ch. 6 Wilford Warfstache

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Mark's POV

I sit at my diner table, hands in my hair out of frustration. 'I have to contact him, but how' I think to myself, trying to figure a way out.

'He told me to call whenever I needed him, but how do I call him?' I ask myself over and over again. I stand up, and walk back and forth, thinking as hard as I can.

Suddenly, my phone buzzes, signing me I have a text. I pick my phone out of my pocket, and see a text message from Wade;

Wade: Hey Mark, I was just wondering, are you going to make more sketches with Wilford Warfstache?

Uhmm, I'm thinking 'bout it, why?

Wade: Every one seems to love him!! I mean, have you seen the internet?

Wade: There are pick mustaches EVERYWHERE!!

Then suddenly, the idea hits me like a brick

Thanks Wade, you dork!! I owe you!!

Wade: uhh, you're welcome?

I lay my phone down, and sprint upstairs. I look under my bed, under my pillows, but I can't find it, 'Where did I leave it!?' I think to myself as I look through everything in my bedroom.

I look through my closet, and my drawers. Then suddenly, I see it laying there, at the bottom of my drawer. The bright pink slightly glows up, making it more noticeable.

'God bless Wade's randomness' I think, chuckling a little. 'he was probably bored' I think as I carefully take the glowing pink mustache necklace out of my drawer.

I lay it in my hand and trail my finger over it, from side to side, remembering the words. "I really don't know what to do, Wilford Warfstache, I need you" I say out loud.

The slightly pink glowing mustache suddenly starts glowing way brighter pink. It's like a pink projector shines in front of me as a man, that looks exactly like me, appears.

"Who goes there?" The familiar man says in his calm voice, stretching the first 'e' of 'there'. I lay the small pink mustache on my nightstand again, and clear my throat, "I called you, Wilford" I say.

The man turns is head to me before a smile forms on his lips under that fake pink mustache. "Ah, mister Markiplier" He says, remembering me again. I flash a fake, unsure smile, "Yeah, it's me" I say, chuckling a little.

Wilford narrows his eyes at me with a smile on his face, "And what shall the reason be that you called me for?" He asks me. 'God, why does he always need to talk so difficult' I think as I take a second to figure out what he just asked.

I sigh, "well, I met this girl-" I start, being cut off by Wilford, "Ahh, a girl huh?" He asks. I narrow my eyes and press my lips together, full of confusion, "Y-yes" I stutter, still confused.

I quickly clear my throat, " as I was saying, I think Dark kidnapped her" I finally finish my story. Wilford suddenly acts pretty shocked, "ohh kidnapped? by who?" He asks dramatically.

I tilt my head to the side a little, narrowing my eyes again, "D...Dark" I answer, still confused. Wilford rolls his eyes, "well, Surprise, surprise!" He says, looking up like he's talking to the ceiling, making big movements with his hands.

I look confused at the strange man, he always acts so weird, even in my video sketch, when I asked him JUST to interview me, he stole the show by the way he acts. Now, so many fangirls fall for him, just because he acts this strange.

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