Chapter nine

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I panicked when the police put the cuffs on Kenan. I forgot that I was holding the gun under the duvet and runned over to him. But as soon as I had kneeled don't beside him I felt a pair of hands grabbig me by the shoulder pulling me up again. I started crying and didn't know what to do.

-    Don't fucking touch her! Kenan yelled as one of the police officers began to read him his rights.
-    You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney and to have an attorney present during questioning.
-    Hailey, call Peter and tell him to meet me at the station. Kenan said as the officer continued with his rights.
-    If you can not afford an attorney one will be provided for you at government expense.
-    Okay, but Kenan.. I replied when the officer was finished but was cut off by the police man that was holding me.
-    Miss, do you live here? He asked and looked around the apartment.
-    No but he's my boyfriend. What's going on? I asked crying.
-    I can't tell you but you have to come with us to the station.
-    Okay.. Can I put on some clothes first? I asked and was now aware of the gun in my hand.
-    Sure miss. He said and I walked in to the bedroom.

Once in the room I had no idea where to put the gun. If they searched the apartment they would find it. But fortunately no one followed me in to the room so I quickly opened the window and burried it in the flowerpot outside.

I grabbed the first shirt I could find and pulled it over my head. The police officer came in and asked if I was ready and I told him that I just had to put on a pair of pants.

Since I was wearing a dress when we came back I didn't have any pants here so I had to take a pair of Kenan's short.

I walked out to the other room again and saw that Kenan wasn't there. That's when I started to cry again. A nice female officer put her arm around me and led me out to a waiting police car.

I was lucky enough to catch my phone on the way out and called Kenan's attorney on the way to the station. I told him what had happens and he told me not to say anything before he got there and that he would help Kenan and I. I didn't even know I needed his help. But it was probably best to listen to him since he knew what he was talking about.

When we got to the station they brought me in to a interrogation room and told me to sit down and wait. For what I didn't know but I couldn't do anything else.

I don't know for how long I sat there before anyone came but a woman came in with a file under her arm. She sat down on the other side and put the file on the table.

-    So, you are Hailey Bexter correct? I didn't have time to answer that before the door opened up and a tall, older man came in.
-    Hello, I'm Peter Jovanović, miss Bexter's attorney. He introduced himself.
-    Okay. Welcome. So as I was saying, your name is Hailey Bexter? She asked again. I looked at Peter and he nodded.
-    Yes, that's my name.
-    If I may ask, why are my klient here? Peter asked.
-    She was in the apartment when we arrested Mr Pavić. And we just want to ask her a few questions.
-    Okay. Before we start, can I have a few minutes alone with my client?
-    Sure. The woman said, got up and walked out of the room.

Peter turned to me and introduced himself and said that he was the one calling me the other night and that he would be representing me just in case. He asked me what I knew and I told him what Kenan had told me and that I knew a few other thing about Kenan and his lifestyle. Peter nodded and said that I didn't have to answer anything that I didn't want to and that he would help me. I was still nervous but felt more calm now that he was here.

After a while the police woman came back in to the room with her file and sat down, turned on the microphone and looked at me.

-    So Hailey. Tell me, how do you know Kenan Pavić? She asked and her smile seemed so fake.
-    He is my boyfriend.
-    I see, do you live together?
-    No, but I spend a lot of time at his place.
-    Okay, have you seen anything strange while you've been over there? She asked and I got the feeling she wanted me to snitch on Kenan.
-    Like what? I played dumb.
-    Do you know what he does for a living? If she thought I would tell her anything, she was wrong.
-    No, we haven't been dating for that long.
-    Hailey.. Don't be stupid now. Do what's right and tell me what you know. She said irritated.
-    Okay, that's enough. We are done here. If you have any other questions you have to go through me. Peter said and stood up. I did the same.
-    Okay, but Hailey, you know where to find me if you wanna talk.

I didn't answer. I wasn't going to tell her about Kenan and his life. And she was crazy for even thinking I would.

Peter and I walked out to the parkinglot and I thanked him for the help. He was going back in to the station to be there when they talked to Kenan and I told him to call me after and tell me how it went. I also told him to tell Kenan that I was okay and that he didn't have to worry about me. Because I knew Kenan was worrying about me, he seemed so upset earlier when the police came.

I picked up my phone and called Julie when Peter had went back inside. I knew she would freak out when she heard about this. And I also needed a ride home or back to Kenan's place since I came here with the police.

Julie came after a few minutes. I was so lucky to have her as my bestfriend. She meant everything to me and supported me no matter what. And now she came and picked me up at four in the morning. I got in to the car, she gave me a hug and I started to cry.

-    Hailey.. Don't cry hun, it's gonna be okay. Let's get you back to Kenan's apartment and then you can tell me everything, okay? She said and put my hair behind my ears.
-    Okay. Thank you Jules. I sobbed.

We drove in silence back to Kenan's apartment. I didn't feel like talking and Julie understood and just let me sit there and look out the window.

When we got there I just sat down on the couch and stared. I was exhausted and worried about Kenan. Julie sat down next to me and stayed silent until I decided to talk. After a little while I finally spoke and I told her what had happened.

She just sat there listening and nodding her head as I talked. When I finished she hugged me and I started to cry as soon as she put her arms around me. She comforted me and when I had stopped crying I told her that we needed to sleep.

I woke up the next morning by Julie bringing me coffee. I took it and she sat down next to me on the bed. I felt like a wreck. I was still exhausted from last night and worried sick about Kenan. But Julie's company made me feel a little bit better.

-    Are you okay? She asked and looked me in the eyes.
-    As okay as I can be I guess. I replied and took her hand. Thank you for everything Julie, for picking me up and for staying with me. I don't know what I would do without you.
-    No problem Hales, I wish I could stay longer but I have to go to work.. Will you be okay?
-    Yes, thank you. I love you Jules.
-    I love you too, call me when you hear something okay?
-    I will.

I got out the bed and brought my coffee with me out to the balcony for a smoke. I had no missed calls or new textmessages. It was horrible not knowing what was happening. All I wanted at this point was for Kenan to walk through the door and for him to tell me that everything was okay. But that stuff only happens in movies so the feeling in my stomach remained as it was. I just wanted to hear his voice.

I walked in to the bedroom and looked for some clothes to put on. I still didn't have any clothes except the dress I wore to dinner so I put on the clothes I had on last night when we went to the policestation. When I was about to put on the shirt I saw the tattoo on my hip and started to cry again. This was all to much for me to handle.

But then I started thinking about how Kenan must be feeling right now so I let myself cry for another minute before I stopped and decided that I had to be strong, if not for me then for Kenan. He was the one still locked up. So I got it all together as good as I could and picked up my phone to call Peter.

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