Chapter 17 - Don't

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~Len's POV~

I want to die.

I glanced over at Oliver. He was staring at me, almost like a dog would. I flinched. "C-can I help you...?"

"No," Oliver replied quickly, but he only stared more. Ah, I get it.... Miku...would control his actions, but his mental state would remain normal. This...doesn't help me at all....

I looked away. "Could you stop staring then...?"

Oliver flinched, blinking a few times. "Y-yessir," he mumbled, growling a bit. "I ha—" He quickly cut himself off; probably being controlled again. "I-I'm sorry, Len...."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever...."

A long, awkward silence settled over us as I thought back on everything. First off, Tsuki.... I looked over at Oliver, who was intently staring at the table. His left eye; the red eye.... It held whatever Tsuki was. And...Tsuki was causing Oliver pain.

I hate him. gives me an idea.

"Oliver, come here," I said, waving my hand towards myself. He hesitated, but nodded and moved over to me.

"W-what?" Oliver asked, sounding a bit disgusted already.

I smiled, hoping this would work. "First, can you bend over while facing me? And put your hands on my thigh."

He held back a growl and nodded, bending over and placing his hands on my thigh. "L-like this...?"

I nodded. "Perfect." Placing a hand on his cheek, my other hand cautiously moved over to the table, grabbing the knife again. I can save Oliver, and get rid of Tsuki. This was perfect.

Oliver nuzzled into my hand a bit, sort of like what a cat would do. He looked really cute.

I tilted his face up a bit. "Oliver...." I mumbled, just to get his attention again.

"Wha—?!" Before he could finish talking, I plunged the knife into his left eye. He screamed, pushing me away quickly.

I know, this wasn't the best way to get him to love me, but I'm helping him, I'm sure of it.

"Oliver, hey," I tried speaking calmly, but he trembled in pain and kept scooting back away from me.

Oliver touched his cheek, which was now stained with blood and tears mixed together. "N-no," he whispered, his voice shaky. "No, no, no...! L-Len, you—!"

I gasped, coughing violently as I sat up in bed. "Oh my god." I looked around, eyes going wide. "I did it! Oliver, I did i—?"

Oliver stared at the floor, blood still spilling from his eye. "G-gone," he murmured, standing up. "It's gone.... H-he's gone...." He smiled. He...was creepy. "He's gone! Len, Len, he's gone!" He held a hand over the dark red void that was once his left eye. Blood was staining his pale white skin to a light red. "Y-you killed him! I-I can't see, but you killed him! saved me...." He paused. "Len...."

I flinched violently. He was happy...? I stabbed his eye out, and he...seems relieved. a heavy weight has been lifted off his shoulders. Was he really thanking me...? "Uh, y-yeah?" I smiled awkwardly. "Let's bandage you up though, alright?"

"Len, I...can't hear your thoughts anymore."

"Sorry, what?" I blinked, standing up and moving over to him. "You can't hear my thoughts anymore...?" I placed a hand on his shoulder.

Oliver shook his head rapidly. Some blood splattered onto me, and I flinched again, quickly wiping it off. It stained.... "No, I...I can't! Tsuki, it was him! He—he was the one who was giving me that ability...!" Suddenly, his hands were on my cheeks. "Len, I can't hear your thoughts...!" He repeated, sounding even more relieved. He smiled brightly, pulling my face closer. Wait—

He kissed me. "Len, thank you...! Thank you so much!"

Wait, he kissed me?! For real?!

My face heated up and bloomed a dark red color. "Oliver, what—"

He looked away, sighing softly. He shut his left eye. "Len.... I really don't wanna admit this; not at all. But...." He trailed off, seeming to be debating whether or not he should tell me. "Len, I—"

"Well, since we all know where this is going~" A familiar voice piped up. "Lenny, why don't you hold up your part of the deal now, hmm~?"

"Miku?!" I looked around. Ah, there. She...was above Oliver. "I'll be taking your emotions now~ Along with that adorable little power~"

"Len, what—?" Oliver looked up at me. I clenched my fists tightly. Why did I even agree with this in the first place...? Was I really being manipulated to give away my emotions?! Like I'd give a damn about my power, but my emotions? Fuck no!

"I'll let you have my power," I stated calmly. Miku was about to speak, but I quickly cut her off. "Just don't lay a hand on my emotions."

Her expression quickly twisted from pure amusement to pure annoyance. "Now, Len~ That wasn't part of the deal, was it~?" I could hear her tone changing drastically.

"Oliver, go bandage your eye.... This doesn't involve you."

"But Len—"

"Go bandage your eye!" I yelled, looking over at him with an emotion that I couldn't really put my finger on. All I know is that I didn't wanna give it up to some perverted demon.

Oliver started to protest, but quickly nodded and ran out. He could tell that by this point, I was much stronger than him. He lost whatever made him strong. But...I'm here for him. His attitude and stubbornness are too.

"Miku, I won't give away my emotions. That's final." I crossed my arms and gave the demon a harsh glare.

She just returned it. "Lenny, I gave you what you wanted~ Time to pay up~"

I hesitated, thinking of something else. During that small fraction of silence I could hear Oliver talking with Gumi outside the door. She seemed worried. "How about we make another deal then?"

Miku raised an eyebrow. "What would this deal include~?"

I took a deep breath. "Take my power, hurt me physically, abuse me ever way you see fit. Just do not take away my emotions or touch anyone else but me."

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