Chapter 10 - Tsuki

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~Len's POV~

"You...were going to let me stay here...?"

Oliver, didn't reply, so I asked again.

"Oliver, you seriously were going to let me stay? Why?"

"Because I knew you had nowhere to go, Len...!" Oliver slammed his hand down against the counter, letting his bangs fall over his eyes. "I don't care anymore. Good luck." He pulled his hand off the counter as if it was some sort of weight, and let his arm fall to his side. He didn't lift his gaze as he turned to head out the room.

"Oliver!" I quickly got up and grabbed his shoulder, looking him in the eyes. "Tell me exactly what you're feeling right now," I demanded.

Oliver gazed up at me, his expression blank. "Nothing," he mumbled incoherently.


"Nothing!" The younger shouted, shoving me away and running out of the room.

"Oliver!" I shouted, reaching my arm out after him, but my body wouldn't budge.

"My...." A soft voice spoke out, seemingly coming from nowhere at all.

I flinched, looking around. "What? Who's there?"

The voice laughed softly. "So you're the one Oliver's been keeping cooped up here, hmm?"

"I...." I clenched my fists. "What do you want? Who are you?"

Another laugh, and a girl appeared in front of me out of thin air. She had turquoise hair pulled up into twintails, eyes matching her hair. "Wouldn't you like to know?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips.

I flinched back, bracing myself in case she happened to attack. "I do, that's why I asked, moron."

"Not very kind...." She mumbled. "Anyway, I'm not going to tell you who I am anytime soon. All I wanted to say was're not going to last long like that."

"Wha—?" I was about to ask her more questions, but she disappeared again, her laughter lingering a bit longer than I'd have liked. Eerie. Even for me....

I sighed heavily and made my way after Oliver. I had to do something about him, but I had no idea what was wrong.... Lie.

"Oliver...?" I knocked lightly on the door to his bedroom, opening it slightly to peek in.

Oliver sat on his bed, looking down as he mumbled things over and over again, twitching slightly.

It kinda creeped me out, but I didn't think much of it as I opened the door fully, walking in front of the boy. "Oliver," I said again, louder this time.

"...ant...." He mumbled, his hands twitching. ""

I furrowed my eyebrows, tilting my head to the side. "What? You're...creeping me out Oliver. That's saying something."

He slowly looked up at me, his red eye glowing brightly. This time, he spoke louder; slower. "I. Want. To. Die. Len."

I flinched back, gritting my teeth. "Bullshit," I spat. "What's wrong with you?!"

"Fuck you, Len! I want to die! I always have! Nothing's changed at all! You don't understand!" Oliver's eye glowed brighter as he shouted at me, standing up and clenching his fists. "Just kill me already! You were planning on doing it anyway! Why are you holding back now?! Kill me, Len! Stab my chest! Shoot my brains out! Decapitate me! Amputate all my limbs! I don't fucking care what you do, just end my goddamn life!"

"Oliver, stop!" I shouted, instinctively smacking the blond across the face. He stumbled backwards from the impact, ending up sitting on his bed with his hand on his cheek. The glowing in his eye faded out. "Oliver...." I looked down at him, noticing that he wasn't twitching anymore, but trembling instead. He was crying.

"I'm sorry...." He whispered. "I'm so sorry...." He shook his head back and forth rapidly, tears falling down his cheeks. "I-I can't control him, I'm so sorry Len...."

I moved in front of Oliver, leaning down to rest my forehead against his. "I-it's okay, Oliver...." I paused. "Him...?"

Oliver inhaled shakily. "H-he.... It's hard to explain...." The blond looked away, biting at his lip.

"Oh...." I looked down. "That's alright...." I pulled my head away, taking a seat next to Oliver. "I have all day."

Oliver's gaze didn't falter as he began to speak. "He.... His name is Tsuki.... I don't remember anything that happened, but supposedly, some accident that I was in causes him to inherit a part of my body. Specifically, my left eye." He pointed to the eye, and I looked at it for a moment, taking in the deep red color before turning back to Oliver.

"'s like having another person in your body...?" I asked, getting a bit worried. I don't understand why, though. Well...maybe I do.

Oliver nodded. "Yeah, kinda.'s not me. I can't control him. The only real thing I've learned about him from what others have to me is that he's...suicidal. I guess he either hates me a lot, or something just happened to him before and he wants to leave." The boy looked at me. "I'm really sorry, Len. I...I guess when I got mad at you, I just lost it and...and he got out.... I've been trying my best to keep him in, but I guess I'm not doing well enough of a simple argument like that let him out...." He looked down, apologizing once more before going silent again.

"Oliver, don't apologize. If it's not your fault, then there's nothing to worry about. It's not you, so it's fine...." I breathed out, placing a hand on Oliver's shoulder.

"But I—"

I quickly cut Oliver off. "Stop apologizing."

"O-okay...." Oliver squeaked out quietly, quickly looking away from me. "I-I don't...know what's wrong with me. I'm a monster. Reading minds and an eye inhabited with some sort of spirit boy.... Who wouldn't want to be friends with that...?" He laughed sadly as he bit his lip, most likely holding back more tears.

"I would...." I mumbled, looking down and letting my bangs cover my face.

"What...?" The younger asked, flinching slightly and turning to look at me. "What...did you say...?"

I looked Oliver dead in the eyes, repeating my statement for him, "I said, I would, Oliver."

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