ch. 22 sugar daddy

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Everyone slowly walks in the circus again, having their breakfast with them. I'm so happy that they are so exited about this. "Welcome back everyone!! Just enjoy your breakfast first since we're actually way in front of schedule!" I say bubbly, earning a round of applause.

"I'm so thankful that all of you are working with me, I would've never been able to do this all by my own. I'm sure mister Warfstache will be the happiest man on earth when he comes back in four days" I tell them.

"So whenever you finish your breakfast, we're gonna start working again, and have a good day!" I say. They all clap for me again as I walk away too.

I quickly grab something to eat, just for some energy, before I start to paint the last two blocks since the other two guys needed to do other stuff I can't do.

Mark's POV

I groan loudly, really annoyed, "WILFOORDD!!!! JUST FOUR MORE DAAYS!!!" I scream from upstairs,hearing him whine my ears off of my head.

I can barely take it anymore, but I just need four more days. Two weeks is I think the longest time Wilford hasn't been around his circus. I feel kind of bad for him. He said it's like Markiplier without videos for two weeks, that's pretty heavy.

I walk downstairs, still drying my hair. I figured I could let Wilford talk about his circus, forgetting that he's forced away from his 'precious baby girl', and trying to make him think that he's just here for a visit.

I sit down next to him, "so, Wilford. If (Y/N)'s surprise is what we think it is, then maybe you should tell me about how your show is going to be?" I ask him, giving him something to talk about.

Wilford's head shoots up, "I didn't even think about that!!" He says as he stands up, "I need to gather my outfit, think about the show!! reschedule times and who when comes with what act" He says, walking back and forth in the living room.

I chuckle, happy that I gave him something else to think about. Wilford grabs a note block and a pen, "okay, so I want to keep my outfit like it always was, yellow blouse, grey pants and suspenders, and of course my beautiful top hat" He thinks out loud as he writes it down.

"aanndd..." He says, slightly chewing on the pen as he thinks about everything, "Would she bring back my pretty animals!? My pretty tigers! I would love it if she would bring them back too" He says.

"Yeah! Tigers would be awesome!!" I say, scrolling through instragram, not really listening to him.


I walk with the animal team to the cages. I bring a bucket with meat with me, following everyone to the tigers, monkeys and snakes. "So how are you guys doing this?" I ask.

"It's easy, just hold it here," Alex says, holding the flesh in front of her, "until they're in front of you, and then, give it to them, but you have to say easy, because if they eat too fast, they'll get hiccups" She says.

I look confused at her. Alex bursts out into laughter, "Just kidding, just throw it at them, they're animals from the wild, let them be theirselves when they don't have to perform for the show." She explains.

I chuckle, "okay, cool" I say before starting to throw the meat into the cage, letting the tigers eat it. They move on the the other animals. "Wow you girls must be so hungry from that trip" I say with a slight chuckle, seeing them eat the meat like it's still alive.

Mark's POV

I can see Wilford being really exited about the show. He has been on the edge of his seat for the past few hours, thinking about nothing but his circus.

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