Rock Necklace

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Shikamaru's pov

Neji and I headed in the direction that was mostly abandoned. We didn't really like stores where people crowded in front of them. I was walking slowly since I didn't get my full nap time since Gaara's plane arrived just before I fell asleep. Neji was ahead of me by a few steps. I never really got a chance to look at him since he was always moving about in Mera and at school. His hair was longer than mine,up to his lower back and tied close to the end. His clothing didn't look comfortable, they looked formal and up tight. Was he forced to dress this way and act this too? I asked myself. The way he walked answered that,it was as though someone stuck a broom stick up his butt. I giggled to myself.Neji turned his head and gave me a raised eyebrow as if to ask if I were okay.

We were now in the deserted area of the mall. I laid down on one of the benches,Neji looked at me then picked my head up. He sat down then rested my head on his lap. I turned my face so he wouldn't see the blush. We relaxed a bit,well he did I just fell asleep. Neji sighed and let his head rest against the head rest then and looked down at me. He smiled noticing my blush,I couldn't help but smile at him. We looked at each other until my phone rang.I sat up and reached in my pocket for it.

'' Hello?'' I answered.

My mother's voice yelled back at me, she was wondering where I was.I sighed and answered back with the obvious answer she wanted. She sighed and told me to come home after the movies then she hung up. Neji smiled at me then leaned over and kissed me. I looked at him with wide eyes, I blushed even more then I sat up and looked away. Neji wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer to him.

" What did she want?" He asked.

I shook my head and just started into the stores across from us. Neji seemed to notice this and stood up.I watched as he went over,I stood up and followed him. The store was empty except for a few people, there were shelves of many different rocks on or in one another.Neji led me over to a shelf. On the shelf was a green rock with a clear one in it,I grabbed it. Turns out the rocks were a necklace. Neji noticed the way I was looking at it.

"Do you want it?" He asked.

I set the necklace back firm and turned away from it.

"Why did you kiss me?" I asked and walked over to a different shelf.

Neji followed me but still kept the necklace in range. I looked through some more rocks and found more necklaces like the one with the clear stone. I waited for Neji to answer me but he didn't.

"Neji, answer me, why did you kiss me." I said again.

"I wanted to. It's very obvious how we each like who we spilt up with. Sasuke likes Naruto, Shino likes Kiba and Gaara liked Lee. " Neji answered.

I picked up another necklace this one was a red rock with a black one in the center being held up by a metal holder. I set it back down and ventured more into the store, Neji followed closely. More into the store were more rocks, I spotted a cute rock necklace. It was a white rock seemed to be chalcedony and inside it was an onyx. I picked it up and fell in love with it.Neji watched me as I tried it on, it fit perfectly. I looked over to Neji, he smiled.

"Do you want it?" He asked and was reaching for the price tag.

I looked at the tag before him and frowned, forty dollars for a small necklace. Neji checked the price and pulled me over to the cashier, he bought it for me. I didn't know what to say so instead I just smiled and followed him out. The abandoned areas began to fill with people so Neji grabbed my hand and led us toward the movie theater.

"Neji, when you said that we split up with whoever we liked, does that mean you like me?"I asked.

Neji sighed,"You are very slow for a genius, yes I do like you." He said.

I blushed and looked down at my feet, the movie theater wasn't that far and we were the first ones there. I took my phone out and checked the time, it was seven fifty eight. I sent out a text to everyone and headed into the theater. Neji came after me and held my hand as we ordered the food we were going to eat while watching the movie. My phone vibrated, three new messages. I checked them all. Naruto,Shino and Gaara replied to my text. I waited for Neji to pay for the food and headed over to a table. He followed and sat next to me. Couples were walking by us and staring, well the girls were. It's like they've never seen to guys sit so close to each other. I shrugged it off and rested my head on Neji's shoulder and took the little nap I couldn't take earlier. Neji's arm wrapped itself around my waist and pulled me close to him. I smiled and sighed. Soon I was off to my dreamland. I was disturbed by a ringing. I opened an eye to see Neji's hand reachingfor his cell phone.

"Hello?" He asked.

There was a muffled voice coming from the other end. I shut my eye again and listened to Neji's sweet low voice that could make anyone melt if he were to seduce them.I was sent back to my dream land again and finally slept.I heard Neji hang up then felt his arm being removed.

"Shikamaru, I gotta go to the restroom."He whispered softly into my ear.

I picked up my head and watched him go to the restroom across from our table.I rested my arms on the flat cool gold surface of the table and rested my head on it.I drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up again Neji was punching some guy and yelling at him.

"He's mine so stay away from him you sicko!"He yelled then turned to me and smiled.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, he came over and sat down next to me again.

"What happened?" I asked.

"He tried to touch you in an inappropirate way so I stopped him.You didn't feel him touching?" Neji asked and pulled me close.

I reached over the table at our food and plucked some popcorn out of the tub and shook my head. Neji hmphed and turned to watch as the mall cops took the man away. I ate the popcorn in my hands then rested my head back on Neji's shoulder.

"Hey, I have a question. Does this count as our first date?" Neji asked.

"No." I yawned and shut my eyes.

Neji chuckled and rested his head on mine.

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