Dog Plushy

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Kiba's POV

Shino and I headed off toward the toy section of the mall I was on the hunt for the dog plushy I saw on television yesterday. It was part of a collection which I had at home,I just needed that one dog. Shino was quite as he followed me store to store. I had finally found it at a store called It's Toys. I was reaching for it since it was on a high shelf. Then something disgusting happened. Bugs grabbed it and brought it down to my level,I screamed and ran out the store leaving Shino to stand there watching. I continued to run,people stared at me as though I were a weirdo. I bet I looked like one though. I stopped running and walked over to a bench. I looked around for the bugs, they weren't around so I sighed and took in a huge breath. I looked around and noticed I was in the abandoned area in which Neji and Shikamaru usually hung out at. I saw Shino waking up to me with the dog plushy.

"Here." He said and held out the dog plushy to me.

I looked it over then took it slowly. He sat down next to me and stared out into space. I didn't know what to say

"Sorry that I ran away I'm just really scared of bugs." I said and hugged the plushy tight.

Shino nodded and stood up, he held out his hand for me to take. I was reaching out for it when I saw the same bugs that had grabbed the plushy at the store. I retreated my hand and looked up at Shino.He watched me carefully then took back his hand.

"Kiba, they won't hurt you. I have trained then all my life." Shino said with a sigh.

I shook my head at him and stared down at my hands. I didn't care if they were trained or not they are disgusting and creepy and scare me so much ever since that day.

(flashback)It was six years ago, I was coming home from practice when some guy came up to me and poured a bucket of worms and other bugs over my head. He was from the rival school in downtown, he also said that I should just quit but I didn't. The next day he came back with friends who grabbed me and stuffed me into a coffin then filled it up with bugs and insects. They shut the lid on it and left laughing all the way back to their homes. I was in that coffin for five hours the bugs moved around and some of them began to bite me. Then the lid opened and standing above me was a kid I didn't know. Then I found out that he was Shino. (end of flashback)

After that time I gained a huge crush on Shino but finding out that he liked bugs and let them run over his body creeps me out and made me rethink my feels for him.

"Shino, I'm trying not to be mean but...I don't like the fact that you let bugs run over your body." I said in a hushed tone.

A hand came into view, it had three bugs on it. I looked up at Shino, he sat back down still holding out the bugs.

"If you can let all three of them stand on your palm then I will leave them at home next time we hang out." Shino said determined to make me let them climb onto my hand.

I shook my head and stood to leave when he grabbed my hand and pulled me back down. I was forced to sit down, he grabbed my hand and held it out, palm up. The bug in the middle of his hand came over to me, I tried to pull my hand away but Shino held it tight. The small creature was now on the tip of my finger then it crossed over and stood on my palm.I shuddered and tried to pull away again but Shino glared at me. The bug that was closest to his pinky came over and stood next to the first bug on my palm and finally the other came over. I had tears in my eyes as they stood there looking up at me. Their eyes so small and beady as though they could sense what I was feeling. Shino moved his hand away and let me go.

"Don't move them,just watch them. " He said and dug in his coat pocket.

The bugs were just staring at me, I wanted to swipe them off my hand but I didn't. They were small and black with at least four eyes,their legs weren't fuzzy like the bugs I had been touched by. I looked at them some more. I thought they were cute but then shook the thought away when Shino took them back.

"Come on,everyone else is at the movie theater." He said and grabbed my hand.

I stood up and followed him since he was pulling on my hand.

"Shino..can I have one."I asked shyly and looked away as I felt my face flush.

Shino looked at me weirdly then I found a bug crawling up my arm and into the sleeve of my jacket. It appeared on my nose. I smiled and had a mini staring contest with it,I lost. I was going to touch it when it disappeared back into my jacket. I looked up to see Shino leaning in. I was kissed. I didn;t know what to do so I just stood there letting him kiss me. He pulled away.

"You're suppose to kiss back." He said then stood up and pulled me along as we headed over to the movie theater.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and opened my mouth to ask him why but he was texting someone. I pouted and pulled him. He was much taller than I was so I got on my tip tioes and kisseed him. Since I couldn't really stand on my tip toes for very long the kiss only last a few seconds. Shino smirked and hid his face in the collar of his jacket.Was he blushing just now? I thought then giggled to myself. The little bug came out from hiding in my jacket, it stood on the tip of my nose making my eyes cross when I looked down at it. If all bugs were like this then maybe I wouldn't be so scared of them...I thought and touched the little bug. I could have sworn that when I touched it it rubbed itself against my finger.Shino noticed my adjustment to the little creature. Soon there was another one, I paniced as it walked around my face. I felt some pain on my temple and reached up to it. The little bug was running back down to my nose where it's friend was.

"It bit me..."I said and rubbed my left temple.

Shino grabbed the bug that bit me and crushed it.

"That one wasn't my bug."He said and wiped the guts and blood from it on his jacket.

I looked down at my nose but the little bug was gone, I felt my face for it but then I found it on my hand.

"Kiba, do you want to be my mate?" Shino asked as we walked up to the movie theater.

"I guess, yeah." I said trying not to stutter.

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