ch. 12 do something

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 I slowly wake up in a familiar bed, familiar bedroom. I look around, and realize I'm in my own room, in my own house. I sigh in relief, 'glad that shit is over' I think as I lay on my back, just staring up at the ceiling. 

I suddenly remember Wilford's show. I smile to myself, 'It was going to be a good show'  The smile on my face disappears as I remember what happened. Or kind of what happened. 'My view suddenly went black, and now I'm here'  I try to figure out what happened. 

I look around my room and wonder how I came here. 'I was at the circus, with Wilford. Would he have brought me back?' I think. I hear the raspy chuckles again, but this time not in my head, making me look all around me. 

"Yes, he brought you back, but under my command, aren't you thankful?" I hear the raspy voice say. I'm assuming it's Dark again. I look up at the ceiling, "Leave me alone!" I say, talking into my empty room. 

'God, if someone saw me like this...'  I think before Dark chuckles again, "That's no way to treat your hero" He says sarcastically hurt.  I roll my eyes, "You hurt me and kidnapped me. You aren't my hero,...or any hero at all" I tell him with my arms crossed. 

Suddenly, I feel a huge amount of pain on the back of my head. I feel my hair is being lifted, and is being pulled on really hard. "ooouch!! stop! That fucking hurts!" I yell, grabbing at my hair, trying to get it down again. 

"Will you not talk to me like that again!?!" Dark says as he appears behind me, sitting on my bed, pulling my hair up with his teeth gritted. I feel him pulling a little less hard. I don't answer and look at my left as I feel his head close to the right side of mine. 

"ANSWER ME!" He growls close to my ear, pulling my hair further up, almost lifting me up my my hair. "aarg!! Okay, okay!!" I say. "Promise me to not talk to me like that  again" He says, slightly growling. 

I sigh, "I promise nothing to you" I snap at him, having my head facing straight forward, just like my eyes. Dark growls and suddenly, I feel a cold blade against my right jawline as he jerks my head to the left, "What did you say!?" He growls dangerously. 

My breathing quickens, "Okay, allright! I promise!" I say scared, whimpering slightly. I can just hear Dark grinning devilish next to me as he groans in the back on his throat, "That's right" He says in that deep, raspy voice. 

He releases my hair, puts the knife away and gets off the bed. I see he's wearing a white tie. And it looks like he is wearing eyeliner too. His black eyes aren't there anymore. they're just brown, but not the same brown as Mark. 

Mark's eyes are sweet, friendly, loving and warm, Dark's eyes are cold, lifeless and a deeper, darker brown. 

Dark walks around in my room, looking at all my stuff. We're both quiet. I watch every move he makes. "so...ready to go?" He asks in his deep, raspy voice. I tilt my head a little to the side with my eyes narrowed, "What do you mean...." I ask. 

Dark turns around to me and stops walking. I see and hear him chuckling deep raspy, "As I say" He says, staring directly into my soul. "Where are we going?" I ask, but I cut him off when he opens his mouth to say something, "IF I would go with you" I remember him. 

Dark playfully rolls his eyes as he breathes some chuckles,  "Well, I'm afraid that you don't really have a choice, little girl" He says, "And we're going to...somewhere lil' ol' Wil can't find us" He says with a devilish, yet seductive grin. 

I keep quiet, and avoid eye contact with him. I see Dark walking over to me in the corner of my eyes. He sits down on my right side again, and grabs my face tightly, forcing me to look at him, "So pack your bags, because this house isn't yours anymore" He says blankly before roughly releasing my chin and walking away again. 

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