Dont Overthink it!

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What am I doing? I'm just watching fucking Sebastian beat up some new kid for being different? Alec thought as he observed the assault silently from the corridor to the right of the attack.

The halls were pretty much empty now. A few stragglers walked past Sebastian and his gang and carried on without a second thought. Everyone feared Sebastian Morganstern. He was at least 6ft tall and his large muscular frame made him look unbeatable.

Alec was frozen and standing outside his locker. What was he supposed to do? He couldn't help. Sebastian was captain of the football team and Alec was sure if he challenged his captain he would be kicked off of it.
Instead he opted to just listen to the conversation instead of interfering in it.

Then Alec picked up on something Seb was saying.
"It's what you've done to yourself! Is this what you call expressing yourself huh gay boy?!?!" .
Alec's face turned to disgust. Gay boy??? It wasn't Sebs place to pass judgement on this guy!

Alec was suddenly aware of his legs moving. He was walking, unwillingly toward Seb. What am I doing? Alec thought as he approached them both. Alec's head was no longer in charge of his movements, his heart was. Neither Seb or the new kid noticed him walking straight toward them.
Sebastian's back up winked at Alec as if they were expecting him to join in with them. However, Alec was fully aware that helping them was never going to be on the cards when it came to gay bashing.
The very thought of it sickened him. 

Then he collided with Sebastian, catching him off guard and pushing him to the ground.
Seb was shocked from the hit and took a few seconds to realise what was going on. Sebs back up advanced at Alec who was now holding his knee to Sebastian's chest preventing his escape.

While he had the chance, he looked over at the eccentrically dressed new guy. He was on the floor, eyes rolling back into his head. Alec knew he was about to faint.
Keeping Sebastian pinned to the ground, Alec spoke softly to the new boy, "hey, it's okay, your okay! It's all going to be fine".

Alec couldn't help but be concerned for the guys health and wellbeing as it had been a brutal attack.

The two guys were about to punch Alec while he was worrying over the victim, when they heard a loud voice behind them.

"Alec Lightwood! What do you think your doing?" It was a voice Alec knew all too well and it was at that very moment he realised how his current position painted him in a bad light.

Instead of appearing like the hero he was, he looked like the villain, keeling on top of Sebastian while holding his collar in clenched fists keeping him firmly pressed to the ground.

Upon hearing the teachers voice, Alec immediately released his tight hold on Sebastian, abruptly releasing his hold on Sebs collar and rose awkwardly to his feet, followed by a slightly confused Sebastian.

The teacher was female, tall and sharp looking. Her features were hard and cold as she looked toward Magnus who was lying on the ground.
Alec knew that look, for Mrs Lightwood was not just the head of the English department at Idris High School but also his mother.

It was the dead eyed stare that screamed disappointment! The same look Alec had been given by her ,every day , his entire life.

She looked toward Sebastian and his gang "Principles office now!". They did as they were told. It was a well known fact, don't mess with Mrs Lightwood!

She turned to Alec, who was staring at her apologetically.
"Alexander, get the school nurse and then take yourself to the principles office."
"But..." Alec protested only to be cut short by his mother.
"No! I don't want to hear it. Weather you were the hero or the villain in this story is none of my interest at this moment in time! You can explain yourself over dinner tonight. Now go. And tell the nurse that the new boy Magnus Bane is lying unconscious in the corridor.Go, Alexander" he also did as his mother told him after looking between her and the guy she called Magnus. She was at least a metre away from him, if not more. She did not look tentative or worried for Magnus. In fact Alec was sure he saw a faint twinkle of hatred in her deadpan stare.

With one last glance at the Magnus kid, Alec hurried off down the corridor to the nurses office.

Magnus woke up abruptly in a sickly mint green room, suddenly aware of his unfamiliar surroundings.

"How are you,dear?" It was his mothers  voice, it instantly soothed him.

"Where am I?" Magnus asked his mother.
It was at this point that Magnus became aware that there was someone else in the room.
"School nurses office. You've had a very eventful first morning Mr Bane!" Magnus looked toward the male nurse who approached his bed side.

He was a tall slim man with pale skin and black-grey hair. His eyes a piercing shade of green which were complimented by the blue nursing tunic which he wore proudly.
Magnus could only feel proud for the man that stood before him, especially when there were obviously kids at this school that had prejudice views toward people who are different!  

"I'm Nurse Fell, but you can call me Ragnor. The principal was the one who called your mother at work. "

"And i came straight down! And Mr Fell I would like to see the principle! It isn't right that Magnus should be the subject of abuse at any point at this high school,  let alone the moment he walks in through the front door. I am utterly and totally appalled......"

"Okay mum, calm down! Please. You're so embarrassing! Stop fussing I'm fine!"
"Oh come on Maggy! You fainted and your lips bleeding, of course your not 'fine'!" His mum argued as she took Magnus' hand in her own.

"I want to finish my first day of school! It's stopped bleeding now and I've fainted before! Ive endured worse! Please?" Magnus wanted to get today over with. He wanted to walk to his new classes and feel normal. Forget this morning and act like it never happened.

"May I offer my opinion?" Nurse Ragnor interjected. My mother nodded.
"As a nurse I would advise that you approached the rest of your day with ease, should you wish to stay in school. From my own point of view and experience I would also express that going to class is a good idea. You know, show them tough kids that your not letting them kill your cool! Show them that you don't care what they think! It's the best way of standing up to them!"

Magnus' mother was shocked. She hadn't expected a 'keep calm and carry on' point of view from the nurse. Yet he was a professional and she considered both what he had said as a nurse and from personal experience.

"Okay then." She looked toward Magnus. Who was now sitting on the edge of the single bed bench, his long legs dangling toward the floor.
"You can stay if you really want to! Show them that no one fucks around with Magnus Bane and gets away with it!" Magnus couldn't help but smile at her bluntness. Ragnor on the other hand full on burst out laughing at the expression.
"Just please make sure someone keeps an eye on him." She said to Ragnor, blushing from his reaction to her last statement.

"Of course! I'll make sure his new teachers are informed of this mornings situation. Anyway Magnus.." He moved his eyes to Magnus and smiled kindly
"Morning breaks just finished anyway. I can direct you to your scheduled class if you want.... And I'm always here if you ever want to talk. Don't forget that."
Magnus dropped from the bed to the floor feeling a bit dizzy at first before getting used to standing up properly.
"Thank you nurse Fell but I don't have my schedule."

"I've got it. I printed it off earlier. I had to inform your form tutor of your absence and the reason behind it. And please call me Ragnor " Magnus smiled at the man.

They began to make their way to the door, followed by Magnus' mum.
" Maggy I'm not going back to work today! I'll be at home so I can get to you quickly if I need to."

"Mum you don't have to!" Magnus said sweetly as they left nurse Fells room.

"I want to Mags! Please don't hesitate to call me!" She said as she pulled him into a tight squeeze and whispered into his ear.
"I may not be your biological mother, but it is my duty to protect you! YOU are my son! And YOU are fabulous!" Magnus blushed and smiled into the woman's shoulder as he held her tightly to him.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Will update soon! Sorry it's been so long since I last updated but FINALLY ... sorry! But hope u enjoy! Will hopefully update again soon!!!!

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