Why are we so stuck on what’s not ours, or at least isn’t ours anymore I wonder if it’s because we can’t see to get past the fact that the one we love no longer loves us the way they use to. Do you ever wonder if the ever loved you? I know that it hurts to think that maybe even when we called each other something but felt another way. All she writes about is love and about how you damaged her emotionally, but she’s never told her story on how she works the way she does. Like a moth to a flame she seems to always come back to you. I can’t seem to understand as an outsider looking in to what seems like stupidity instead of remembering the time that girl use to me. Not able to find my way attracted to the one thing that I know is going to hurt me in the end. Like a light that a fly always seems to buzz to my heart seems to do the same for him, well yes maybe the choices I’ve made aren’t always right but looking at the scenario nobody that’s already gone through heartache would never want to see someone hurt the way they did. Sitting here thinking about that one person that caused the pain, saying that its every man in the world but in actuality as a young female we have put ourselves in a position to be hurt. No I’m no doctor and I may not know much but one thing I do know is pain and how pain can change an individual. So when I look in her eyes I can sympathize on what she’s going through and even though we as people feel we can avoid the inevitable going through the excuses on why things can’t work being paralyzed by ones undoing to undo yet another. That one person that you gave your heart to that you loved and cherished but you can’t seem to get past the broken heart they’ve left you with in the end all the pain that you felt when they left you, must have been your undoing seems to me that is the moment when a person snaps…
You should know or maybe we don’t know but everybody does not start off the way they are. No of course no man starts off as a guy who plays every girl and just wants to fuck around with anything with legs just like no female starts off as a female who sleeps around with everyman that calls her beautiful, there is always a story behind every personality and reasons behind every decision. Most people don’t believe it when they see it but this is in fact true I believe that there is no reason why somebody would wake up and say they want to be a hoe because that is not true. In most cases it has something to do with family and sometimes you have the broken hearted insecure scenario, but let’s get back to the point. The point of having someone that you once gave you r all to turn around and snatch away all you have given which leaves you with nothing. Searching for what nobody knows but we know what it is when we find it, maybe scared that maybe this is no reality and that we don’t want to hurt once again, who would have ever thought that love existed. Oh! That would never leave such a strong word being dragged through the dirt being mistaken for something that it’s not, to young and dumb to realize that love is not just some word that you can say to anyone NO its an action that you show things you do. Like the saying goes action speaks louder than words, your actions are speaking to me I see how you get when you alone. So do you have integrity or are you just that person who keeps everything in the dark, I would trade these friendships and relationships just to understand why you think the way you do. I’m still just an outsider looking in on how you think also being just an insider who got out of the fire with a slight burn, Like a moth who got to close but having the flamed being worn out leaving with just one wing.
So yes I believe I have a right to speak my mind when I feel and have no filter, be blunt please I see that takes time where you have not gotten to. Having levels to the things I do please learn before it’s too late