Ch. 19 candyman

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Mark's POV

When Wilford and (Y/N) have fully disappeared, I sit down on the couch. I'm honestly happy that I'm over (Y/N). It wouldn't have worked either way. Dark was gonna keep threatening her, and kidnapping her.

She's safe with Wilford, and I'm happy with that. She loves Wilford, so she actually loves me a little too, 'right?' I think as I turn on the TV, having Chica laying down at my feet. And I'm glad that I can stay friends with her. She's such an amazing person, and I wouldn't know what to do if we fully lost contact.

'Wow, I sound really pathetic' I think to myself, chuckling a little. I pet Chica roughly as Wilford appears again, "hey Wilford, how did it go?" I ask sweetly. Wilford chuckles and sits down on a chair as he smiles to himself, "really well, mister Markiplier" he says.

I roll my eyes playfully, "now, you don't have to call me mister Markiplier all the time" I state. Wilford looks at me, "but it's polite, so I will call you whatever I want" he says.

I sigh a happy sigh, "yeah, whatever, Wil"  I say before returning my attention to the TV. "So, any idea what she could be doing in these two weeks?" Wilford asks, getting comfortable in the chair. I shrug, "no idea" I say, keeping my eyes glued to the TV, not actually thinking about it.

Wilford clear his throat,  "she was writing stuff down while walking by everything in the circus....I remember her saying what which color should have, and what where should be" he thinks out loud. I look at Wilford, my face lighting up as I have an idea in my mind, "would she.." I trail off in my thoughts.

Wilford clears his throat again, making me snap out of my thoughts, "would she what?" He asks. "Think about it, she gives everything a new color, she writes stuff down about the circus, what stuff where should be, it all falls in it's place" I say happily.

Wilford shrugs, "what!? Tell me already!" He says impatiently. I chuckle, "she's gonna make the circus like it used to be!!" I say. Wilford's eyes widen, "would she do that for me?" He mumbles to himself.

I chuckle, "of course!!" I say. "So why don't we take a swim in my pool? Just to take our minds off it, then the two weeks will be over faster then we think" I explain. Wilford nods slowly, "I wish they were over already...." He mumbles before getting up.

"Did you bring swimming trunks?" I ask before walking up the stairs. Wilford shakes his head, "I forgot you have a pool, and I happen to not own any swim trunks" He explains.

"That's okay, I think I have an extra one for you" I say before running up the stairs. It's a really hot day today, I was actually about to take a swim in the pool, but then (Y/N) and Wilford came, so I didn't get the chance to get to it. I open my closet, and the first thing I see is my old, pink swimming trunks, "of course" I mumble to myself, chuckling slightly.

I quickly change into my swimming clothes, and walk downstairs with the pink swim trunks, "there ya go" I say as I give it to Wilford. Wilford looks at me, "pink? Really?" He asks. "It's the only one I have" I lie, "what? You don't like it?" I ask worried.

Wilford chuckles, "Markimoo, it's pink, the prettiest color in the world" he says before walking off to the bathroom. "I'll be in the pool in you need me!" I yell after him before running to my backyard. I take off my glasses, lay them down on a chair, and jump in, having Chica follow me.

I chuckle, "yeahh!!! Good girl!!!" I cheer as Chica swims around me. Wilford comes walking out with his broad shoulders, "wow that's creepy..." I say, climbing up the edge of the pool.

"What is?" Wilford asks as he looks down to his body. "Now, you're just like a clone of mine...." I say, looking at him. Wilford chuckles, "Well, techincally I am, my main man" he says, having his arms spread.

I roll my eyes playfully, "come on, jump in!!" I say. "No need to ask twice" Wilford says before jumping up, making himself to a ball in the air. I laugh, "wow Will, where did you learn those moves!" I say. Wilford chuckles as he points at me, "it's something we share" he says.


I already have a whole team lined up in front of the circus. 'Well....a whole team....' I think as I look at the five people in front of me. It's everyone I could get, most people don't dare to come here, they're too scared that the ghost rumors are true.

Some people are still mad at Wilford, but they won't anymore when my beautiful project is done. I look at the three women, and two men in front of me. Every one of them wears painting clothes, and they all carry different kind of brushes, which is perfect.

"Okay so, we're gonna start with the outside. Who is creative with letters?" I ask. Two women lift their hands. I nod, "good!! Then, I want you two to get that wooden board off, make the wood smooth again, and repaint the letters. You can still see the colors and outlines, understood?" I ask sweetly.

The two women nod, and immediately walk to their little van, where the paint is. There is mostly pink, white and red paint, because Wilford really likes the combination of those three colors together. "Okay, and for that little stall right there, I need the sides to be the same, vertical white and red lines" I say.

The three people nod at me. "I will be doing that. And you guys will clean up the garbage okay? Just take those broken tables and chairs and whatever is found around the circus, and put them in the truck I rented." I tell them.

They nod, and immediately start to work. I walk to the van and grab white and red paint, a brush and some painting clothes for myself. I don't want my clothes to get dirty.

I walk to the small stall where they used to take the tickets for entrance, and I start to repaint the big stripes.

Mark's POV

"Come on, Wilford!!" I whine, "you've only been in the pool once!" I say as I look at Wilford who is laying down on the chair,  getting a tan, "so?" He asks sweetly.

I groan annoyed, "I thought we were gonna swim together!!" I whine again. "You have Chica, I just want to think" he tells me. "About what?" I ask, climbing out of the pool.

Wilford lifts his sunglasses as he looks at me, "circus" is the only thing he says before putting my sunglasses back on and laying his head down again. I sigh, "come on, Wilford!! These two weeks will last way longer if you keep waiting! Have some fun, and the two weeks will be over soon!!" I explain.

Wilford gets up with a heavy sigh, "what do I do then!? I can't seem to get my mind off of her, and her sneaky surprise!" He says. I chuckle, "I understand, but why don't you cook something, huh?" I ask, walking up to him and patting his shoulder.

Wilford sighs, "I guess that could work" he says before walking inside. I quickly grab a towel and dry myself before following him to the kitchen, "I'll just put up some music or something" I say as I grab my music playlist. 

Wilford look around in the kitchen at the stuff I have, looking for something to make, "I thought you didn't listen to music that much?" He asks.

I shrug, "oh well...I'm bored sometimes" I explain with a slight smile taking shape on my lips. Wilford chuckles as he shakes his head, "silly mister Markiplier" he says before opening the fridge, looking in there for something to make.

I dance to the song a little, "do you like reggae?"  I ask as Bob Marley echoes through my house. Wilford shrugs, "not really my favorite genre...." He says. I chuckle, knowing exactly what song he would like to hear, a song about him, a song that you can't stay still with.

Whispers fill my kitchen, "sweet, sugar, candyman" Wilford turns around to look at me before he grins back at me, "clever" he simply says before starting to dance and sing to the song.

I laugh, he knows all the words, "he's a one stop shop, has a real big" and then Wilford and I both moan loudly before laughing. Wilford starts to heat up a pan as I sit at the kitchen island, looking at him, following his moves as he starts to make scrambled eggs.

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