Lost and Found (A Jacob Black Imprint)

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A/N: Everything goes to Stephinie Meyer except my character. Everything is the same except that Paul never has imprinted on Jacob's sister and Jacob never imprinted on Renessme.

I had been on the train for about an hour now and I was going insane.As I listened to my Ipod, I thought about how living at La Push would be. I hadn't been there since Emily, my sister, and Sam got engaged. I had met some of his friends like Embry, Jacob, Jared, Quil, Collin, and Brady. I missed my sister and I wanted to see her. I was kinda glad my dad had kicked me out to live Emily. My dad had abused me, both mentally and physically. I talk about my earlier llife.

See, Emily and I's mother had died at the Makah reservation. After that, we went down to see our cousins, the Clearwaters. Emily was eighteen and she moved to La Push, leaving me behind wth my father. My dad used to be a nice guy, but he had slowly deteriotaed into a monster. He first would make me clean all the time and spent most of his time in the basement. Then if I left a peck of dust anywhere, he would beat me. He used all types of things to hit me. First he would use belts but then he moved onto vases and baeballl bats or hockey sticks.

My mom would always say that we would be in a pickle if she died. I guess she never forsaw how my father would abuse me. I laughed sarcasticly. The lady next to me on the train gave me a shut the f*** up look. I gave her the same look and she turned back to her laptop. I laughed silently and I got worried. I looked nothing like Emily. I had light chesnut hair that was really curly and tanned skin that stayed all year long. I had my mother's emerald, brilliant green eyes. I had big cheekbones and lots of girls at my old school were jealous of my "beauty". Whenever someone said that, I would just roll my eyes.

They obviously hadn't seen my body. It's not like I had a bad body, I had all the right curves and I had a decent butt and boobs. It was just my ribss, my stomach, and my chest were covered in bruises. Since my dad had kicked me out, the bruises had begun yellowing and healing. I was seventeen now and Emily was twenty two. I was in my junior year and had no money for college. I thought, "Well, I guess I could get a scholarship or a job." I snorted.

My mom had named Emily after her sister and my father had named me Danielle after my grandmother. Emily would always call me Danni and I called her Em. My nickname sounds like a boy's name, but it's better then Danielle. I despised my name. Danielle Carrie Young. I sighed.

I ususally would've drove to La Push but my dad took my car so Emily paid for my train ticket. Our train boarded into the station. I grabbed my luggage and my bag containing my laptop and I stepped off the train. I looked around for Sam or Emily or both and I didn't see them. I sighed and said, "Nice, now how am I getting to La Push?"

I looked around the station and saw a tall guy with cropped hair and chesnut skin holding up a sign with the name "Danielle Young Come to the Sign!" I rolled my eyes and I picked up my luggage and my laptop bag. I walked over to the guy with my converse slapping againist the floor. I adjusted my leather jacket and plain white t-shirt underneath. I called, "Hey, you! The one with my name up on the sign!"

He turned at my words and he smiled. His smile dazzled me with his white perfect teeth. I shook my head and walked over to him. His face looked vaguely familiar and I tried to remember his name. He was one of Sam's friends. I said, "Don't tell me......... You're Embry?" He shook his head and I tried again, "Quil?" HE shook his head again and said, "You just named my two best friends. My name starts with a J." He grinned. It dawned on me and I yelled, "Your name's JAKE!!" HE grinned and said, "It took you long enough."

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