Enter Naruto

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A blonde haired boy sat up in his messy bed. The boy had dried drool on the side of his mouth. His eyes were half open and he was slumping in his bed. Next to his bed was a small night stand that had a ringing alarm clock, this had awoken the boy. As he sat there letting the alarm ring as he tried to wake himself up then he turned and faced the alarm clock. The clock was in the shape of a frog so the ringing was actually it croaking. He stared at it with his drozy eyes until they widen in surprise. Finally eyes open wide a person could see that the boy had azure eyes that sparked like diamonds on tanned skin. As the boy quickly shut the alarm off he pulled the covers off and jumped out of bed forgetting to let his feet adjust to the cold wooden floor. He ran to the bathroom and began is morning ritual.

Soon the boy appeared with a towel wrapped around his waist and one around his neck. He walked over to the small dresser and pulled out a pair of orange skinny jeans, a black band tee shirt that he had gotten as a souvenir from one of his mentors, and of course orange boxers. As he put on the boxers he felt as though he forgot to do something.

"Crap, forgot to brush my teeth!" He yelled and ran back into the bathroom.

Once he was back he finished dressing and headed to the kitchen of a small one bedroom apartment that he lived in. When he reached the kitchen he had noticed that the milk was out and when he felt it, luke warm. He sighed sadly and went over to the cabinets for his daily dose of Ramen from Maru Chan. He picked out the beef flavored packaged noodles and headed over to the sink after closing the cabinet door. He ripped the plastic covering of the packaged noodles in a cup then opened the top just enough to get water inside. Afterward he opened the faucet and let water run into the styro foam cup before heading over to the microwave.

"Three minutes and two extra for some cooling." The boy hummed tunelessly.

The boy then turned and headed for the living room that had a worn out couch and a small oak coffee table that has a laptop sitting on top of it with an orange cover. The boy tapped the space button making the screen lighten up and reveal a background of a fox with noodles. The boy smiled at the picture then moved the mouse over to an icon of a small planet with two swords going in it. The screen became dark then brightened and revealed a game screen. The game was called Mera and the planet icon was bigger. As the boy typed in his information to log in the microwave dinged with his cooked noodles. He ignored the microwave for a second until he knew that the game had recognized him and let him log in. The microwave dinged again and this time the boy flew over to it and opened the small door. A steam cup of noodles was waiting to be grabbed as the boy turned and faced the dish holder. He grabbed a pair of plastic chop sticks and grabbed his noodle cup. After he shut the small door he headed back to the living room where he heard the pop up noise of a message.

WolfMan-42: Hey you finally made it! What took you so long?

The boy sat down and set the noodles aside to cool as he replied back to the messenger. His fingers worked quickly over the keys that spelled out the words that he wanted to say.

Kyu-Kit65: Sorry, I woke up late and forgot that today was the tournament, where's every one else?

As the messenger was typing his reply the blonde haired boy grabbed his noodles and began to slurp them into his stomach. A pop up came up and a different messenger messages the blonde boy.

TomatoKing: Hey. I see you just got on.

The blonde haired boy smiled, this messenger was his crush but he'd never admit it. As the wolf named character finally replied the boy had eaten all of his noodles. He set the empty cup down and replied to the TomatoKing first and then the wolf character. This went on for about two hours until other people started to log in. After every friend was finally logged in the blonde boy and his friends went out for an adventure using their made up characters. The boy giggled when a friend of his made fun of TomatoKing. The boy replied to his friend apologizing for any misunderstanding.

The boy played until an announcement was announced about the tournament. The boy waited by the arena of the game for his friends while he prepared himself for the battles that would come. As his friends came one by one he made small talk with them. The first one that arrived was CookieMonster, he was like a brother to the boy. They talked until another one came in. As the friends came the boy grabbed his laptop and sat back into the cushions of his couch.

InsectGuy12: Hey has anyone seen WolfMan-42? I think he was caught in a battle.

The boy was about to type until the player shows up.

WolfMan-42: Sorry about that guys,my mom almost found me playing.

Everyone accepted his apology and went into the arena. As they gathered and entered their names the boy was thinking of who he was going to face and how powerful that player would be. As he thought this he wasn't reading the conversation between him and his friends.

TomatoKing: Kit, did you read what I just said ?

A private message said as it pinged onto the boy's screen. The boy mentally shook his head and read their conversation. TomatoKing had wanted to know who the players were if they lost. The boy didn't know how to reply so he didn't. As his friends agreed to the conditions of the their only rule the boy was still thinking about it.

FloatingCloud108: I know I'll beat most of the players I go against so I'll just back out. I want to take a nap, I'm Shikamaru. See you all some other time.

And with that FloatCloud108 logged out.

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