Ice cream?

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School was average. He hadn't seen Magnus. He hadn't had any classes with him.
Alec was driving to pick Max up from school alone today.  His mother was staying in at school to lesson plan, Jace was at football (covering for him- he had gotten some more evil looks from Seb today and Alec didn't want any more trouble) and his sister was taking karate classes up the road from school.

Alec was alone with his thoughts. He liked being alone. Alone he didn't have to be defined by others and their stereotypes and expectations. Alone he was safe. He had the windows rolled right down, with his hair ruffling and his elbow slung out the window.
His radio was blaring out Alec's favourites, on a mixtape like CD- entirely of Alec's own creation, and he was humming along subconsciously. This was Alec: carefree when no one is looking, relaxed when there's nothing around him, and comfortable when no ones watching.
Alec pulled up outside Max's school and hit his car horn rapidly to catch Max's attention, who was sat on the school front steps waiting.
Little Max opened the passenger door and pulled himself up, into the car.
He slumped in the chair and folded his arms.
'You're late' max sighed, 'I was sat on my own'
'Sorry man' Alec said 'ice cream?'
Max unfolded his arms slowly and looked up at his brother from beneath his mop of hair, his eyes full of hope. 'Really?'
'Why not?' Alec retorted:
'Heck yeah!' Max exclaimed.
That made Alec smile. Somehow his little brother always did.
'The diner up main?' Alec asked Max.
'That's my favourite! Of course!' Max was so happy. It amused Alec how the thought of food could change Max's emotions so quickly.

It was Magnus' first shift at his new job. He had gotten it pretty easily. He used to work in a Diner before they moved so his experience was satisfactory. The hours, however, sucked.
He'd left school at the beginning of lunch, not returning, so that he could work his shift. The girls that worked there though seemed to love him and despite being the only male worker, he felt like he belonged.
Thirty minutes before the end of his first shift and he heard one of his co-workers drag on and on about a customer that had just walked in.
She said he made her 'thirsty' and the use of that word immediately caused Magnus to cringe inside.
As he past the co-worker he smiled and said 'drooling over the customers is not what we are here to do, Hun. So I'll take those to the table that you've been making googley eyes at.' He took the menus from her outstretched hand and walked to table 7.
Then he saw it. The reason the girl wouldn't shut up about the customer.
Magnus knew first hand of the mans beauty and immediately wanted to throw up.
Magnus had a slight pick up in heart rate as his hand traveled up to his hair to check that it was still suitably spiked and pulled his shirt sleeves down to appear a little smarter. How he wished he had kept a pocket mirror on him while working!

Naturally,Max looked up when the waitress arrived, however Alec quickly learnt that the waitress was indeed a waiter. A waiter and a familiar face.
'Alexander' Magnus smiled as he locked eyes with a stunned into silence Alec. 'Hello. I'm Magnus, I know him' Alec saw Magnus point to him but remained silent.
'Hi! I'm max! Alec is my big brother. And you can't be his friend!' Max proclaimed.
'Why not?' Magnus seemed inquisitive, while Alec was beginning to regret the idea of coming out for ice cream.
'Because if you were really his friend you would know he hates Alexander and prefers Alec.' Max said, setting down the law.
'I know. But I like Alexander!' Alec seemed to wake from his silent, absent state and for the first time saw that Magnus had bent down to the table in a crouch to talk to Max on an equal level. There as something about that that Alec couldn't help but find endearing.
'Good choice!' Magnus said as he stood back up scribbling into his little notepad, before looking at Alec.
'And for you Alexander?' He questioned.
'Just a coffee for me please.' Alec manage to smile, but he felt a little uneasy.
'He'll have one of what I'm having too! He loves chocolate!' Max said and Magnus laughed.
'Wait no just coffee please Mag...' Alec argued before being cut off by Max.
'No! We will have two 'Chocardy Melt Downs' please!' Max said concentrating his eye on Magnus.
Alec opened his mouth to argue but Magnus beamed his way 'I think the decision had been made for you.' 'Magnus chuckled as he took their menus and walked away to the bar.

Alec looked after him. He had tried with all his will power not to- but he had watched him walk. But the frightening thing? Alec had enjoyed it.
He was dreading the rest of this ice cream trip!

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