First Day Nerves

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So I'm writing a Malec fanfiction! EEEEKKK! I'm so excited! Obvs this is just gonna be like a who set up chapter! I promise the level of malec will increase further on but stick with it!!! Vote, comment, watevs you wanna do!!!! Enjoy my lovelies.......

It was a particularly bright sunny late summer morning the boy observed from his window as he sat upright in his bed staring through the opaque glass. He rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times adjusting to the sun light streaming in through his window.
"MAGNUS??? Is that YOu???? Are you up????" The boy rolled his eyes, they shone as they rolled in his sockets. They were a golden colour that twinkled like stars as they caught the light.

"I'm up! Mum!" Magnus groaned as he buried his face in his hands.

"First day at your NEw scHOOL!!! EXCITING!!!!!" Magnus was not as enthusiastic as his mother.
He had forgotten that today was his first day at Idris High. He didn't want to move to Brooklyn, he had friends at his old school and all the bullies left him alone, but joining a new school halfway through the year was a entire different ball game!

He lowered his feet to the floor and took a deep breath, before rising and walking toward his wardrobe. On the closets door hung 2 outfits each one pressed and neatly hanging on their hooks.
The first was what you or me may call 'casual wear ' which consisted of black jeans and a blue t-shirt accompanied by black boots. This was an outfit that Magnus loathed wearing, he found it dull and uninteresting.
The second choice of outfit was much more extravagant. This outfit consisted of a purple tail coat with red piping and a red shirt, along with black paisley patterned skinny jeans. Accompanied by shin high bedazzled black boots and multiple choice of jewellery that hung from the hook.

Magnus looked from each outfit.
Pretend to be someone I'm not and prevent judgemental comments, that sounds like a plan.
He began to take down the more boring outfit before rethinking his decision.
No, Magnus come on! Be who you are!!! Your Magnus Bane for god sake! Your not meant to fit in.
He had chosen! He wasn't gonna go to a new school pretending to be someone he wasn't, that's nuts.

He showered quickly and put on his elaborate well put together out fit and smiled as he looked in the mirror. He grabbed his makeup bag off of a nearby cardboard box and started to work his magic.
Magnus' room was littered with boxes full of stuff. They had only moves to Brooklyn a week ago and Magnus wasn't keen on unpacking yet as it didn't feel like home yet.

Once he had completed his masterpiece he spiked up his black hair, which was tinted bright red at the ends, up into all different directions.
He took one last glance in the mirror before smiling at his appearance.
'You can do this! This is who you are, who cares what the other kids at the stupid new school might think!!! YOU ARE MAGNUS BANE AND YOU A FREAKING AWESOME!'
Magnus found giving himself pep talks aloud helped him with his confidence.

"That was a lovely pep talk Maggy!!!" Magnus' mother, a short stout woman stood in his door way.

"You heard that huh?" Magnus said turning to his mum. He was completely open with his mum, there was no one who knew him better.

"Mags, come on you will be fine!!! I know your fabulous! You know your fabulous! No one else's opinion should matter! You look gorgeous when your being yourself so be YOU!" Mrs bane said as she placed her hands on her sons shoulders.

Magnus smiled.
"Thanks mum, what would i do without you?" He said shaking his head and chuckling.

"You would have forgotten this" she said picking up Magnus' mascara off of the movers box and placing it in her sons hand.

********** Alec yet but bare with, next chapter *SPOILER* may contain a particular blue eyed shadowhunter...... Stay tuned to find out!!!

Ooo and if you liked pleeeeaaasseee vote, comment and follow me! Love all my readers!!! Thanks guys!!! Xxxx

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