The Evening That Followed

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So here is another chapter my lovelies! I am so thankful for all your patience as it has once again taken me ages to write this new installment of 'Needing You'. I really hope you enjoy it!


Alec drove.

He had no destination in mind, he just continued to drive mindlessly around the area keeping as far from his neighborhood as humanly possible. 

As he passed each house he caught himself looking up each driveway and instantly knew that he was looking for a certain somebody's Fiat. When he realized what he was doing he abruptly stopped and sighed heavily. What was he thinking, he thought. It wasn't like if he found Magnus' home that he would actually go and knock on the door. Magnus would probably think that he was some strange stalker that had followed him home.

He was late. He was going to be late for dinner. He had given up caring and continued to drive up and down each street in a daze. He wished he could have changed how the day had gone but he knew very well that that would not be a possibility. He listened as his phone rang repeatedly in the car seat beside him. He didn't need to check the caller ID. It would be his mother wanting to know where he was and what he was playing at not coming home. He considered giving up and pulling over to sleep in his car on the side of the road to avoid his family completely. The idea was shattered when her became aware that tomorrow he had English first lesson and he couldn't face his mother, in front of his entire class and a couple of the team.

Going home would be the best option.

He turned down the road and headed straight toward his neighborhood.

Alec lived in a small gated community where Each house was different but beautifully designed and painted clean white. Everyone knew everyone in this community and he supposed that was one of the reasons why his parents always seemed to care so much about the opinion of others.
Alec pulled onto the driveway carelessly, parking half on the driveway and half on the sidewalk, partially blocking the pedestrians pathway. He didn't correct his parking. He didn't care, he had accepted his fate. He was a disappointment to his parents once again and would never match up to his adopted perfect, handsome adopted brother Jace.

As Alec turned the key in the door lock he observed how ridiculous it was to refer to his home as a house it was more of a manor considering its size and large looming presence. He pushed the door open wide and stepped in, only to be met with the furious face of his parents Robert and Maryse. They were both still dressed in their work clothes. Maryse in an outfit more suited for a business woman than an English teacher and Robert in his dull grey suit and tie. Alec instantly felt as if he were entering his own house to be interviewed for a job role. Robert and Maryse were all straight lines and stiff upper lipped. Their personality's were echoed throughout the Lightwood residence, in the setup of each room. His parent didn't like clutter and they hated  cheap naff colors around a house. Therefore the result of this hatred was an open plan home with bright white walls, empty of any sentimental photographs, or family heirlooms. replaced and accessorized  with black cabinets and tables. Each room the same as the next as if it had been cut from an ideal home magazine.

Alec reflected on the similarities between his parent and his siblings. Jace and Izzy were neat and tidy, not ever a hair out of place. Their clothing tight fitted and figure hugging yet smart casual as if they were trying... but not so hard that they made looking beautiful look easy. It was then that Alec realized just how much of the black sheep in the family he was, with his worn black jeans and over sized dark jumper's, each one with their own abundance of holes and loose threads. He was not well put together. He was not all straight lines. And for the first time he didn't care.

Needing You - Malec AUWhere stories live. Discover now