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{ Authors Note: I'll probably come back and edit this, I'm not sure, would you guys like me to add more to this story or would you like me to end the Fanfiction here? Let me know! <3 }

It's like skipping to the good juicy parts in movies that you always remembered first, but fast forwards to Jason Dean finding himself in his own personal Hell.
Walking into a motel room and discovering puddles of blood along the wooden floors wasn't what Jason was expecting when he slid the spare key into the deadbolt lock.
Neither was Veronica, but there she was; huddled up in the corner with shaky and sweaty palms wrapped around the handle of her gas-station gun, pointing it at Jason as he inched his way across the room.

JD lifted his hands in surrender and looked down at the young women with her disheveled attire and messy hair  "Ronnie, it's me..." His voice cracked a bit as he announced his presence and proceeded to step closer to her to which she responded by resting her finger on the trigger hesitantly.

Jason shook his head a bit and continued to hold his hands up, kneeling down in front of her "c'mon Veronica, put the weapon down. It's okay" JD attempted to reassure the clearly frightened and disoriented women.
"You said you'd be dead" Veronica retorted and narrowed her gaze as he made the effort to sit at her level.

JD nodded and rubbed the back of his neck "I thought I would be too," he explained truthfully and met her eyes "I'm sorry, I didn't think it would go this way" he frowned and swallowed. "Did they do anything else?" He questioned with genuine concern and leaned forwards.
Veronica flinched and pressed the barrel of the gun to his forehead.

JD sat back, letting Veronica press the pistol against his skin and sit on her knees. "No. They didn't" she answered and sighed shakily, refusing to move the pistol from it's place "do you know how damn confusing you are?" She laughed shortly and raised an eyebrow. JD added to her short fit of laughter and sighed, closing his eyes, "I know, so shoot me for it then, huh?"

Veronica swallowed and frowned "why'd you come back?" She continued to interrogate him,
JD glanced up, narrowing his gaze on the gun and lowered his hands carefully, beginning to slip off his jacket, "gut-feeling?" He answered with uncertainty. Veronica nodded and bit her lip as she removed her finger from the trigger still holding the gun steadily in place.

"You're a mess" JD stated and grimaced, "let me help clean you up" he suggested and slowly raised his hand and rested it around the barrel of the gun, "okay?" Veronica nodded and silently pulled herself up form the floor, following JD to the bathroom.

JD grabbed a damp cloth and began to gently pat Veronica's skin where he could see dried blood and swelling bruises. Veronica grimaced at his firm touch and looked away as he spoke "I'm so sorry, Ronnie."
After loaning her a t-shirt and wrapping Veronica up in his large coat JD stuffed the rest of their couple of bags into the trunk of his car and helped cradle Veronica into his lap and into the passenger seat.

"Thank you" Veronica spoke quietly and looked over to JD who sat still at the wheel, contemplating to himself for a moment before getting back out and walking around to the other side and opened Veronica's door "you know what I liked?" He grinned.

Veronica didn't know but she stood up and stepped out of the vehicle, looking up at him with confusion and asked "what did you like?"

JD licked his bottom lip and rested his hands on her hips, pulling her in, "I liked the past couple days with you. I didn't like how they ended up at times and I didn't like my original Intensions, but I did like this time spent with you" he rambled a bit and looked down at her, pausing and leaned forwards.
JD rested a couple fingers under her chin "and I liked this" he spoke before pressing his lips to hers once again, entangling his fingers in her fine hair as she obliged to the kiss and tugged on his lip in the same effort of craving and bliss he appeared to give off.

Things were chaotic but they were in love, but what love story doesn't have it's fair share of chaos?

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