Didn't even Recognize Himself

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Magnus had been excited to see Alec again. He had been looking forward to finding him at lunch and returning his phone. He thought Alec would be great-full.

He was wrong.

Alec stared up at Magnus with a blank expression. Magnus found it hard to read he was neither thankful nor displeased he was just... vacant.

"Take the phone then mate." Jace said as he leant slightly against Clays shoulder when he turned his torso to see Magnus holding the phone toward Alec.
The awkward silence felt as if it lasted for hours when in reality it had lasted no longer than 10 seconds.
When Alec made no signs of thanking Magnus by politely taking back his own phone Izzy interjexted, reaching for the phone and smiling as she took it from him.
"Please excuse my dear brother as he seems to stare at you vacantly. And on behalf of Alec, thanks" she smiled.
Magnus released a breath he didn't realise se he had been holding. So siblings, he had been right the first tine around.
Magnus observed Izzy's beauty. Her fine neck that held her intelligent mind supported by defined strong sloping shoulders. She had a great style sense also, mainly all black, dresses made of clean lines and silver jewellery. Her bright smile was so infectious that Magnus returned the expression before Turing in his heels to leave the group to get on with their lunch break from n peace.

As he began to walk away Izzy Called after him. "you can sit with us... if you want" Magnus turned. He was glad until he saw Alec. He had remained mmute since his arrival and he could sense his dislike of Magnus' presence.
"No. Don't worry. I already know where to sit. Im gonna sit with some girls I met earlier they seem nice" he lied "thanks though" he smiled at Izzy and the rest of the tables occupants as he continued to walk backwards. He glanced at Alec who had finally looked up and actually made eye contact with Magnus.
Magnus blinked and turned around wanting anything but awkward eye contact with Alexander!
He had no one to sit with. There were no other people he had met beside Alec and 2 nice teachers and a complete jack ass who had beat him to a pulp.
English, a subject that Magnus had always enjoyed was awful. The worst part was the teacher. She was judgmental and rude to Magnus. Her beady eyes squinted at him as if he were some new creature she had never come across before. Her glare was intense, she sat him at the back of the class next to the other misfits in the class.

Luckily he recognised one of them as the ginger girl who had sat on Alec's table at lunch and therefore felt comfortable with making conversation.
Her name was Clary Fray, she was the daughter of Mrs. Fray and hated English. Like her mother she was a fan of art and design farther than literature.
Magnus was happy making conversation and helping her with some of the questions. She was nice.

They had left class together talking mindlessly about each others lives. Magnus had learnt a lot about Clary, she had a crush on Jace, whom Magnus had worked out to be the blond hunk she had been sitting next to at lunch, she hated school and couldn't wait to Pursue her career in the art world. She was also best friends with Simon and Izzy, the other two sitting at that lunch time picnic table, but Alec inquired about her thoughts on Alec she didn't have much to say.
'I don't think he likes me' she had said "he doesn't really like anyone, well beside Izzy and Jace!"
There had been no more conversation regarding Alec as Magnus realised that Alec was not the kind of person who liked many people.
Why bother? He asked himself. By the sounds of it he's probably not interested.

Magnus had offered Clary a lift back to her house. It was something he wouldn't normally do when first meeting a person but she had been kind. However she had said no. She was waiting for her mum to finish up in her class and she would catch a ride with her.
Magnus had said good bye and was heading into the pretty empty parking lot.
Him and Clary had lost track of time traipsing up and down the corridors laughing and talking while he got an official tour of the building. The majority of students had gone home. I more than 10 cars and a couple of motor cycles remained.
He reached his car happy and contented with the single friendship he had made when a single voice shattered his joy into a million pieces.

"The names Seb! You might remember me from our little... encounter this morning . I saw you with Clary. Stay away from my sister!" Magnus turned around to see his attacker from this morning.
Of course... Magnus chuckled to himself, of course you befriended the nicest girl ever yet she happens to be the sister of an ass hole! Wait a go Magnus.

"She doesn't need to be hanging around with the likes of you. She's got friends. Stay away from her and there won't be any trouble." The boy stepped slowly forward. It was a warning.

Magnus responded with a single nod off his head before once again returning his hand to the handle of the car door.
" and try to blend in, or else you and me are still gonna have some serious problems. I can share a school with people like you but not when you wear it so proudly on you sleeve like a fashion statement." He came even closer "And a member of my team may have come to your rescue today, but believe me when I say they won't be saving your sorry ass twice."

Magnus nodded and quickly got in his Fiat. Putting the clutch in and accelerating he almost reversed into Seb who continues nude to stare at Magnus' car as if he were controlling it with the force.

He hadn't stood up for himself. Hadn't put the bully in his place. He had been powerless. He felt stupid. He was defeated.
Magnus didn't even recognise himself.

Alec didn't even recognise himself.
He had been a complete asshat to the new guy.
He regretted not being friendlier in mathematics.
Sure he had stopped Seb attacking him but it's not like Magnus knew it was him. He didn't even thank him when he brought his phone over. Just stared at nothing. He was sure Magnus thought he didn't like him and that's why he didn't sit with them for lunch. Alec blamed himself.

The principal had sentenced him to two weeks of after school detention so he remained in school. As if to rub in how Alec felt about Magnus the windows he sat near during detention gave him the perfect view of Magnus being confronted once again by Sebastian. He watched them closely, looking for any signs of a possible fight. But nothing happened. Magnus eventually got in his car and drove away.
Smart move. Alec thought. With Magnus' driving skills as Alec had witnessed this morning he had a much higher chance of running Seb down by accident then Beating him in a fist fight.


Detention was Over and he could finally leave. He reached into his bag and withdrew his mobile. The screen read:

4 messages
Izzy 3:40
Hey Alec I hope your okay? I think it ducks that you were given detention for being a superhero! Anyways mum seems to be in a strange mood... watch out!
Ps mums taking me home.
Jace 3:57
Hey dude, mum gave us all a lift him on account of you getting your first ever detention (welcome to the dark side)! I would t bother coming home she seems REALLY angry.
C u later.
Sebastian 4:03
We need to talk!
Mum 4:48
Be him for in time for dinner. We need to have a serious chat.
Alec was instantly dreading this 'chat' but not nearly as much as he was dreading his 'talk' with Sebastian!


Hey guys i hope you enjoyed this chapter! Its also been uploaded to Archive of Our Own if you would rather check it out on there. 

Please leave me any and all comments as well as votes. I will try and update with the next chapter ASAP! 

Thanks Angels.

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