Witholding the Whole Truth

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'You're early dude!' Alec said as he approached Jace. Oh Jace... if only he knew how Alec had always felt about him. If only he could see how in love with him he was and always had been. To Jace, Alec was a brother... and they were close... but they still weren't as close as Alec wanted them to be.

'Where have you been?' Jace was confused by Alec's emergence from anywhere except within the house.

'i was out for a run' Alec claimed. He wasn't lying or anything- he had gone out for a run and a detour to the new guys house for some breakfast as a reward for saving his cat, Chairman Me-ow. That sounded a little odd... therefore, Alec chose to keep it simple and say he was out running.

'Wait! You mean I've been launching pebbles at your bedroom window for the last 10 minutes and you weren't even in the house?' Jace looked slightly offended. What was Alec meant to say- Jace HAD been launching pebbles at the window of a vacant bedroom. Alec chose to respond with a simple shrug of his shoulders and a half smile.

At that moment, the front door exploded open. Izzy called out to them, 'Get inside you two! Its autumn now.... well almost! c'mon!' she beckoned them in with her arm and disappeared inside. The two boys followed the younger, yet more authoritative , woman inside. Izzy was not the kind of person you disobeyed. she was a complete bad-ass!!!

When Alec got inside, he smelt... breakfast. His stomach groaned. He had already eaten breakfast at Magnus' house. Why was anyone cooking breakfast? normally his first meal of the day was cereal or nothing. Then Alec saw what was happening- max was baking cookies- not breakfast.

'hey little man!' Alec said as he approached Max in the kitchen, 'what ya doing?' Max opened his mouth to speak but Mrs Lightwood cut him off-

'He forgot to do his homework... some creative maths homework- to make maths fun... apparently. So hes baking them now! I'm off to the school! ill see you all there for class.' then she grabbed an apple, picked up her bag and car keys and was out the door like a shot.

'Morning mum...' Alec mumbled under his breath.

'So big bro, where have you been all morning?' Izzy whispered into Alec's back. Their height difference was rather funny, but Alec still heard her.

Alec observed the situation he was in. he was desperate to tell someone about his morning at Magnus manor and he couldn't tell Jace or his mother for obvious reasons. Therefore, it had to be Izzy. He had told Izzy that he had been the one to save Magnus, so she already knew more than anyone else- even Magnus for that matter.

'Actually Izzy... i need to talk to you' Alec was stumbling over his sentence due to its sheer spontaneity, 'you know..' Izzy and Jace both stared blankly at Alec, 'alone... upstairs.' He continued, hoping Jace would get the hint.

'Yes of course! Jace would you watch Max- He cannot be left in the kitchen on his own... you know- sharp objects and all.' Izzy stated, before grabbing Alec's hand and flying up the stairs with him in tow.

Out of sheer instinct, Izzy headed straight for her bedroom and slammed the door shut behind them. Her room was a lavish one of dark reds and golds- beautiful and extravagant. Alec sat on the huge bed beside his sister.
'Spill!' She demanded staring at him eagerly.

'There was a cat stuck up a tree and I didn't know what to do so I saved it and took it to its owner, but then the owner was that new kid- Magnus bane and then he invited me in and I had breakfast and met his mum and we may have... ummm" Alec trailed off. How would he explain the almost kiss to Izzy! She wouldn't understand the difficulty Alec has with feeling- the constant internal struggle everyday.

'Well?... what else?" Izzy persisted!
Alec sighed heavily. Closed his eyes as if he was staring desperately to find the strength to tell Izzy everything.
He couldn't find that strength.
'That's it....'  Alec breathed out as he opened his eyes to see his sisters face. Her expression was different than to what he imagined it would be. She just looked- underwhelmed.
'Right.... well at least you've eaten I suppose.... was he nice?' Izzy didn't sound enthusiastic, just calm.
'Yeah. His house was....' Alec was looking for the right word. Magnus' house was not like there's, and Alec was grateful for that. He likes Magnus' house ' it was cozy and so was his mum.' Alec said thoughtfully.

'Great!' Izzy said before looking down at her lap. She then pushed herself from the bed 'we better get going- we need to drop max off too!' She stood up heading toward the door. Then she seemed to pause for a moment. Her shoulders dropped and she turned her head to look at Alec from across the room. 'You know Alec, you don't always have to be the strong one right? Yes, you're my big brother but I'm always here for you. Please don't ever feel like you can't talk to me... about anything.' Alec was taken aback by the sheer maturity of her tone. She had sounded so much older, yet she didn't sound cold like their mother. She sounded like Izzy- sure of herself, honest and strong- three things that Alec was certain he would never be.

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