Drama ~ Part 13

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Warning: inappropriate language, abuse and severe depression.

I took the elevator down to the reception office of the hospital, My mom and stepdad were there waiting for me. I ran towards them and gave them the biggest hug, we were all laughing. We waved our goodbyes and said our thanks to Dr.Jäeger and we walked towards the parking lot. I entered our car and smelled the sweet aroma of our car Back home I go!

I listened to the radio as I looked out the window, just daydreaming and asking myself random questions like For how long will I live?, What would happen if there was no air for five seconds?, Are there aliens?, What is love?

Right when I asked myself 'What is love?' the song started playing, I chuckled under my breath. I just kept staring out the window and humming the lyrics of the ongoing songs on the radio. After some nice minutes the car started to slow the pace until it finally stopped.

I opened the car's' door, closing it behind me I walked towards the door and opened it. A nice scent entering my lungs as I breath, 'Ah... Home sweet home.'

I walked towards the sofa as I belly flopped on it, 'Want anything to drink sweetie?' Mom asked heading to the kitchen whiles dad sat down next to me.

'Could I get a cup of water please?' Mom answered with a nod. I put on The Vampire Diaries, (A/n- If you don't like tvd just pretend u do because i rly love tvd) It's really interesting. I looked over my dad who was doing some work on his laptop.

I sighed, a relieved sigh though. Finally I get to rest a little since my cheek hurt, I rested my head against a white pillow. My mom came back with the glass of water I asked her 'thanks mom!' I smiled as I kissed her cheek, she instantly kissed back.

My eyes felt so heavy as felt myself drifting into deep slumber, the last thing I did was pause and turn off Netflix.

-Dream -

I was in my old house, the one I used to live with my mom and my real dad.

I was in my room, my mom and dad arguing about something.

Like that my mom said she needed space so she walked out of the house.

My dad closed the house door and locked it. I just peeked out of the corner.

He took out a case and walked towards my room signaling me to follow. I obeyed.

I walked with my dad towards my room, we quietly entered it as my dad locked the door behind him.

I gulped, I hated when my dad did this to me, it was sick. ''Now....Let's get to work you little fuck.''

Everytime I disobeyed or hesitated he would either whip me or pour boiling water on my skin.

''Oi, Get undressed.'' he demanded. I did as told, I felt sick to the stomach and violated.

I was completely exposed, he had a big grin on his face. '' Kneel down.'' I felt too embarrassed to do that.

It was a mistake, 'HOW YOU LIKE THIS INSTEAD HUH?!' He slapped me across the face, making me stumble backwards.

He then took out one of the needles. I hate that one and he knows it, he took a strong grip of my hand.

He put the needle through my skin. It stung, the red liquid quickly pouring out of my fragile body.

''Hahahahah... KNEEL DOWN.'' He shouted at me.

End Dream -

I woke up screaming, the horrible images of me and my dad still flashing throughout my mind.

My dad and my mom came straight to me, they looked worried. ' What happened sweetie?!' Mom asked as she hugge me,

I couldn't hold my sorrow anymore. I started to cry,sob and scream,

'I *sniff* I had a nightmare about dad, *sniff* he was doing those horrible things to *sniff* to me again.' My mom pulled away, her eyes were teary.

'It's going to be okay hon, you are safe here.' She kissed my cheek whiles hugging me.

I lay back down resting my head on my mom's shoulders, I close my eyes hoping to sleep again.

-< Le Time Skip to Monday >-



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