Chapter 16 - Seriously?

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~Oliver's POV~

How long...? How long has it been...? I can't...tell anymore.... I can't think.... I can't speak what I want to say.... I can't move on my own.... I can't do anything....

How long...?

Len sighed a bit as I clung to his arm. "How long has it been, I wonder...?" He mumbled aloud.

"That's silly, Lenny~" I chirped up happily, when in reality I was super aggravated at literally everything. "It's been a day, you know that~!"

Len shook his head. "That's...a different time zone...." He sighed once again. Maybe he was just as annoyed as I was...?

Then why the fuck was he dreaming about me being some kind of cockslut?

I was forced to grin and licked at Len's cheek. Gross.... "D-don't worry, Lenny~! I'm sure it hasn't been too long~!"

Len sighed, wiping at his cheek a bit. "Right...." He mumbled, standing up from where we were seated. I let go of his arm and stood up as well.

"Where are you going~?" I asked, grinning a bit, biting my lip. This is seriously not okay. I am not a slut, that's for sure!

Len looked at me for a moment. "Nowhere really," he replied slowly. "Come with me, alright? I have an idea...."

Idea? What? He's not being a pervert again, is he? Goddamnit.... "Of course~! I'll go anywhere with you, Lenny~!" I hate this. I grabbed his hand, and he nodded, pulling me into the kitchen again.

Huh? Why...?

Len tightened his grip on my hand. He reached for a knife. "W-what...?" My voice cracked a bit. He looked back and slashed at my arm.

I pulled my arm back quickly, the large gash on my arm healed quickly, but the feeling of being cut didn't go away as quickly.

"L-Len, wha—?!" I didn't have enough time to finish my sentence again as Len lunged at me again.

I yelped, jumping out of the way quickly. "A-are you insane?! Y-you'll kill me!"

"Logical reply," Len said calmly. He was panting softly. "But it's the only answer. I can't escape unless I kill you. If I think of you as just a fake, it won't hurt as much, right?"

"T-that's definitely n-not—!"

"How clever~ You've figured it out, hmm~?" That blue-haired demon appeared above Len, her arms wrapped around his neck.

"Miku...!" Len looked up at her, eyes shining. "So I was right?! I just have to kill Oliver?!"

Miku grinned, staring directly at me. No way.... She was manipulating him! She was trying to kill me! That bitch!

"L-Len, no! D-don't kill me!" I protested weakly, due to being trapped inside my own, yet weaker body. Stupid slutty Oliver.... "Y-you love me, right?!"

Miku twirled a piece of Len's hair around her finger, mouthing the words that came from Len. "You're not the real Oliver!"

My eyes widened. Suddenly, at that moment, I felt the urge to just give in. My life, at this very moment. It didn't matter one bit. I let my shoulders drop a bit. "Alright...." Finally, my own voice came out. "Kill me, then. I've never cared if I died or not, anyway. My life hadn't ever mattered to me." I smiled. "If this is how I die...." I took a step forward, pressing the tip of the knife against my neck. "Then I'm glad it was you, Len...."

Len blinked, seemingly unsure of what to do now. "Wha...?" He tightened his grip on the knife before tossing it aside. "How...? How did you get here? How long...have you been here...?" His face turned a dark shade of red.

I sighed, crossing my arms. Finally, I had full control over my own body. Well, fake body.... It's kinda confusing. "Not sure, but I've seen—and participated in—enough." I glared at him, holding back a snicker when he cowered back a bit.

"I-I'm really sorry—" He whimpered out. "I-I didn't—" Len looked down. "Y-you were acting l-like a...a...."

"Cockslut?" I asked, placing a hand on my hip.

Len blushed even more, nodding slowly. "Y-yeah, t-that...." He covered his face with his hands.

I clicked my tongue softly. "I didn't have control of my actions. That is, until now." He looked up at me through his fingers for a moment before quickly looking back down.

"Now, this isn't very fun~" Miku sighed, leaning her head back over Len's. "Ollie, you should act more grateful~" She snapped her fingers and a sharp pain shot through my chest.

I coughed, glaring at her for a moment. "Y-you're right," my voice stuttered out. "M-my bad.... T-thank you s-so much for l-letting m-my body have a t-taste of y-your d-delicious cock....~"

Len squeaked, almost falling backwards as his head shot up. His blush was even darker than before. "W-what?! W-what did you do?!" He turned to Miku, who was now standing next to me, smirking.

"This is your fantasy, right~? I'm only turning your thoughts to this distorted reality~" She snickered. "I thought you'd figure that out by now~" She sighed heavily, shrugging a bit.

I grit my teeth, quickly shaking my head. "W-what, so you b-both can c-control m-me now?"

Miku raised an eyebrow. "Don't you dare even think about taking that tone with me, because I will make sure you—" She cut herself off, taking a deep breath. "I will make sure you meet all of Lenny's standards, since that is why I'm here in the first place. To fulfill his fantasy. Since he made a deal and all~"

Len looked away, coughing softly. "R-right, but...." He trailed off. "Nevermind...."

Miku tilted her head. "Hm? Your thoughts aren't telling me anything this time...." She pouted a bit, twirling a strand of teal hair around her finger. "Oh well, I'll make sure Oliver follows all of your requests, no matter how lewd~" She grinned. "I really hope you don't find the way out, Ollie~" She winked before disappearing into thin air.

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