Two enemies all ready

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The alarrm woke me from my peaceful, dreamless sleep. The beeping was starting to get annoying and Jake groaned. I sighed. I heard metal breaking and I knew it was my alarm was broken. I sighed as the beeping stopped. I rolled out of bed and said, "Jake, get up. Time for school." He groaned and I threw a pillow at him. He threw it back and it missed me. I went to my closet and I grabbed my skinny jeans, my green Vans, and my sky blue tee shirt with yellow designs and I frowned. I said, "Crap, Jake, I left all my hoodies on the Makah Rez. Want to lend me one of your sports ones?"

He nodded and I opened his bag and pulled out his La Push High FootBall Team out. I grabbed a towel and i said, " Jacob Black. If you're not dressed by the time I'm finished, you will regret it." He headed to his bag. I smiled with satisfaction and I went to the bathroom. I turned the water on and I stripped down and hopped in. I shampooed my hair and I shaved my legs. I conditioned it as I washed my body with my bodywash. I rinsed it all out and I jumped out of the shower. Water dripped off my body, leaving a pile of water on the tile floor.

I dried my self off and I put on my bra and undies. I pulled on my shirt and jeans. I belted up my pants and I slipped on my Vans. I towel dried my hair and then I put gel in it. My curls laid off my shoulders perfectly and I smiled. I put my favorite chapstick, BUrt's Bees, on. I added eyeliner and then I pulled Jake's hoodie over my head. It smelled delcious, like him, but with Axe in it. I grinned and fixed my hair. Thank God his head wasn't too big. I walked out of the bathroom with towel and clothes in hand. I went to my room and Jake wasn't there and neither was his bag. So he took me seriously. I smirked.

I grabbed my new backpack Emily had bought me and I went downstairs. The whole pack was there, eating their breakfast. I dropped my bag by the door. I grabbed my plate full of eggs, bacon, and toast. Most of them were done with their breakfast so I scarfed it down. I rushed upstairs and brushed my teeth throughly, leaving no trace of breakfast. I grabbed my pack of gum and headed back downstairs. All of the guys were in the car so I kissed Emily's cheek goodbye, and Sam gave my five dollars for lunch.

I smiled and I ran outside. Everyone was piled in the Rabbit so I had to climb to get to my seat. I buckled up and Jake started driving to La Push High. I had butterflies and I shook them away. I sighed and I started bouncing in my seat. Paul pinched me. I yelled out defiantly and I hit my head on the ceiling. I pulled on his leg hair andhe screamed. Everyone looked at him and burst out laughing. I pulled on Jared's and Quil's. Same reaction. I spared Jake, Embry, and Seth because they were nice to me.

Jake pulled up in front of the school. I sighed as he let us out and then went to park. Embry and Paul escorted me to the office, while everyone went to their homerooms. I walked in and a thin lady said, "What do you need, dearie?"

I said, "Hi, I'm Danielle Young. I'm new here, and I need my schedule."

She nodded and said chipperly, "Of course, here ya go dear." She handed me a slip of paper.

I thanked her and went back out side. I gave my schedule to Paul who said, "Okay you have homeroom with Embry and me. You have first with Me and Jake. Second, you have Advanced Biology with noone and third with embry and Fourth you have Gym with all of us Juniors. In the beginning of Fifth, you have lunch, where you'll sit with us. But fifth, you have Advanced English so you have noone. Then you have sixth with Jake and Embry."

I nodded as Jake came in. He kissed my cheek and said, "Got to go. See ya, babe!"

He walked off. The final bell rang and Paul grabbed my hand and dragged me to a classroom. He and Embry walked to their seats as I stood there awkwardly. Mrs. Jackson said, "And who might you be?" Everyone turned to stare at me. The guys stared at me with lust, while the girls glasred at me with envy.

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