Chance Encounters Lead to Awkward Breakfasts!

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Breakfast had been good. Alec pretended as if the situation in Magnus' room had never even happened. Perhaps the only difference in him was the added awkwardness which Magnus seemed could not get worse... after the "almost kiss" he had been proven wrong.
Alec didn't look once at Magnus for the entire breakfast. He had made eye contact and light conversation with Ms Bane but nothing more and not even a glance in Magnus' direction.
"That was great Ms Bane! Thank you for the breakfast" Alec said as he began to rise from the table, "but I better be going! I've got to get home to get to school on time"
Magnus cringed internally. He knew what his mother was about to say, what she was about to offer.
"Don't be silly Alec. Magnus will give you a ride in!" She had begun to collect up the plates and was walking t the sink to wash them up.
Magnus saw the shadow of horror settle across Alec's face. "No mum. Alec hasn't even got his stuff for school with him!" It was a good excuse.
"Alright then. The least you can do is give him a lift home before school so he can get his things together!" Crap! Magnus thought. It wasn't a good enough excuse!
"No really Ms Bane, I'm happy walki....." Alec began before Ms Bane cut him short.
"You saved our cats life Alec! The least Maggie can do for you is give you a ride."at this point she turned her head and glared at Magnus "and he will give you a ride because it's common courtesy!" She put a lot of emphasis on 'common courtesy' and while Magnus would usually have no problem with offering a ride, after the whole bedroom situation he didn't feel comfortable doing so.
"If Alec doesn't wan...." Magnus began.
"Enough! He saved Chairman's life. Alec, Magnus will give you a ride!" And with that Ms Bane turned the radio on and up quite loud too, which of course, signalled 'end of conversation'. '

Magnus sat awkwardly at the wheel. Alec sat in the passengers seat and remained silent.
"Hey man... I don't know... errr... where you live so like..."
"Oh yeah course ummm I live at 3 Brookland place" Magnus' face went blank. He was of course still new to the area. "It's in a gated community" Alec continued, hoping to reach into Magnus' memories.
At a loss Magnus suggested a new approach "how about you direct me while driving?"
"Yeah, sounds good to me!"

Magnus couldn't help but admit to himself that he was a little saddened by Alec's news. A gated community. That, to Magnus, meant one thing- rich. He had nothing against rich people, of course not, but he couldn't help feeling inferior as he thought about his small two bedroom semi detached house that he now lived in. He couldn't help but wonder what Alec must have thought of it when he had come over for breakfast and compared Magnus lifestyle to his own.

'Left here' Alec said, pulling Magnus from his thoughts and back into the land of the living. Magnus took a sharp left off the main road. 'That's the gate' Alec said pointing toward the white gate sealing off the road up ahead.

Magnus drove right up to the gate and wasn't quite sure what he was supposed to do from there onward.
Alec seemed to just stare at Magnus before he realised that Magnus probably didn't know what to do.
'Oh right just press the button on the small box thing' Alec said. Magnus wound the window down and pressed the button. It buzzed three times before a girl answered. 'Hey?'
'Izzy?' Alec said, hoping desperately that it wasn't his mum.
'Big bro? Where the heck you been?' Izzy said. Alec was about to speak when she said 'wait! I'll buzz you in' the line died and the box beeped loudly. Magnus was in awe as he watched the large gates begin to open automatically.
Magnus muttered under his breath 'well Maggie, we're not in Kansas any more'.
Alec who suddenly realised he had leant in too close realised that he could feel Magnus' breath on his neck. He couldn't help but laugh when he heard the Wizard of Oz reference. He turned his had slightly to see Magnus smiling at him.
'Your quite funny. You know that?' Alec said before pushing himself back into the passenger seat.
Magnus shook his head and slowly rolled his little Fiat through the gates. Magnus snuck a quick glance at Alec- he looked to big for the car- all awkward folded arms and knees bent up to his chest. 'Which one?' Magnus enquirer. 'Just a left here down this and oh crap...'.
Jace was outside. Throwing small stones at Alec's bedroom window. Magnus wondered how long he had been doing it.
Magnus slowed up when he heard Alec say crap. He thought he may have it a rabbit in the road or something.
It wasn't an unlikely scenario. Magnus was so astonished by the sheer size of the houses that he hadn't really been looking at the road. All white boxes upon white boxed. Beautiful mirrored windows that were all the size of doors. Each patio trimmed with neatly cut grass and perfect little flower beds. It was like he was 10 again and playing 'Sims' on his console but this was real!
'I didn't think he would be here' Alec mumbled to himself. Magnus saw the only sole in sight. He remembered seeing him around school all blond hair and brooding features. Pretty.... but not really Magnus' ideal type.
'Magnus please stop the car here.' Alec said
'Alexander? What's wrong?'
'Please don't call me that. It's Alec!'
'You didn't seem to mind before'
'Well now I do. I'm sorry. I just. I need to get out here' Alec said. They hadn't quite yet reached the house.
Magnus pulled over. He had enjoyed the morning, despite the little moments of awkwardness and he dint want to upset Alec.
He pulled over to the curb and Alec got out immediately.
'Thank You Magnus... and I'm sorry' Alec said before running round the little slight corner and up to the Jace outside what Magnus imagined was his house.
Magnus, not wanting to intrude reversed back and turned around before waiting at the gate again for it to open so he could get out of what seemed to be the biggest gated community he had ever seen which to Magnus was now getting quite claustrophobic. He drove out of the gates and back home before grabbing his bag and heading to school.
Hello Angels
So I'm finally back! It's taken me a while but here I am.... sorry! How is everyone?
I'm at Uni now and felt like getting back into my most popular Wattpad fanfic! Hope you like this chapter... not massively long but more to follow soon! I promise! Keep reading and voting if you like it!!!! All my love xxxxx

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