My Teme

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Naruto's POV

Today was Saturday, the first day I would be hanging out with Sasuke, alone his house. I had woken up early just to look through my closet and choose what to wear, I had decided on a pair of orange skinnys and a black tank top, or muscle shirt. I showered and made sure everything was smooth and perfect in case Sasuke decided to touch me. I brushed my teeth and tried, I repeat TRIED to do my hair but it just kept spiking.I ate a piece of toast and headed out the door with my laptop in my laptop bag. Sasuke's house wasn't that far away from me so I just walked. The people around me heading toward their weekend plans were very talkative, well considering that no one actually liked me since I was some wierdo to them, today though it was like they forgot who I was and just started saying hello to me. I greeted them back and continued on. I was humming the theme to Mera which was a mixture between Mario's theme and pokemons. I then thought of the greatest idea, I would call Sasuke and tell him I was on my way. I pulled my phone out and called him. It rang a bit then a girl answered.

"Hello?" The soft female like voice answered.

I was a bit shocked so I didn't reply yet.

"Um, is Sasuke there?" I asked

"Yes, may I ask who is calling, course his girlfriend needs to know." The girl giggled.

My heart just broke into pieces. Sasuke was seeing someone?Who was it? Was it someone I knew? I thought as I let my arm fall to my side as I hung up. I turned around but before I did I saw Sasuke running toward me. I bit my lip and turned away, I ran back home and locked myself inside. I crawled over to my bedroom, there I just crawled into bed and curled into a ball. Sasuke had asked me out and I said yes, now he's dating a girl?! Whatever happened to us?! Why does he have to be so complicated! Ugh I hate him!! I thought as I heard my window being slid open. I turned and found Sasuke coming into my room. I turned away and tried to ignore him as he came over and laid on my bed behind me.

"Naruto, talk to me." He whispered into my ear.

I shook my head and moved away from him.He sighed and turned me over, I shut my eyes so I wouldn't have to look into his irresistible ones. Sasuke moved and next thing I knew his lips were on mine. I tried not to kiss back but I just couldn't help it.We started to make out then he pulled away.

"Naruto, will you tell me what's wrong now?" He asked. holding me tight to his chest.

"I called you and some girl saying she was your girlfriend answered, are you cheating on me?!" I asked as I quickly sat up.

I sat on my heels and stared into Sasuke's eyes hoping for something that I could take in as I was correct. Sasuke started to laugh, I slumped and glared at him. Sasuke continued to laugh as I sat there hurt and scared that he was actually cheating on me. After he had settled down my bare room grew quiet, I waited and waited for him to say something but he didn't. Then out of no where I was attacked and thrown over his shoulder. I was carried out to the front door then into the town. Sasuke carried me until we reached his house, there he set me down and pulled me inside. I could never forget what Sasuke's house was like. Navy blue walls, wooden flooring that was painted and polished to a nice black. His living room was like a mini movie theater with reclining chair sand a screen half the size of those at the movie theater, a mini candy and juice bar in a corner, his kitchen was something of a chef's with marble counters and stone flooring. There was even a pizza oven and a pop corn machine. The hallways that led to every other place were painted a dark blue or black, it gave off the feeling of cold and calm at the same time, depending on how you took it in. There were portraits of Sasuke and his family or there were none at all. As Sasuke led me through the hall that took us to his room I finally noticed all the people around.

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