An Average Lightwood Morning

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Alec always woke early every day to go to the gym before school. He worked out on a regular basis, constantly pushing his own level of fitness to its maximum. Since a young age his parents had pushed him to be the best, yet somehow he always felt inferior.

He was now driving his car back to the Lightwood household after an intense gym session with his best friend and adopted brother Jace.
Jace was a handsome muscular blond boy and the reason for Alec's lack of confidence in his own abilities. Jace was always better. Always first in Alec's parents minds. Alec didn't blame Jace for being better, he was just good at everything he set his mind to.
It was his parents constant measuring up of the 2 boys that made Alec feel unworthy.
Jace is in the football team, why aren't you Alec? His mum would comment. It affected him so much that Alec was now on the team.

"So you know that clary girl....." Jace began as the car pulled up outside the Lightwood residence.

"The ginger who's in our bio chem?" Alec enquired quickly as he searched for the direction that their conversation was going in.

"Yeah well, I asked her out on a date this Friday and she said yes!" He stated proudly as he hung his arm out of the window.
It wasn't hot but Alec liked driving with all the windows open.

"Oh...." Alec sounded  disappointed by his best friends news.

"You could sound happier for me mate! You know I've been trying to woo her for weeks!" Jace looked at Alec expectantly.

"Yeah it's just....." Alec was turning bright red as he struggled to find his words as he slowly lost himself in Jace's eyes.

All Alec could think was thank god it was at that extremely akward moment that his sister Isabelle opened the back car door and climbed in along with a smaller boy who looked about nine years old.

"Hey boys." She said smoothly as she slid into the car.

Isabelle was the middle Lightwood child and the only female, it was due to these two facts that she felt the need to express herself as the more wild of all the Lightwoods. On this particular Monday morning Izzy had chosen a black stomach exposing camisole and figure hugging jeans accompanied by her knee high platform boots. Hardly an outfit fit for school, but it suited Izzy, she had the right slender figure for it.

"What were you 2 chatting about?" She enquired as she buckled the little boy next to her into his seat.

"Clary" Jace said in a monotone voice.

" JACE HAS A GIRLFRIEND!" The younger Lightwood teased in the back seat.
Max Lightwood was the youngest in the family and in Alec's parents eyes the most academic. He was clever for a kid of nine years and often used his cleverness against his less academically gifted siblings.
Alec pulled away from the curb and set out for Idris High, the route to which he knew like the back of his hand.

Alec was not impressed by the topic of conversation for the journey to school. It consisted of Izzy giving Jace relationship advise about Clary.

After he dropped max off at his school
Alec just sat in silence as he listened to his best mate go on and on about a girl he didn't really know anything about.
She could be his bloody sister for gods sake! Alec thought as he swerved into the school parking lot, as he almost hit a black Fiet 500 with his huge 4 by 4. The owner of the Fiet was raging, constantly pressing their horn in anger and disgust at Alec's bad  driving.

"Who was that in the black Fiet? "  Alec said as he eventually passed the tiny black car and pulled into the nearest available parking space.

"I didn't see..." Izzy  said from the back seat before resuming her conversation with Jace.

After they got out of the car they began to walk up to the front entrance to Idris High.
As they approached initially Alec thought Everyone was looking at him and his siblings approaching school however whe they all stopped and looked from where that had traveled only to see what all the hushed whispers were about.

A boy about Alec's age approached the front entrance. His hair was manically spiked in every direction and covered in glitter. His outfit was very out there and in your face. Completed with a dark purple tale coat, red ruffled shirt and patterned skinny jeans.

"I'm fangirling over this dude right now."Izzy whispered into Alec's ear as the boy walked through the crowd of staring teens, the majority of which were laughing at him and his eccentric attire. "His boots! His hair! His sass." She carried on into Alec's ear.

Alec was more confused than impressed. He admired the boys confidence yet somehow when he looked at the boy he felt nervous as if the boy was the embodiment of one of Alec's  fears walking toward him and then passing by without a second glance.

Who is he? Alec thought as he watched the boy enter the building. Alec was determined to find out and he didn't even know why he was so determined...... Why???


That was a VERY LONG chapter!

So this chapter saw the first moment Alec set eyes on Magnus Bane..... Thoughts??? Will update again soon! Thanks for reading!

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