Chapter 4 - Arrival

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~3rd Person POV~

It had been a while, and the person Oliver had talked to on the phone still hadn't shown up. Honestly, it was ticking him off a bit.

"Maybe she's just...coming into contact with distractions...?" Oliver sighed, placing a hand over one side of his face in irritation. "Yes, that sounds like her...."

Another while later, she still wasn't there. And to make matters worse, Len's thoughts were somehow managing to make their way all the way to the first floor.

All that Oliver could hear was mixes thoughts about suicide, homicide, pain, death, everything he despised. And honestly, Oliver was starting to feel pain in his own chest.

The faint murmurs of things like, 'Pain is the only thing that helps me', 'No one is there for me anymore', 'I should've just killed myself as well', and many, many other horrible things that came from Len's room drove Oliver to the snapping point. So he chose to be passive-aggressive.

"Len?" Oliver called quietly, having to hold his hands over his ears to shield the murmurs which were slowly becoming shouts as he progressed closer to Len's room.

There was no reply.

Oliver narrowed his eyes as he stumbled closer to Len's room, hardly being able to balance himself. Once he reached the door, the thoughts were so loud that Oliver couldn't hear his own thoughts anymore. It made his head spin.

"L...en...." He mumbled, going pale. His entire body trembled, attempting to keep itself standing up, but Oliver's knees buckled beneath him and he fell to the floor. His vision was going blurry. "Wh...y...?" He asked faintly, closing his eyes and letting the darkness consume him.

Len shot up from where he was sitting, trembling, on his bed. He had heard a loud thump come from outside his door after Oliver had called his name a few times.

Somehow, the older blond boy had managed to rid his head of all those thoughts, and he opened the door, running out of the room.

"Oliver!" He shouted, quickly picking the younger boy up and steadying himself so that he wouldn't drop him due to the handcuffs.

He huffed annoyedly at the sight of the younger boy he held in his arms. 'He looks...kinda cute when he's asleep....' Len thought before flinching and quickly shaking his head. 'Can he still hear me while he's unconscious...? No way, right...?'

Len walked all the way downstairs and set Oliver down on the couch. "What a chore...." The older blond mumbled softly in annoyance.

"Hello~?" A loud, obnoxious voice called through the front door, making Len turn his head.

"Hmm?" The older blond made his way over to the door, opening it slowly. "Who is it?"

"Oliver? That's not you!" A girl with bright green hair stuck her tongue out on the other side of the door. She was holding a large red box.

"And you are...?" Len asked, raising an eyebrow at the girl cautiously.

"Name's Gumi~! I'm guessing you're the problem child?" Gumi smirked and pushed her way into the house. "Oliver!" She called.

"He passed out," Len stated matter-of-factly. "He's over on the couch if you wanna stare at his sleeping face or something creepy like that." He laughed softly, clicking his tongue.

"Yeah, I think I'll pass...." Gumi pursed her lips, setting the box down in front of Oliver.

"So, what? You're just gonna wait for him?"

"Is there really anything else to do?" Gumi looked up at Len, flashing a somewhat creepy smile.

Len shuddered. Something about Gumi just didn't feel right to him.... "Guess not...."

"Listen, I'm going to tell you something while Oliver's asleep."

Len raised an eyebrow, perking up a bit at that. "Oh?"

Gumi blushed, placing a hand to her cheek as she continued, "I'm in love with Oliver. He's taken care of me and even been my best friend ever since my entire family abandoned me. And one thing...." She gave Len a broken smile. "I won't let anyone take him away from me. Got it~?"

Len flinched, not expecting that at all. "Like I would even think of doing something like that. I despise that kid."

"I'll come after you if you hurt him too, got that as well~?"

The blond sighed. "I had no intention of that either."

"Good!" Gumi clasped her hands together. "Now that there's that, I have something to give you." She opened the red box in front of Oliver and took out a small bottle filled with some sort of light blue liquid inside.

"What's that...?" Len asked warily, taking in every detail about the bottle and the liquid inside that he could possibly get at that moment.

"Just a little potion I conjured up~!" Gumi cheered happily, tossing the bottle to Len, who caught it easily. "Drink up!"

Len raised an eyebrow. "You...want me to drink this...? How do I know it won't kill me?"

"Well, upon hearing your very convincing promises, what reason would I have to kill you?" Gumi smiled, a bit of malice hidden in her voice as she spoke.

"I don't trust you."

"How about this: We both drink it. I'll take the first sip." Gumi nodded, taking the bottle back from Len and taking a sip of it. "See?"

Len eyed Gumi suspiciously before taking the bottle back and sniffing the contents. "Yuck...." He spat, scoffing at the stench.

"Not every potion is made by magical girls, alright?" Gumi puffed out her cheeks angrily, placing a hand on her hip. "Hurry up, will you?"

Len waved a hand at Gumi, sighing as he gulped down the rest of the contents. "Wha...?" He asked, placing a hand to his forehead as the room began to spin.

"Goodnight~!" Gumi spat cheerfully while waving a sarcastically happy 'goodbye' to the blond.

Len stumbled around a bit, clutching at his head. "Y-you...bitch...." He hissed before collapsing onto his knees, and soon enough afterwards, his side.

The entire room went black.

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