Ch. 18 none of your buisness

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We're finally done with everything. I have written everything I need and want to know about what used to be where, "Thanks Wilford" I thank him.

Wilford smiles proudly at me, "no need to thank me, fine lady" he says politely. "But, if you don't mind me asking, what will you be needing that information for?" He asks.

I clear my throat, I don't want Wilford to know my little plan. Even though I know this will change his life again.

"I can't tell you" I say with a cocky grin on my face. "And why is that, ma'am?" He asks, crossing his arms.

I scratch my neck and run a hand through my hair, "you will be thankful later" Is all I can tell him, I don't want to give anything away about this project.

Though I know he will love me for doing this for him.  This will make his life back to the way he always wanted. I don't have anything to pay for, so I'm using my last money to get everything I need.

But I somehow need Wilford to get away from this circus for about, '....2 weeks?' I think to myself.

I clear my throat again, "uh Wilford?" I ask. "Hm?" He replies. "Have you ever thought of going on vacation or something?" I ask.

Wilford narrows his eyes at me as he tilts his head a little to the side, "not really. Why the question, my dear?" He asks.

I quickly try to come up with something, "well, everyone needs to relax one in a while, right?" I ask. I walk behind him and start to massage his tensed shoulders. "Right?" I repeat calmly.

Wilford groans a little in the back of his throat, "well....I guess you're right..." He says, thinking about it. "Glad that you care about me, but I don't need no vacation" he says, turning around to look at me as a grin takes shape on his lips.

I sigh frustrated, "or...what about you visit Mark for two weeks, maybe record some comedy sketches! The fans love you?" I cheer happily.

Wilford smiles proud, "I know, everyone loves me" he says. I roll my eyes, but I can't control my happy smile. Wilford holds my chin with his index finger and thumb, "why do you want me to go so bad, sweetness?" He asks in that deep, smooth voice of his.

I blush at the sound of his seductive voice, "I-I just thought you could use some.... stress release" I stutter a little.

Wilford leans in and kisses my lips gently, "I think you know how I want to release some stress" he says seductively, close to my ear.

I gulp loudly and start ti slightly bute the inside of my lower lip. Wilford grins seductively, "yes, you know" he says again.

I take a step back, but immediately bump into the wall, not able the back up more. "But a vacations sounds good too" he says loudly, walking away.

I look confused at him. I was expecting him to be all over me, 'but now he just leaves me like this?!' I think as I watch him leave.

I decide to follow him. I run until I walk next to him. He walks quite fast, so I almost jog to keep up with him "what was that all about?!" I ask.

Wilford keeps looking forward, not responding. "Hello!?" I ask again, sounding a little irritated.

Wilford just keeps walking. I grab his shoulder, making him stop, "Wilford!" I say, wanting him to answer me.

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