After that 'Eventful Morning'

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"Everyone.....this is Magnus Bane! He's new and as I understand it, has had a bit of a..... Eventful morning."
Eventful doesn't even begin to cover it. Magnus thought as he stood in front of 20 pairs of eyes, each pair judging him as he stood at the front of the classroom.
Magnus just stared blankly at the class, unsure of what he was meant to say, or if he were meant to say anything at all.
He smiled widely trying to appeal to the class, however his attempt was unsuccessful. He still felt a bit light headed after the mornings attack yet confident not to let it hinder his first day experience.
"Magnus there are a few spare seats. Are you good at mathematics? Do you enjoy it?" The teacher asked quizzically. She was really kind and acted as if she genuinely cared. She had introduced herself as Mrs Fray. Magnus liked her, she seemed unfazed by his unique style and appearance.
"If I'm being totally honest..... I'm pretty crap at math! I mean I would love to be good at it, it would make life a hell of a lot easier believe me, I just seem to have a better grasp on fashion and practical subjects than stuff like mathematics! Sorry." Magnus had to tell her the truth. He hated math, loathed it in fact.

"Don't apologise Magnus, a lot of people hate math, your not alone. My favourite subject is actually art but there isn't an art teaching job available currently... So here we are!" We were still at the front of the class but now having a private conversation while the rest of the students were in uproar throwing paper and shouting to each other.
"And in my opinion, you have a more of grasp on fashion then you seem to realise! I wish I had your style, mind you if I were to start taking inspiration from your fashion sense I fear my daughter may never want to be seen with me again!" Magnus laughed at Mrs Fray's declaration. Magnus really liked her. So far Magnus had met 2 members of staff that he liked but no students.

Suddenly a paper airplane hit Mrs Fray in the head. Suddenly causing her to become mor focused on the chaotic class.
"THANK YOU EVERYONE!!! Quite down now" the class slowed into silence. "Thank you! So Magnus your not confident when it comes to maths" Magnus nodded slightly. "Okay then,well," Mrs Fray studied the class before her "I know, you can sit next to Alec. He should be able to help you, he is also a really nice guy. " she walked Magnus over to a desk at the back of the room and gestured to a chair. Magnus obliged and sat on the plastic chair, loosening his bag to the floor.

The boy next to him raised his head from his book and looked at Magnus.
Magnus was instantly hooked on him. His soft pore less skin and sugar plum lips provided the best canvas for his twinkling sapphire blue eyes that engulfed Magnus's attention immediately. His eyes were beautifully complimented and contrasted by his jet black long mop like head of hair. Magnus was intrigued and was therefore unable to look away.
Magnus checked himself, realising how his stares may have been considered rude by Alec and instantly felt compelled to make conversation.
"I guess you're Alec?..." Magnus managed to say .
Alec just nodded in response.
"Alec? Short for anything by any chance?" Magnus was surprised by his own confidence in his speech.

"Alexander." Alec stated quite plainly as he held Magnus' gaze.
Recognition flashed through Magnus' brain as Alec spoke.

"Do I already know you?" Alec began to panic as he shook his head vigorously. "I could have sworn I've heard your voice before...." Magnus was persistent but Alec was defiant.
"Not to worry. I'm probably wrong anyways. So.... Alexander, are you good at math?"
Alec was about to protest the use of his full name when Mrs Fray spoke loudly and began the lesson.

Alec spent the entire lesson constantly aware of Magnus' presence. Magnus had asked him a few questions but he had not actually answered him as he feared Magnus would recognise that he was His protecter this morning that stopped him from getting his face smashed in.

Alec did ,however, manage to watch Magnus and observe him without going undetected as he stole a few glances throughout the lesson.
Alec learnt that Magnus constantly pressed his fingernails into the fingertips of his other fingers when he was thinking. Alec learnt that he also bit his lip when he was figuring out the answer to a long question.
He also learnt that Magnus was extremely good looking.
He had golden eyes that were positively captivating to behold. Each one of his eyes smudged with a thin line of ebony eyeshadow. His skin was a glorious caramel shade that shimmered in the natural window light as he moved.
Alec was abruptly pulled from his trance when the bell for lunch rang throughout the school. Stop, Alec! Stop thinking like that.
He turned his head, but it was too late, Magnus had caught him staring at him and instantly felt as if Alec was judging him.
As Alec rose from his seat to leave, he grabbed his book off of the desk before being stopped by the voice of Magnus.

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