapping on my parade," he said with a bored tone in his voice. Crapping on his parade? Really? I huffed and began to make my way back to my mom's room. I had to be escorted to the room because I walked into the wrong room atleast 5 times. The first time I went into a room with an old man in diapers, the second time I walked into a room where the doctors were doing open-heart surgery, and the third, fourth, and fifth time I somehow ended up in Chemo therapy. Dr. Vilch, the doctor who had been assisting my mom, found me and finally took me to her room. When I got there, the place was empty; the hospital bed was clean, my mom's clothing wasn't on the couch, and the TV was off. I stepped into her room and began searching for her. I looked up, down, left, right but no sign of mom. Weird.

I heard shuffling from the back of the room and I walked to see what it was. There, I saw my mom getting some things together in a little white shopping bag.

"Hey mom..." I said.

'Oh Katie, you almost gave me a heart attack!' She said startlingly once she realized it was me.

"Sorry about that," I said. "Listen, I wanted to ask when I will be going with the Jace's?"

"Oh about that...' She whispered. 'You're leaving tonight.'

"Wait what?!' I said in a hushed tone 'What about my things? My clothes? My... Erm... Blankie?"

"Oh hey, don't worry everything is already packed for you.' My mother said, looking at me reassuringly.

"Packed for me?!?!? Who the hell packed MY stuff for ME?" I exclaimed. Has anyone ever heard of privacy?

"The Jace's butler, Gerard,"

Wait, hold up. They have a butler named Gerard? It's official, I have ADD. "Wow, it seems like you just can't wait to ship me off to some strangers with a son who is a little ass." I said.

"Katelynn!" My mother scolded. "Be nice to Paul, and I love you and I DO NOT want to ship you off but I have to."

"Whatever," I mumbled. "So am I leaving from here?"

"Yes honey." She said. Wow, some Mother I have. She doesn't even want to take me home. Tears brimmed my eyes just thinking about the fact that I won't be able to see my mother every morning.

"So..." I said. "Is this the part where we have a mother and daughter moment and cry?"

"Yes I think it is." She said. I flung myself into her open arms and cried. I cried because I didn't have a family anymore, I cried for the fact that I was going to get married, and I cried because I felt alone and abandoned. My heart was thumping in my ears and all I could hear was the sound of my mother's sobbing.

After what seemed like a few seconds I finally let her go and told her goodbye for good. I turned and walked out of the hospital. As soon as I stepped out a gust of wind hit my face and I sighed. I don't have a home anymore. I don't have friends, I don't have a life. I don't have anybody. I let my hair loose, shut my eyes and embraced the cold. This numbs the pain that I feel. I wish I had my razor right now, things would be much easier.

I heard a near-by honk and some low music. I didn't pay any attention to it. I figured there were many people standing, waiting for a car. As the honking got closer, so did the music. I opened my eyes and I saw Paul's head sticking out of the limo's window.

"C'mon, I don't have all day princess," he shouted.

I rolled my eyes and made my way over to the limo. I opened the door and got inside, hating every second of what was happening. Sitting down, I noticed that there was about 4 other people in there.

"Hi...?" I said awkwardly. There was a short, perky brunette with long curly hair, two hot emo/skater guys, and one tall blonde who had her lips permanently attached to Paul's neck.

"Hi I'm Sasha!," said the perky brunette, "And you're Katelynn right?"

"Yes, hi Sasha..." I said. The two emo/skaters just nodded their heads and went back to listening to the music.

"Oh don't mind them, they are always like this when a new girl comes."

"New girl?," I said curiously.

"Yeah, you're Paul's new girlfriend right?" Said the perk brunette. I didn't know how to respond to that. Was I?

"Sasha, don't be a retard, we all know that I'm Paul's girlfriend," said the blonde. Attitude problems much?

"Umm, excuse me?," I said sweetly to the blonde bitch.

"Yes?" she growled.

"Why do you talk to your friend like that?"

"Because I can...?" She said in this really bitchy tone.

"Listen, where I come from if you ever even let those words come out of your mouth, you would be hanging upside down from the ceiling." I said returning her death stares.

"Are you threatening me?" She challenged.

"No, I'm telling you Jesus (sorry if that's offensive) is on your front lawn," I said sarcastically.

"What are you talking about?" she said, confusion written all over her face. I swear I think I just heard the crickets. I just ignored the blonde bimbo and took out my ipod. This was going to be a long ass ride.


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