Chapter FIve

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Paul was standing on my bed wearing my bra and underwear. Jake and Embry were laughing and I sighed. I cleared my throat and pulled Jake's phone out of my pocket. I took a picture of Paul and I said, "You have thirty seconds to clean this all up before I send this picture to all of jake's contacts. I am warning you. 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13,12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1."

My room was clean and I smiled. I said, "Thankyou, boys. Now, when's the meeting?"

Embry piped up, "Ten minutes."

I said, "Let's go then, dummies."

HE said, "We were waiting for you, Beauty Queen."

I said, "I was washing the blood out of my hair, Hot Mess." I winked.

A Week or So later.

Jake and I were perfect. I was in the middle of the meadow. I was waiting for Jake to come back to bring me up to the mountain. I saw him running down and I sighed in contentment. He ran to me and he wrapped his arms around me. I tightened my arms around him and I kissed his chest. He grinned, "My cheeks and my chest get more action then my lips." I grinned and I pressed my lips to his. He pulled me to him and I jumped up on him and wrapped my legs around his waist. He groaned and I kept kissing him. I was perfectly happy and he scooped me up into his arms and started running. I grinned.

I said, "I am pretty sure your lips are getting some action." He smiled and he kissed me while running. He licked my bottom lip repeatedly, begging for entrance. I grinned and opened my mouth for the first time. He seemed shocked and he explored my mouth excitidley. I let him explore for a little longer before he ran into a tree. I lay on the ground with Jake on top of me and I said, "Walk much, Jake?" He smiled down at me and licked my face. I screamed, "Ew, Jake! Nasty!"

He grinned and scooped me up and ran to camp. We finally got there and it was freezing. I was wearing my huge sweatshirt and sweatpants. I had gloves and a hat. Jake was making me sweat and I said, "Jake, you're making me sweat." He grinned. He set me down and I saw Edward and Bella talking together. (Everything in italics are Danni's thoughts that Edward reads.)

SO this is the leech loving heart breaker.

Edward nodded at me.

What the he**? Can you read my mind?

He nodded again.

Holy crapcakes. Wait, what is Jake thinking about?

He said, "He is thinking about you in your bikini."

Jake hissed, "Stay out of my head." He blushed.

I grinned, "Jake, I told him too. Calm down."

Do you really love her?

He nodded.

Does jake love me?

He nodded vigourously.

What about Bella?

He said, 'His feelings had dimmed down since meeting you. He doesn't feel a lot of attraction to her anymore."

Jake looked at me confused and Edward said, "Yes, she's asking questions about you."

"That is up to her whether she wants me to tell you."

Jake looked at me pleadingly and I grudgingly nodded. During all of this, Bella was asleep on a sleeping bag. Edward said, "First, she asked, "Does Jake love me? then She asked what about Bella?"

Jake's face looked pained. Edward said, "You know the rest. I suggest you start thinking about Danni more and Bella less." My eyes widened and I looked at Jake for an answer. He shook his head. I nodded and said, "Jacob. You love me but there's a part that's still attracted to Bella?"

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