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{ Authors Note: Song suggestion for this one I really recommend it: Margot & The Nuclear So And So's: "As Tall As Cliffs" it's not super connected but I just really feel it with them?? Idk comment what you thought of this chapter and that song please. }

Veronica couldn't remember how they'd gotten here, to this:
Jason Dean holding the barrel of a gun against her forehead and and grinning at her with a wolf-like demeanour.
Jason Dean having changed back to the impulsive man Veronica saw in her nightmares in less than three minutes and staring at her with hungry, beady eyes.
Veronica startled and pressed up against the side of the car frantically trying to find the handle without looking away.

Jason gripped the handle of the gun tighter until his fingers were clearly turning white, Veronica could hear his teeth grind back and forth against each other as if it was the only thing distracting him from pulling the trigger and leaving Veronica limp on the ground in front of him.

"Are you crazy?" He barked which made Veronica jump a bit and look down to her feet.
"I'm- I'm sorry I just, I thought..."

"What?" Jason cracked a short laugh and stepped back looking Veronica over, "you thought I cared?" He smirked and wiped his thumb across his bottom lip and dropped the gun, shaking his head. "Huh? You though I meant it, you thought- me, a guy like me, could change?"

JD nodded and stepped closer to the brunette which caused the woman to slump down and left her tangled hair to cover her face. JD pressed up a bit closer and cupped her jaw in his hand gently, bringing his lips next to her ear and whispering; "sweetie, guys like me don't change" Jason Dean pushed her head back against the car and met her mud puddle eyes with his leafy green ones.

Veronica swallowed and let herself loosen up, tensing up in this situation would show him that she was scared-letting that fear take over her would decrease her energy and make her weaker and less capable of fighting and she didn't see a reason to use that tactic quite yet. "I understand." Veronica muttered and kept her eyes locked with his.

It frustrated JD, he couldn't understand the big picture but Veronica could see it perfectly fine, it annoyed him-infuriated him even. "Fine" he spat and let go of her neck, stepping back and opening the door for her and walking around to the drivers side.

Veronica thought about it, she could run away, but he'd turn around and push on the accelerator, she'd be road kill in an instant.
She couldn't jump off the cliff, it was too high to risk and it was an 78% chance of death.
Of course getting into the vehicle with a raging psychopathic man would probably end up getting her killed too.
Veronica sighed and sat down, shutting the door and staring out the windshield with a blank stare on her face the entire ride back to the musty motel.

Jason bit his lip and watched the road solemnly, asking himself a myriad of questions and having no clear answer other than;
you have not changed.

But if Jason Dean hadn't changed then how come he didn't shoot Veronica right there? -he had had her. God she even laid heavy with his palm against her skin and she didn't dare turn away - it was intriguing.

Jason couldn't believe how he let her play him like that, one moment they'd been sitting silent in their room, listening to the 10 o'clock news and next Veronica was hovered over his waist, naked.

Jason chuckled to himself thinking about how long it'd been since he'd enjoyed a moment like this- with her, specifically.
Veronica on the other hand, she had other plans. Veronica knew what she was doing, it was a bit impulsive and not as thought out as many of Jason dean's plans were but she'd take him by surprise.

She grazed her hand down along his chest and leaned forwards a bit, smiling slightly at him. JD knew everything about the room, but he didn't know about the gun from the gas station that Veronica had carried along, and he didn't know that it was latched onto the back of the headboard. "You're beautiful" Veronica cooed as she reached towards the headboard and kept the boy distracted with her soft palm and thimble fingers.

No less than a moment later had Veronica not only grabbed the gun and pressed it up against his forehead but had also managed to bring him to edge and stop, leaving him rather; Blue.

Veronica mimicked his wolfish grin from earlier, holding the gun directly towards JD with both hands clasped around it to keep from showing too much shaking.
She was nervous- she wasn't a murder, she didn't want todo this, she was Veronica Sawyer, intelligent and symmetrical and a bit clumsy, but this was Jason Dean, Big Buds chaotic little boy with a passion for blood and sex and a bit of dinosaur themed things.

"C'mon Ronnie" JD laughed nervously, "is that really necessary? - we were just starting to have a bit of fun" he winked and rested his hands on her bare hips. Veronica tried to stifle a scoff and rolled her eyes, "just a simple precaution is all" she retorted and pressed the steal item against his skin more.
Jason sighed and bit his lip, "gosh I hate todo this Ronnie but-" without any hesitation Jason grabbed the barrel of the gun and ripped it from Veronica's possession, immediately taking charge of the situation and pinning her down against the mattress.
JD looked at her with a look of surprise and pleasure, "I gotta give it to ya, Ronnie, you really did get me there" the greasy haired man spoke and glanced down at the gun, turning it over in his hand and analyzing it. "It's real unfortunate that we couldn't finish what we started." Jason sighed and frowned turning off the safety on the weapon and stepping back, lifting his arm and turning his head as he pulled the tigger and the shot filled the room.

Jason turned back to find the indecent and limp Veronica dead, sprawled back on the bed with a bullet in her brain and blood leaking out from underneath her, soaking and staining the white sheets in crimson.
JD sighed and dropped the gun, pushing his fingers through his hair and pulling at it a bit. It was different when she faked her own death, it wasn't as real, it wasn't as bad- it felt different this time, painful even, genuine hurt flooded his heart and he could feel the burning puddle dripping over his lungs as he choked a bit on a sob he refused to acknowledge.

You can not change, and you will not.

Jason stepped back and blinked a couple times, remembering where he was. He was with Veronica on an empty road and his gun was set on the ground a few feet away. Veronica pleaded again "please, I don't care JD- I'm willing to risk this."
JD, flattered, looked down at the young woman and cupped her face in his hands and kissed her softly before stepping away and shaking his head, "I can't change myself Ronnie, take this as an omen, leave while it's safe..."
Jason swallowed and turned away and started walking, stuffing his hands in his pockets and watching his feet as they brushed against the dirt with each step.

Veronica stood still and stared down the gun that sat a few feet in front of her, it mocked her in a sense and intimated her, she waited, counting the steps she could hear until his scuffs finally faded away.

She gulped and walked over to the weapon, picking it up, brushing her hand over it and wiping it down with the hem of her blouse. A jagged "'Ronnie" was scratched into the gun's handle and single bullet was left inside.

You always somehow manage to kill the one thing you love- but to be fair, that ultimately works both ways, and Veronica loved Jason Dean as much as she happened to hate herself.

{ feedback would be super appreciated, I hope you understood and this wasn't to messy to read - H }

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