Chapter Two

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Jessica's pov-

"Come on, Jess! Time to get up and take your medication." The guard shouted into my cell room. I growled and swung my feet over to the floor, rising from my bed. "Ugh." I walked to the door and slipped on my stupid orange slippers they had given me a while back.  "So what's up with you today, John?" I asked the guard. I've been here for so long that the guard was now one of my friends, and every once in a while he would try to slip me some snacks from the cafeteria. This place was pretty shit but some of the guards were nice. "Ah, not much. There is a new guy who kinda freaks me out though." I lightly chuckled at his reply. "Awwh, is John getting scaredy cat now? Come on, you've been here forever. You'll do fine." I assured him as he escorted me to the medication line. "Okay, I trust you. But don't get into any trouble with him, got it?" He asked. I nodded and watched as he then left. I looked around the halls, and nobody was picking off their own skin today. What a nice surprise. A lady then snapped at me trying to get my attention. She had a cup in her hand that had a few pills in the bottom for me to take. I quickly downed them and glared at her. "Don't snap at me bitch unless you wanna lose those fingers." I swiftly turned on my heel and descended towards the cafeteria. Once I got though the doors, I went to the food line. Thank God I was the first in line. Today they were serving pancakes, eggs, and hashbrowns. I honestly wasn't all that hungry, but I got a plate anyways and sat down at an empty table. I played around with my food for a while when out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a man had sat down in front of me. I looked up at him in curiosity as to why he was sitting with me. He had neon green slicked back hair, pale skin, blood red lips, and metal teeth. He had tattoos here and there, which made him even more attractive. I must've been staring for a while because eventually he spoke up.
"Hey doll face, take a photo it'll last longer." He said with a smirk. "Already took it mentally." I replied with a hint of sarcasm in my voice. He laughed lightly at my sarcastic remark. "So what is a pretty girl like you doing in here?" He tilted his head to the side, letting possibilities run throughout his mind. "Well, up until I was seventeen, I was abused at home on a constant basis, sexually and physically, and one day I had enough and I murdered my whole family. I made my mom eat my little sister and then shot her when she refused to finish. After that, I heard sirens so I ran until I was on the edge of a cliff with no where to run. I thought 'fuck it why not die too' and I jumped off the edge. Before I hit the ground, fucking Batman saved me and brought me here. I've been here since I was seventeen. That's seven years." I looked back at the man, and his eyes were wide amd he was smiling very widely. "Let me guess, you are scared and you are gonna run away from me." I said with a sour tone to my voice. He began laughing slowly and quietly, but it rose to a very loud laugh. "Wow! You are one fierce little doll aren't you? I could use someone like you." He smirked. "Use someone like me?" I questioned, wondering what he meant. "I have a proposal for you." He said. I nodded, waiting patiently for him to ask. "How about we get out of here tonight? We could escape and go be free. You can have a chance to do whatever." He persuaded. I pursed my lips and thought. The offer seemed pretty amazing, i just don't know where I would go after. But since it meant getting out of here, I'd do it.
"Fuck it, yeah sure let's do it." I smiled at him and he laughed quietly. "Then it's settled! I'm in the cell right next to yours, and it seems you've grown very friendly with that guard. Maybe he could help us out." I nodded in confinement.
"Jess! Time to go back to your cell for a while." John came and waited for me to stand. "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." The man said to me with a smirk, followed by a wink. I smiled at him as John led me to my room.
I got inside and he shut the door. This is was in room free time, where most people nap or scream their heads off, but I tend to draw.
I got out my drawing pad and my paint, along with a paint brush, closed my eyes, and let my brush run over the paper. About an hour later, I opened my eyes to see that I had drawn the man I encountered earlier. Why did I draw him? I mean he is very attractive, but why? I probably shouldn't think about it too much, so I just rip the paper out and set it in my art box.
