Valentine's ~ Part 14

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I woke up by the same song 'Guren no Yumiya' I tried to press the freakin button that stops the sound. I clicked it and it stopped, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I stood up and walked over to the wardrobe.

I clicked my tongue as I scanned through my clothes, I picked shorts, a grey tank top and a darker grey wool sweater over

(idk what the wool sweater thingy is called )

I got dressed and looked in the mirror 'cute' I thought to myself as I headed to the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror as I brushed my hair and put it to the side of my shoulder.

I went downstairs as I 'floated' towards the sweet smell of egg and bacon, I sat down a the table as my mom put the eggs and bacon on my plate.

In about 0.2 seconds I was already digging everything in. 'Whoa somebody is hungry today!' I just smiled ' Yea the hospital food tasted horrible!'

My mom just smiled and agreed, I finished up my breakfast and drank some juice.

I walked upstairs again and brushed my teeth I did a checklist on the things I had to bring to school today. Everything was in place.

I took my phone and put earphones on and plugged them in the phone, I searched through my phone and opened Spotify.

I turned on Freaks - Radio Edit and started to tap my foot to the beat. I took my bag and waved my goodbyes to mom.

Dad was at work so I only saw him after school, I opened the door and closed it behind me. I walked down the street since the school was ten minutes away.

Eren lived downstreet so I waited for him in front of his house. I waited for a few seconds until hands covered my eyes, 'Guess who?' the voice was a dead giveaway ' I don't know.... Grandma! Is it you?!'

I said with a sarcastic smirk ' Yes [f/n] it's me your grandma.' The person let go of my eyes and I turned around hugging Eren of course.

'Finally out of that boring room huh?' He said as he ruffled my hair, I stuck out my tongue as he did the same.

We walked over a few houses away, where Armin's house is. He was just getting outside when he saw us.

He waved at us and gave us a bright smile, He walked over to us as we did the same. ' Hi [f/n] I missed you! I went over to the hospital to check on you but you were sleeping.' He hugged me as I hugged back.

He rubbed the back of his neck and walked together with us. I took out one of the earphones

' So Mikasa isn't coming to school yet is she?'

I asked as Eren responded not looking away from the sidewalk, 'Yea she got suspended so she's only coming back tomorrow.'

'Hmhm m'kay.' I pat his back whiles smiling. We reached our school as students were entering through the front door.

We walked over to the lockers, I turned off my phone and put in inside of a pocket in my [f/c] bag.

I walked over to Armin and Eren who were taking off their coats and stuffing them in their lockers.

'Ready?' They both nodded in unison, We took our things and headed to class. It just went by a normal school morning.

I looked out the classroom window, it started to get a little foggy outside. As It started to rain, a few drops of water were caught in the window. They slided easily by the glass.

I sighed, so bored.... Miss.Charlotte explained how there was going to be a festival for Valentine's day.

That topic picks your interest so you looked back at Miss.Charlotte who was smiling cheerfully.

' The festival will be hold on Valentine's day, each genders will participate as you get to pick your valentine!' She clapped, I could hear some girls giggling and some boys secretly cheering.

The other half of the boys were nervous and sweating like crazy, specially Berthold.

Poor him, it must be hard to him since he is super duper shy and doesn't have many friends apart from Reiner and Annie.

Some boys were already asking some of the girls out to be their Valentine.

'*cough* anyways the festival will have a lot of fun games and great food, as the school's tradition there will be a dance. You and your partner will have to dance at the Love Campfire.

She bell rang as everyone got up and walked out of class. I also took my things and walked over to Eren and Armin.

They just nodded whiles heading out, We walked towards the Math classroom. Ugh so bored....

' Hey [f/n]' Armin whispered in my ear I looked at him 'What?' I whispered back 'At breaktime, meet me by the pond. Also try not to bring Eren with you m'kay?'

I just nodded, eren probably wasn't listening cuz he was talking with Connie and Sasha.

' WAIT WHAT?!' Eren shouted, Armin and I walked over to the others. I am really curious so I just had to know what was going on.

'Yes! You heard that right! Sasha and I are...' Connie said with a huge blush across his cheeks

' We're dating!' He continued whiles hugging Sasha. ' Awwwwww~ So cute!!' I hug tackled Sasha.

' I always shipped you guys right from the start!' I exclaimed whiles poking both Sasha's and Connie's cheeks.

'Yea we're going to the Valentine's together.' Sasha grinned whiles kissing Connie's cheek.

' Do you have someone to go with [f/n]?' Sasha asked whiles Connie put his arm over Sasha.

'Well.... No, not yet!' I smiled ' You should go with Eren or Armin!' ' Agreed!' Sasha raised her arms up in the air.

'Sure, Ima see about that.' I quickly replied ' We have to go to class now! Bye bye!' Sasha said running away dragging Connie with her.


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