Chapter eight

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When we came in to the shop the sound of the tattoo machine filled the room. I looked around and saw Danilo in one of the chairs tattoing a guy's arm. He looked up and greeted us. Kenan walked up at him and pat on the back. Danilo told us to sit down and that he would be done in a few minutes.

-    So, what's the plan Kenan? I asked and looked around.

-    I thought you could choose my next tattoo. He smiled.

-    For real?? I looked at him in shock.

-    Yeah, why not? It'll be fun.

-    Okay, but now that we're here, I might want one to. I said shyly.

-    What?! I mean, sure. What do you want?

-    Hm.. Whatever you're having. I answered and kissed him.

We discussed what tattoo we should get while Danilo was finishing up with the other guy. I was actually excited about this. It felt a bit forbidden and since I only was 17 it was also illegal. But I didn't care, I wanted to do this. And I wanted to do this with Kenan. They say you only live once so why waste it with things that doesn't make you happy? This made me happy, Kenan made me happy and I wanted to do everything with him.

Danilo walked up to us and asked if we were ready. Kenan noticed that I was nervous so he said that he'd do it first so that I still had the chance to change my mind. I agreed with him even though I knew I wouldn't change my mind.

Kenan sat down in the chair and Danilo pulled up chair for me to sit next to him. Danilo started and I watched with big eyes. I couldn't believe I was next. I always wanted a tattoo but couldn't because of my age and my parents would never let me have one if I asked.

Kenan and I decided to get the same one, John 8:32 which says "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" considering our fight and our promise to always be honest to each other.

We also decided to put it on the same place, beside the hipbone, just over the panty line. When it was my turn I was nervous as hell. But sweet as Kenan was, he took my hand and let me squeeze it whenever it was necissary. But as soon as Danilo started my nerves disappered. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, it was a tickling and slightly stinging feeling.

When both of us were finished we thanked Danilo and headed home. Kenan had been so sweet tonight so I thought I'd stay at his place tonight. Maybe we would get the chance to talk about what happened the other night.

Kenan parked the car outside his building and we got out. We went up to his apartment and when we got in I immediatly went in to the bedroom and laid down on the bed. Kenan came after me and laid down beside me. We laid face to face just looking at each other and I could lay like this forever. I loved looking into his beautiful brown eyes.

-    I love you. I said and kissed him.

-    And I love you baby girl. What have I ever done to deserve you?

-    You must've done some incredibly great thing! I smirked.

-    Haha you're so funny.

I was done talking. I rolled over and laid on Kenan's chest as I started to kiss him, slowly unbuttoning his shirt. When it was open I placed a trace of kisses down his neck and chest all the way down to where his pants were. I could hear him gasping and siently moan as I kissed his stomach and undid his pants.

He put his hand in my hair and carefully brought me up to face him. He began to kiss me passionately and we rolled over so he was on top of me. I pulled his pants down before standing up leaving him lying on the bed with his pants at his knees. I told him to take them off and unzipped my dress. When he had taken them off he turned his gaze back at me. I slowly pulled the sleeves down my shoulders and let the dress just fall to the floor.

Kenan stood up and put his arms around me as we kissed. He unhooked my bra and took it off. I pushed him down on the bed and I could feel his eyes all over my body. This was the first time Kenan saw me naked. He took my hands and I straddled him. I felt him getting hard against me and I smirked in to our kiss. He laid me down and got on top of me before kissing my neck and my breast. I moaned as he kissed my nipples and I felt his hand on top of my panties. He came back up with his head and looked me deep in the eyes.

-    Are you sure about this babe? He asked worried.

-    Yes, I want you Kenan. I moaned as I kissed him.

-    I don't want to push you to do something you're not ready for.

-    But I'm ready, don't ruin it baby.

And with that Kenan pulled my panties off. He began kissing my breasts and stomach again but this time he continued to kiss down in between my legs. And it felt amazing. I had never felt anything like it before and moaned loudly as I felt the orgasm coming. That's when he stopped and came back up. I gave him a wondering look when he took my hands and brought them to his underwear. I pulled them off and took his penis in my hand and put it inside me. He moaned and kissed me as he entered and I can't describe how it felt. Kenan was so gentle but at the same time so wild and it was mind blowing.

I don't know for how long we did it but it is safe to say that Kenan knew what he was doing. When we had both finished he laid down beside me and we faced each other. We were laying there panting with a stupid smile on our faces.

-    Um, babe? Kenan broke the silence.

-    Yeah?

-    Was that your first time? I didn't answer.

-    It was wasn't it?

-    Yeah it was. I said embarrassed.

His smile grew bigger as I answered. Instead of saying something he kissed me. I was so happy right now. I wanted to stay like this forever, in the arms of the man I love. And the best part was, he love me back! Oh, and the sex was amazing. I couldn't imagine sex being better that this.

And speaking of sex, Kenan was ready for round two. I'm not gonna lie, so was I. I rolled on top of him and kissed him as I let my hands wander down under. I kissed his cheast and continued down like last time but this time I didn't stop.

I heard him moan and I kept doing what I was doing. Apparently I did something right. And like he did, I stopped right before he came.

I climbed back up on him and straddled him, he put his hands on my hips as I put him inside me. And this time was even better!

When we were finished we both were exhausted. We laid in each others arms and just enjoyed the moment. He finally told me what had happened the other night. The leader of the Vatos had been selling drugs on the Fidem's territory and when Kenan went there to talk to the guy he had pulled out a knife. They started arguing and Kenan tried to defend himself and somehow got the knife out of the hand of the Vatos leader and accidentally stabbed him. I was happy that Kenan had told me and believed what he said. I mean, why would he lie after everything?

After a while both Kenan and I fell asleep like that. It had been the best night of my life. I thought the night we met was pretty great but it was nothing compared to tonight.

He had really put effort in to the date and that's what I appreciated. Usually when we went out on a date we went to the diner or went to the movies, not that I didn't mind but tonight felt like a real date, like the ones in the movies.

I suddenly woke up by a pounding on the door. In panic I shook Kenan so he woke up. His face went all angry and confused when he heard the pounding and he got up and put on a pair of shorts. He walked out of the bedroom and in to the living room and I put the duvet around my body and walked out after him.

When I saw Kenan in the living room I noticed the gun he had in his hand. I couldn't believe it but then again, I knew who he was. He gestured for me to stand behind him and be quiet.

-    POLICE! Kenan Pavić, open the door!

-    Shit! Kenan exclaimed quietly and looked around for a place to hide the gun.

-    Give it to me! I said and reached out my hand and took it from him.

Kenan gave me an apologetic look and walked up to the door and opened it. The police stormed in and pushed him down on the ground and put handcuffs on him.

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