My Pup

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Shino's POV

I had woken up a lot earlier than I had expected to for a Saturday.My father had already left for his trip leaving me home alone with no breakfast. I sighed and scratched my eyes then reached over to my night stand and grabbed my glasses. Slowly sliding them on my vision was cleared, I sat up and looked around my bare room. Across from me was my bug farm. Inside the glass container under piles of dirt were my pets. Some lived inside me but I could never really feel them since I had grown up with them. I yawned again and fell back onto my pillow with a light puff. The ceiling was bare also, I wasn't the type to decorate my rom with posters of half naked woman or bands. In fact I was never into those things. My cell phone vibrated on my night stand, reaching over to it with out looking I knocked it down. I sighed and looked over the edge of my bed to find it there still vibrating. The caller ID had said it was Kiba so I moved quickly and grabbed it.

"Hello?" I answered.

There was a few sniffles then Kiba's voice came through sounding a bit cracked. Was Kiba crying? Why would he be crying? I thought as I waited for him to say something. Kiba was whispering something but I couldn't hear what exactly since there was background noise on his end. I waited a bit longer than remembered that he didn't live far from me.

"Kiba, what's the matter?Do I need to go over?" I asked.

There was some more sniffles and then a small yes coming from Kiba's end. I hung up and got out of bed to step on freezing cold wooden flooring. Couldn't my father get me carpeted floors? I thought as I walked over my private bathroom. I shut the door behind me and began to strip, I turned to the shower and turned it on to the cold water. For some reason cold water relaxed me instead of the hot water. The bugs inside of me crawled out and into the other bug farm I had put on the counter of the sink. They dislike water but they never complained when I was cleaned meaning their feces and urine came out of me. I know what you're thinking, this is gross but its part of who I am. And one day hopefully Kiba will accept it, in the mean time I'll let him get attached to a few of the insects.I stepped into the pouring water and automatically relaxed. The water slid into the small openings the bug had naturally made on me as it cleaned everything out. I reached for the shampoo, I squeezed a small amount on the palm of my hand then scrubbed it on my scalp. I heard a door opening and closing from downstairs. A few insects left under the door as I continued to wash my hair. They came back with news. I reached out a hand to them, they landed only temporarily. Kiba was inside my house, I sighed and finished up with conditioner and soap. I dried myself off and wrapped the towel around me. I opened the door slowly then wide an got tackled.

"Shino!"Kiba's voice screamed.

I patted his back awkwardly since I was naked with only a towel. He pulled away then blushed noticing what I had on, he quickly left the room with a slam to my door. I sighed and went over to get dressed. After that was done I opened the door to find Kiba siting with his back against the wall next to the door. I reached down to him and helped him up.

"What happened?"I asked knowing something was up.

He pouted and looked away from me. I sighed and turned his head then leaned over and kissed him gently. I didn't care if I hadn't brushed my teeth yet but he needed that kiss. I went back to my private bathroom to do just that, Kiba followed me and sat on my bed. I waited for him to say something but he didn't. I slid a small amount of toothpaste onto my tooth brush which was in the shape if a beetle. I began to brush my teeth when I heard Kiba talking about his sister and mother. I listened while staring at myself in mirror. He began to sniffle making me rinse and head over to him. I sat down gently next to him and pulled him close. He hid himself into the crook of my neck and sobbed. I patted his back then made small circles on the lower part.

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