Jackass! Go Die In A Hole (Arranged Marriage My Ass) (7)

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Hey guys... i really want to apologize because i didnt post when i said i was going to and it was because of WRITERS BLOCK! I know, lame excuse.... i am officially crowned the worst author of the year..... yeah but thanks for standing by me.. all of my fans, I LOVE YOUUU!!!!! I would like ermm uhhh... (60 votes) cuz i really wanna get the chappie out on time so yeahhh! Okay so since i had writers block, my editor (Dnaaat) helped me finish the rest of my chapter.... she is amazinggg and the middle and end is all hers ... so give it up for Daniiiiii!!!!!! lmaoo okay i know youre all excited so here it is..!!!!


I stormed out of the house and walked to the gates so I could leave this hellhole. Just as I was leaving, I collided with a hard body that caused me to fall on my ass. I groaned in pain and stood up to dust myself off.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there," said a quiet voice. I looked up and saw one of Paul's familiar friends. "I'm Jay.... You must not remember me".

"Of course I remember you, you're Paul's friend." I said.

"Yeah, sorry I wasn't watching where I was going." He apologized.

"No, I'm sorry, I was the one who wasn't watching where I was going". I looked down and got an idea. "Hey are you doing anything right now?" I asked, using him as a refuge from Paul.

"No... why?" he asked.

"Just wanted to know if you maybe wanted to hang someplace that's not here."

"Sure," he said with a laugh. "and i think we should be using my car, since you don't have one ."

I just nodded my head and walked to his car. I used to have one of my own, before I was in this arranged marriage. My beautiful black mustang. My baby. I would still have my car if it wasn't for Mr. Whore. God I hate him. And now after what he did, I hate him even more. I looked over at Jay. I didnt notice until now, but he was very attractive. Raven black hair and a deep shade of violet eyes, light freckles going over the bridge of his nose. He was just absolutely stunning. I think he noticed my staring because when i looked up into those violet orbs, they were staring back at me. He smirked.

"You were staring," He concluded. "Why?"

"I.. i just... Yeah, okay i admit i was checking you out BUT its not because i like you"

"Sure..." he said with sarcasm.

"God you're so conceited," I said.

"That, i am not" he said. "I'm not like Paul or Chris. I dont act cocky around girls and i dont have the high self asteem they have. I dont even know why theyre friends with me."

I felt bad. Paul and Chris didnt deserve him as a friend. Jay was sweet and caring and hot all rolled in one. I would kill to marry Jay instead of Paul. Well not literally, but you know.

"Hey, they're asses, ok? You are sweet and caring and very attractive," I stated honestly.

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, whatever." he said.

We finally got to the car and let me tell you, it was gorgeous. It was a black 2010 Jeep Wrangler. Wow, this is better than my mustang.

"You like?" said Jay with a smile, showing his pride and glory. I blushed and nodded. I liked Jay. I felt comfortable around him. He opened the door on the passengers side for me as i got in. I buckled my seatbelt and then we were off to who knows where.

"So.... where do you wanna go?" I asked.

"My house?" He suggested without taking his eyes off the road.

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