Jackass! Go Die In A Hole (Arranged Marriage My Ass) (6)

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Holaa and como estas? Yeah im not Spanish.. that's all I know.. Hehe. Ermm but anyways here is the 6th chapter-kins. Lol I had fun writing it cuz of all the drama and suspense and stuff. Lol I love drama and yeeahh. Okay so anyways I request 40 votes for this chapter so I can write the nxt one.. Its really not that hard just like click the vote button... Oh and if you want to see the pictures of the characters go to my blog (http://xxxlov3y0uxxx.wordpress.com/)




Songs Of The Hour

Sidewalks- Story of the Year

If you only knew- Shine Down

Spin you around- Puddle of Mudd

Whispers in the dark- Skillet (my Favee)



I felt the bed sink a little, and the figure put its arm around my waist. I hope it didn't hear my heart thumping. I felt a pair of warm, moist lips on my neck and shuddered. Whats going on? Who the hell is this? The persons lips parted slightly and they planted a soft kiss on my collar bone. I slowly turned to face the culprit and it revealed.... Chris?


My eyes widened when I realized that the person was in fact Chris. His eyes were closed. His breath reeked of alcohol; he was drunk.

I sighed and lightly pushed him off of me so he rolled over onto his back. His eyes fluttered open and when he finally realized where he was, a sloppy grin formed on his face.

"Hey Katie," he slurred. I closed my eyes out of frustration and having experience with this, I tried to sling his heavy-as-hell arm over my shoulder.

"No," he whined. "I wanna stay here with you."

"Okay, you're drunk and you have no idea what you're talking about," I said, trying to pull him off the bed without falling. "So do me a favor and stand up."

"Listen, I know what I want and I want you." He said, looking at me dead in the eyes. He looked so serious but I refused to believe him.

"You. Are. Drunk," I said slowly. "You don't know what you want."

He mumbled some non-sense and started slowly getting up. With all my might, I lifted him off of the bed and started to walk with him to the door.

"Stop carrying me Katie, I wanna sleep here tonight." He whispered to me.

"Chris, if Paul catches you here, you're going to be slaughtered," I said, trying to keep the annoyance out of my voice. Chris and I kept walking towards the door when all of a sudden it burst open and there stood Paul and Jay. Paul flicked on the lights and stared at us with so much anger, it practically radiated off of him. If looks could kill, Chris would be dead. Paul walked over to Chris and picked him up by his shirt.

"What the hell are you doing in my fiancé's room Chris?" He said, low and venomous. Chris went wide eyed but said nothing. "Jay, take care of Mr. booze over here, I have to talk to Katelynn... Alone".

Jay just nodded and took Chris from under my arm. He carried him out of the room and shut the door. Paul paced back and forth while I sat on the edge of the bed, fear eating at me inside. He stopped abruptly.

"Why? Why was he in here?" he asked.

I kept my poker-face on and replied, "I don't see how that's any of your business." The muscle near his eye twitched and I knew he was angry now.

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