Jackass! Go Die In A Hole (Arranged Marriage My Ass) (3)

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Hey guys.. OMG I am the biggest biatcchhh... I didnt post it when I got 8 votes.. Im a horrible writer poster person thingy =/ lol but umm anywho, here is the chapter you all have been anticipating (I sound smaaaart!) Lol so thanks again and here is my thank you listt. SORRY ABOUT THE SHORTNESS!!!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!!!!!!!!














P.S. I am requesting (pleading) for 20 votes so i can have time to write the next chapter and actually have it out on time... gracias muchaha's/muchacho's! ON WITH THE STORY

After the police left, I curled up on the couch and stared blankly at the TV. My body went numb and it was like I had no more tears left to cry. I took one of the couch pillows and placed it under my head and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


I awoke in the morning just to find myself on the floor. I rolled over onto my stomach and slowly stood up. As I stretched, the memories of last night came back to me; my mom, in the tub, going to the hospital! I need to get over there, like, now. I rushed upstairs and threw on a pair of acid skinny jeans and a band tee. I slipped on my converses and ran out of my room to the living room and I grabbed my phone, iPod, and car keys as I ran outside. As soon as I got into my black mustang, I turned the car on and sped out of the driveway. It took me 15 minutes but I got there. I parked in front of the entrance and got yelled at by many people. I ran inside the building and asked the receptionist lady for my mother.

"Are you a relative?," she asked. I rolled my eyes surpressively, seeing as we look exactly alike.

"Yes, I'm her daughter," I said. She nodded quickly and told me to go to room 349 of the INTENSIVE CARE UNIT. I thanked her and ran to the room.

I must've circled the place 18 times because when I finally found her room, I realized I passed it twice. I walked in and saw a middle aged couple talking to my mom with a guy my age.

Woah, this guy is......hot. He is about 6"2 witha muscular build, raven black hair that falls over his left eye, and piercing grey eyes that look like they can see into your soul with one glance. I made my way to my mother's hospital bed and the closer I got to the hot guy, the more mesmerized I became. My mom probably heard my footsteps because the next thing I heard was,

"Katelynn! Darling come join us,". I kept my head down and stood next to her bed.

"Hi mom," I whispered. I havent seen her smile like this since dad and Ace died.

"Honey, I have something I need to talk to you about," she said. Her face fell slightly. "I made arrangements for you to stay with the Jace's for a while".

I gave her a confused look and said, "Okay, so for how long?"

She gave me a nervous look before saying, "Have you met Paul yet?"

"Don't change the subject mom".

She looked down at her hands. "Honey, you're right. I wanted to tell you that you're going to be staying with them for good, because you're...." she trailed off.

"What? Because what?,"

"because you're getting married to Paul,". I froze.

G-getting married?!?!?!?!?! No, I cant be....

I looked at her like she grew 4 legs out of her nose. "MOM! WHAT THE HELL?!?!? DID YOU THINK ABOUT TALKING TO ME FIRST MAYBE?!?!? HUH???? I don't want this! I didnt ask for it. Why? Why are you doing it?," I pleaded.

She looked at the verge of tears. "Baby, I cant take care of you. I can barely take care of myself!"

"Don't give up, I'm independent, I can take care of myself and you."

"Katie, sweetheart, thats not how it works. You're not the mom. I'm supposed to know how to take care of you...but I don't," she whispered. "I just gave up.

I looked her in the eyes and said, "fine, you want to send me there, go ahead. But don't you ever, and I mean ever, try to contact me because I officially hate you,". I turned on my heel and stalked out of the room. I began running through the halls when I heard heavy footsteps following me. I stopped abruptly and turned around. The person I saw standing before me was none other than Paul.

"What do you want?," I asked.

"Can you stop being such a bitch and realize that your mom is doing whats best for you?," He said.

My mouth hung open. How dare he call me a bitch? "You listen to me buddy, do not call me a bitch ever again, you do not know me and I don't know you. Second of all, she had no right making this decision without me," I spat.

" you're not legally allowed to make those decisions!," he yelled.

"Keep it down idiot. How would you know im not old enough?" I hushed.

"Your mom told me everything about you,"

"oh really?" I said.


"whats my favorite color?"


"what type of car do I have?"

"A black mustang. Made in 2009."

Weird, I thought to myself. "Okay fine, what am i afraid of?"

"rejection and being alone". He said.

Thanks guyss!!! COMMENT AND VOTEE.

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