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So I haven't updated in like... forever! Sorry! But here is the next chapter! Hope you like it!!!!

Before Alec knew it, he was sat at a small table in the cozy kitchen, Magnus' mum walking around the kitchen preparing various food. She had pans on the boil and the microwave pinging.
She was so unlike his own mother. His mother followed recipes and walked around her kitchen. Ms Bane had said she detested following recipes because it blocked her creative capacity and unlike Mrs. Lightwood, Ms Bane flew around the kitchen as if every movement had been choreographed! She looked brilliantly elegant, dispite her stoutness.
She could talk for America too. She asked Alec so many questions he began to feel dizzy. Magnus had briefly disappeared to iron his shirt before getting dressed, leaving Alec all alone with Ms Bane.
She wanted to know it all. What was his favourite class? What does he want to do after he graduates? Where he sees himself in 15 years?
Alec didn't mind responding. In fact he was thankful she was talkative as she kept conversation going, leaving no gap for any awkward silence. For that he was thankful.
However the constant questions had him on edge as he stood watching her whip around the kitchen. He was just wondering where Magnus was when he heard a introductory cough from the hall way behind him.
Magnus was standing in his dressing gown with his freshly ironed shirt delicately held in his hand.
" Run Alec! She will get you to reveal ALL your secrets if your not careful." Magnus commented sarcastically.
"Haha right..." Alec felt awkward as Magnus leant against the kitchen doorframe.
"Come on then, superman, you can tell me all about how you rescued my cat and saved one of its nine lives." And with that Magnus turned and began to walk up the stairs.
Alec didn't move an inch .
He panicked. He felt stupid for panicking. What did he think Magnus was going to do? He wanted to avoid the staircase.
" but your mum has been cookin...." Alec said hoping the excuse would be strong enough.
"Oh no! Don't worry about all this love. It will be at least another 20 minutes before this lots all done. You two go have fun for a bit."

Alec now had no choice. The staircase was now inevitable. He nodded quickly to Ms Bane, shining a small smile in her direction before leaving and following Magnus upstairs.
"But not too much fun!" Ms Bane called up the stairs.
Magnus cringed. He normally wouldn't mind a remark like that but his mum might have touched a homophobic cord within Alec and pissed him off. He scowled as he lead Alec along the upstairs corridor. He would be having serious words with his mother later!

Magnus panicked momentarily. His bedroom was still littered with boxes from the move. Hat would Alec say?
Magnus opened the door and immediately apologised for the mess.
"It's cool" Alec said quietly as he stood in the room awkwardly. Magnus sat on the bed and looked up at him.
"Sit down if you like Alexander. Promise I won't bite."
Alec walked over to the bed and perched on the edge of the mattress. He felt awkward still. He didn't want to feel that way but he just couldn't help it.
Magnus shunted off the dressing gown and quickly pulled on his shirt. However, the speed with which he had gone from gown to the shirt did not stop Alec glancing at the boy in his peripheral vision.
Alec saw Magnus. He saw the ripples of his torso and the veins that ran along his biceps. He was strong and fit looking, as if he could give anyone a good run for there money in a fight. However, Magnus hadn't fought back the other day. He had just taken the hits and now Alec saw the reminders of the incident stamped on Magnus' body. Purple bruises disrupting the caramel plains of his chest, small scabs on his toned biceps. It seemed wrong, Alec thought, for such a strong looking guy to look so weak.

Then Alec asked. It was like he couldn't help himself. He wanted to understand Magnus and he knew he wasn't going to do it while he sat uncomfortably on his bed for 20 minutes staring into space.
"Why did you let Seb push you around on your first day?" Alec asked.
Magnus was half way through doing up his shit buttons. He didn't look at Alec. He continued with the buttons. Silence. A pause for suspense, Alec thought.
Then, Magnus sighed. "I don't like violence".
It was not the response Alec had been expecting, although he wasn't quite sure what response he was gunning for.
"But wasn't it self defence???" Alec asked.
Magnus looked back at Alec. He seemed curious, his brow furrowed with confusion.
" I suppose it would have come under that category yes, but I can't. I don't like it when it's unwarranted"
"His bullying and attack on you was worthy of worse than what he got believe me!" Alec said. Magnus turned his full body around now, his legs folded up on the bed beneath him as he looked at Alec with a new found curiosity.
"And how would you know, Alexander?"
"I...I've...heard rumours. If theres anything you should know it's stuff like that spreads fast at school. Everyone loves gossip. Well, unless your me of course." Alec said to no one in particular, shying away form catching Magnus' eye by looking at his knees.
"And who is this me? This Alec? If he doesn't love gossip, what does he love? What does he want?" Magnus had really driven these questions and they were not meant to go unanswered. Alec was considering them each as carefully as the other, analysing than all diligently while Magnus continued to look at him.
Alec finally answered "Alec is shy. He doesn't like to be looked at, he likes blending in. He hates gossip, believes it fuels unnecessary fires. He just wants to get through the year, working hard for what he can." Alec took a momentary pause. He pulled all his courage form the depths of his soul before he decided to look up into the eyes of Magnus Bane.
"And as for love, well, I've never loved. I wouldn't know."
Magnus found that sad. He had loved many things in his life: winter sunsets, spiced lattes, tv shows ext. he'd loved it all. Alec looked back down again embarrassed. He felt he may have said too much. It had all been so personal. He wasn't sure what to do next.
Magnus was at a loss. Alec seemed vulnerable, which was strange as he looked a lot more intimidating than he did. Alec had retreated. But Magnus had been enjoying their conversation and he didn't want it to stop. He didn't want Alec to feel as if he was alone. He did what he thought was best.
He slowly moved his hand and placed it on top of Alec's hand which currently rested between them on the bed sheets. Alec was surprised by the human contact at first. He looked at their hands and imagined the life they could have together, the perfect white picket fence life. Alec mustered as much courage as he could to look up into the face he knew would be looking closely back at his. He rose his head. Their eyes locked with each other's . It was as if they were having an intense staring competition.
Alec surprised himself when he began to slowly close the distance between his face and
Magnus' . He was aware of what he was going for but it didn't feel like him. He wasn't in control . The heart was ruling his head and he didn't like it.
Magnus wasn't moving. Alec was getting closer, his eyes intense and deep. If Magnus didn't know much better he would have described this look as confirmation of his desire.

They were mere millimetres away from each other. The atmosphere intensified.
"Breakfast boys!!!!!!" Ms Bane/ Magnus' mum shouted up the staircase.
At that moment it was as if Alec snapped out of a trance, quickly withdrawing and creating an immediate case of space between them, before he stood up.
" you seem keen! Hungry?" Magnus asked him.
Alec just nodded. He was mute once again.
Magnus gestured for Alec to lead the way to the kitchen. And while he did so, Magnus couldn't keep himself from blaming by his mother for her untimely breakfast call.
He briefly imagined what may have happened if she had not called for them.
It didn't bare thinking about.
He was certain they wouldn't just be sitting there.
He left his thoughts behind as he traveled down the stairs, following the delightful scent of cooking and Alec's creaking footsteps.

They didn't approach the subject of the 'almost kiss' for a while.

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