Chapter 2

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He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. I giggled and said, "So when are we actually going to go to the house?"

He laughed and said, "Oh crap. Emily's going to kill with me if she finds out you weere almost raped, but were saved with my amazingness."

I snorted and said, "Yeah okay. The only reason his face was bloody was because I kicked him and broke his nose. So, bub, watch what you're saying because I am the only amazing person in this car. Jacob, do you have ADD? You get distracted very easily."

He laughed, "No I don't. And don't call me Jacob. I like Jake better."

I smiled and said, "Only if you scream out the window that Danni is amazing."

He said, "Fine." He pulled onto the highway and screamed, "DANNI IS AMAZING!"

I giggled. I pulled out my Ipod and plugged it into my ears. Jake said something but I couldn't hear him. He ripped them out of my ears and I screamed in protest. He said, "You have to share. My radio broke because of disuse. So share."

I agreed grumbily and I plugged my earbud into his ear. I put on All In by Lifehouse. He nodded in time to the beat. I rolled my eyes and he grinned at me. I focused on the scenery and I eventually fell asleep. I felt something poking me and I swung my arm at the Irritant. I felt skin and my eyes popped open. Jake was there and he was rubbing his face. I said, "Crap, sorry, I get grumpy when I wake up."

He said, "I can tell. We are here."

I jumped out of the car. Well, I tried. I was still in the seat belt and it strangled me. Jake cracked up and I unbuckled myself and I jumped out. I streched and I sprinted to the little house. I opened the door and ran inside, leaving Jake with my bags. I screamed, "Honey, I'm home." I heard a few thumpings and Emily appeared at the stairs. She screamed and raced down the stairs. She ran at me and hugged the crap outta me.

I hugged her back and Little Claire appeared at the stairs, rubbing her eyes as a guy walked behind her covered in makeup. I cracked up and wrestled out of Emily's grip and ran to Claire. I scooped her up in my arms and she said, "Hi Dwanni. Wook at what I did to Qwuil!"

I looked at Quil and said, "She looks very pretty just like you." Claire giggled as I tickled her tummy. Quil glared at me as I winked at him. Jake came in with all my bags and I grinned. I gave Claire to Quil and I went over to Jake and grabbed my laptop bag and two of my suitcases. I huffed, "Where is my room? these bags are heavy." Emily giggled and said, "Upstairs. First room on the left."

I heaved the bags and I set one down and brought that one up the stairs. I opened the door that said Danni's room. I grinned and opened the door. The room was my favorite color. It was lilac and there were pastel pink flowers painted on. I dropped my bag on the wooden floor and I set my laptop bag on the lilac bed cover. I rolled my eyes and I went to the door and as I walked out, I walked into something very hard and made me fall on my back from momentum. I huffed and looked up at Jake.

He laughed so hard he had tears coming out of his eyes. I picked myself off and took my bags from his hands and a fluttering went through my body. He obviously felt it and he looked away. I put the bags and I walked out of the room. I walked back downstairs and I grabbed my bag and I walked into my room. Jake was sitting on my bed looking at the ceiling, yet seeing nothing. He must be thinking hard. He didn't hear me so I goton my knees and crawled over to my bed and I sprung up and jumped onn him.

He jumped as I pinned him down. I giggled and said, "What were thinking about so hard?"

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