Chapter 11 - Deals

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~3rd Person POV~

"No," Oliver mumbled, averting his gaze again. "You...." He paused, flinching.

'You can hear me right? Don't ignore me. I—'

"Stop...." Oliver held his breath, shutting his eyes. "I don't wanna hear it. Don't say it. Don't think it. It's not good for either of us."

Len's expression broke slightly. "Oliver...."

"You really like me, huh?" The younger tilted his head up to look at Len, red eye glowing brightly. "What's with that? Disgusting," he spat. "You know what would be fun?" Oliver—no, Tsuki grabbed Len's shoulders roughly, an insane look on his face. "You should kill us both. There's no way Oliver'd ever allow me to do it, but he's definitely taking a liking to you! Do it! Stab me! No, stab us!"

Len flinched back, his eyes widening. "Y-you...! No way!" He growled, shoving Tsuki away from him.

"C'mon," Tsuki persisted, stumbling backwards slightly. "It's simple.... Grab a knife," he gestured to his hand, as if he was holding a knife, "and stab us!" He shoved his hands toward his gut, showing Len how to do it. "Easy. Right~?"

Len clenched his fists, opening his mouth to shout at the boy, but instead, Tsuki shuddered violently.

"Holy hell," he muttered. "Oliver really doesn't like me talking with you, do-es h-e?" The boy spoke the last to words mechanically, smirking. "Well.... Later then~"

"Oliver!" Len shouted as the blond fell to his knees, shaking violently. "Are you okay?!"

"I-I'm fine...." Oliver assured, grabbing onto Len's arms for support to stand. "I-it just...drains my energy...." He explained, biting at his lip. "T-things sure aren't getting any better, a-are they...?" He asked, laughing sadly.

Len clicked his tongue softly. "No shit...." He sighed, shaking his head. "You sure you can stand or...?"

Oliver flinched, quickly letting go of Len. "I-I'm fine...!" He exclaimed, blushing harshly. "A-anyway, Gumi's on her way now, s-so...." He looked away. "D-don't fight with her...."

Len narrowed his eyes slightly. "Whatever," he breathed, placing a hand on his hip.

Oliver's eyes lit up. "T-thank you...!" He hugged Len quickly before pulling away and changing the subject. "I'll make breakfast...!" He nodded swiftly and ran out of the room, heading downstairs.

"That...." Len mumbled, still a bit stiff from Oliver hugging him so abruptly, "...was weird."

The older sighed heavily, following Oliver down the stairs. Once he got to the last step, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," Len waved Oliver off and headed over to the door. "Boy, couldn't have bet any more that it was you, greenie."

Gumi stuck her tongue out. "Oliver is my boyfriend."

'She's dead meat.'

Oliver flinched violently. "W-why don't you just s-sit down...." He quickly pushed Len away from the door, letting Gumi in, laughing awkwardly.

Gumi tilted her head slightly at the action, but latched onto the younger blond's arm tightly, pushing the limb in between her cleavage on purpose. "Ollie~" She whined softly. "I'm hungry~!"

Oliver flinched once again, squeaking softly as his face grew a bright red. "O-okay...." He mumbled, trying to focus on making the food and not Gumi.

Len's eye twitched slightly as he watched the two, looking down at his own chest for a moment. "Boobs...." He grumbled unhappily.

"What?" Gumi looked over at Len, grinning slyly. "Did you just say 'boobs'?"

Len almost choked on his own saliva. "Wha—?! I—! No! I didn't! Shut up, you moldy lemon!"

Oliver snickered softly, but a glare from Gumi shut him up.

"'Moldy lemon'...? What the hell?" Gumi reluctantly let go of Oliver, walking over to Len and looking at his face closely. Smirking, she murmured softly so that they could only hear, "Thinking boobs out rule dicks?" She huffed. "He's straight, Len. Get it in your head."

"Done!" Oliver called happily from the kitchen, plates set out for all three of them. "Pancakes are delicious, huh?" He asked, smiling brightly.

"You bet~!" Gumi cheered, running over to sit at the kitchen island and enjoy some pancakes.

Len glared at her as he made his way over as well, taking a seat. "Thanks," he spat bitterly.

Gumi only snickered.

The younger boy tilted his head to the side slightly. "Okay...." He narrowed his eyes slightly at Len, taking a seat across from the two.

There was silence for a while, Oliver being thankful that the two of them weren't fighting at least, but it was soon broken when Gumi spoke.

"You're a really good cook, Oliver!" The greenette exclaimed happily. "Will you make me lunch sometime?"

Len scoffed softly, turning his head away.

"Uh, sure!" Oliver replied, smiling at the girl. He was completely oblivious of Len's strange behavior at the moment. "Oh, and Len," he turned to the older, "please shut up."

Len flinched. "Y-yessir...." He grumbled, sending a quick, deadly flare at Gumi who couldn't hold her giggling in.

"Oliver, you still read minds?" She asked, leaning a bit closer to him.

Oliver looked back at her. "Huh? Oh, yeah...."

Gumi grinned. "What am I thinking of?"

Oliver scrunched up his nose. "Gumi, I don't wanna say that out loud...." He looked away, blushing harshly.

At this point, the older blond almost spit out his milk. "For fuck's sake...." He coughed, covering his face with a hand. "I'm out...." He sighed heavily, standing up and turning to walk away.

"What's up with him...?" Oliver asked, looking to Gumi.

She only shrugged. "Who knows?"

Len slammed his door shut. "How the fuck did I manage to think about goddamn platypuses that whole time?" He shook his head. "No, wait, keep focused or Oliver might hear you." He huffed.

"Troubled?" A voice asked.

Len flinched, looking to his left quickly. A girl with turquoise hair in twintails stood there. Her again.

"I can help you," the girl said, smiling innocently. However, Len could tell she was anything but innocent. "I just need one thing from you. I'll tell you after. If you accept, that is." She looked away from a moment, her smile growing more eerie as she looked back to Len.

"So," she started, "do we have a deal...?"

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