Jackass! Go Die In A Hole (Arranged Marriage My Ass) (1)

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Hey Guys! I'm xXxLoV3Y0uxXx And This Is My First Chapter Of My First Story. ♥. I Hope You Enjoy It And Comment And Fan Me! (If fan me even makes sense...? lol)

This Story Is Written By: xXLoV3Y0uxXx

Edited By: Dnaaat <----------------------------- (Go Check Her Out.!.!.) Thanksss.! lolz

SORRY 4 MY RAMBLINGG (SORTA) On with the story.


Only moments away. Moments away from seeing you, I thought to my self as I brought the sharp blade to my wrist.

'Ace why did you leave me here all alone?' Mom is broken up and chugging alcohol, and she wont even talk to me after dad died. You just had to go didn't you? Well it doesn't matter now, because in a matter of minutes I will be with you guys. The sharp blade dug into my skin as I pressed it down harder. Blood began oozing out of my skin and I just watched it trickle down my arm. Nobody cares. Nobody cares enough to stop this from happening so whats the point of living?

Well there was one thing. It was my brother, Ace. Ace and I...... Ace and I were so close. Our bond was majorly strong and we could share secrets with each other, no matter how bad they were. I remember Ace came home drunk one night and told me he accidentally scratched mom's brand new Porsche. He also said that he thought it looked so 'pretty'. I laughed at the memory. Ace was such a dumbass when he was drunk. Warm tears rolled down my cheeks at the realization that I will never see my brother again. my best friend.

*Thud* *Thud* Shit..... My mom probably fell again. If you've consumed as much alcohol as my mom did in a week you would probably be dead by now.

"Ouch," groaned a voice from the other side of the wooden door. Yep, she fell. I sighed inwardly realizing this is the 5th time this week I had to clean up her drunken mess, and by mess I mean her. She has been barfing everywhere and I had to clean it up. She drinks so much that she can barely walk straight. Do you know how hard it is dragging a woman twice your size up the stairs and into a shower? My mom usually passes out after I carry her up the stairs. When I get her into the shower (finally) she wakes up and just begins throwing up. It's disgusting.

I took some toilet paper and wiping alcohol and began to wipe my arm with it. It stung a little but I couldn't care less at this point. I swiped the blade once, getting rid of any remaining blood on it and threw the toilet paper into the trashcan.

I got up and walked to the little cabinet underneath the sink. I opened the cabinet door and took out a rag. I closed it and turned on the cold water from the sink and I swished my finger through the water to make sure it was cold enough and began soaking the rag in it. As soon as it was soaking wet, I turned the knob to the right, turning the water off. I took the rag by both ends and twisted each side the opposite way. As soon as I drained the water from the rag, I went to the door and unlocked it. Outside the door revealed my mother, lying on the floor clutching her stomach. She groaned in pain.

"Katie," her hoarse voice whispered, "Get me to-"

She didn't finish her sentence because I cut her off. "The bathroom, I know. I grasped her elbow tightly and began to lift her up. I waited until she regained feeling in her legs before pulling her all the way up. My mother grasped the doorframe and began heaving.

"Shh, mom, it will be okay," I soothed.

"Careful now," I added. My mom stumbled into the bathroom and dropped to her knees. She leaned over the toilet and just began throwing up. I walked up behind her and held her hair. I waited until she was finished and then wiped her mouth with the rag. "Mom," I began, "You have to get yourself together, I mean look," I pointed to her hair," How long has it been since you've showered? Not counting the times I dragged you in here," I questioned. Her answer was a mumble. I couldn't make out the words so I just sighed and walked over to the shower I pushed aside the curtains. I turned the red knob to the left causing hot water to spurt out of the shower head. I glanced over at my mom and saw her passes out. Typical.

I dragged her limp body into the shower and put her in the tub. Her eyes fluttered open and her eyes held confusion. She looked around her several times before her eyes landed on me.

"Katelynn, how long was I passed out?" she asked.

"Not long, just a couple of minutes," I said looking down.

"Well okay then," she said, "Katie, can you please get me 2 aspirins and a cup of water?,".

I looked up at her and said, "Yeah, sure,". I walked out of the bathroom and made my way to the kitchen. "This has got to stop," I mumbled mostly to myself.

Jackass! Go Die In Hole (Arranged Marriage My Ass)Where stories live. Discover now