"So it seems you haven't been able to get your mind off of me, huh?" I heard a voice behind me say. I jumped and swiftly turned around to see it was the man. "How the hell did you get in here?" I asked. "Well, Jessica, I'm your roommate. I know, it seems weird they put a boy and a girl together, but I'm glad they did." he smiled at me, and began to walk closer. He sat down next to me on my bed and looked into my eyes. "Oh." I replied. Why did they put him and I in a room together? Did John know yet?
"Don't be scared, I'm not gonna kill you." His hand met my cheek as he caressed it. "I'm not scared." I wasn't scared, I was just confused. "Well that's wonderful, my dear." He took his hand back and stood up. "Well, we have only the rest of the day before we leave this hell hole. Get you an outfit together so we won't be recognized too much." He smirked and slipped through the curtain to his side of the room. Jesus Christ, he is the hottest guy I have seen in years.
I had another hour of free time before it was lunch and then therapy.  I might as well just take a nap. I laid down on my bed, not getting under the covers because it was too warm in here for a blanket. I easily fell into my sleep, since I didn't get much last night.
-45 minutes later-
My eyes slowly began to open, and I groaned and turned over. To my surprise, I wasn't in my bed alone. I opened my mouth to scream, but his hand flew over my mouth. "Shhhh...don't worry babydoll. I'm not here to hurt you, I was just admiring how beautiful of a sleeper you are." The green haired man whispered to me. His whispers calmed me more than I expected it to, and I could feel my face growing hot. He realized that I had now calmed myself and he removed his pale, tattooed hand. "How long have you been next to me?" I asked. "Hmm..about ten minutes." He looked over to clock and nodded his head. "Wow, um okay then." He ran his hand through my hair and looked into my eyes. "You are a very beautiful girl, Jess." He smiled and showed his metal teeth. I smiled back and looked him up and down, just now noticing that he had no shirt on. "You are a very good looking man yourself." I replied, placing my hand over his chest, examining his tattoos. "What does this one say?" I put my finger on his belly tattoo. "That's my name." He replied. "Joker?" I asked in assurance. He nodded. "Well okay then, Joker." I said with a hint of seductiveness when I said his name. He opened his mouth to speak but was then interrupted by a knock on the door. 
"Lunch time!" John called out. Joker and I stood up and walked to the door, waiting for it to be opened. When it opened, John looked at the Joker. "Oh yeah, Jess he's your new roommate. You know, since you strangled the last one." I smiled in appreciation that he remembered what I did to that last bitch. "Oh, feisty aren't we?" Joker looked over at me and smirked. I nodded and smirked along with him. "Well let's get you two to the lunch room and then to group therapy." John said, leading us to the cafeteria once again. We got there quickly and got in line. We soon got our food and sat together at a table in the far corner. I was marking little x's into my mashed potatoes and then taking small bites. The Joker just ate a little bit, but he mainly focused on watching me. I soon had enough and looked back at him. "So do you want me to call you joker or do you have a nickname?" I asked. "Well, you can call me whatever you want, sweetheart." I melt completely when he calls me cute names like that. "Hmm..what about Mistah J?" I suggest. "Ooh, I like that." He purred slightly. "And what do I call you, my dear?" He questioned. "Whatever you'd like." I smirked. "I'll call you whatever is on my mind." He stated. I nodded in agreement. I looked at the time and saw it was time for group therapy. Yay.
-After Group Therapy-
Joker and I got back to the room and laid on my bed, looking at the ceiling. Another three free hours lies ahead of us. But now, we could go outside if we wanted to. "Would you like to go outside, Mistah J?" I asked. He pondered in his head for a moment before shaking his head. "I kinda wanna take a nap, and your bed is softer than mine." He whined. "Okay fine." I said, laughing lightly. He held his arms open, and I climbed into his trap. He wrapped his arms around me tightly, and our legs intertwined. "Sweet dreams, Doll." He whispered, running his hand through my hair. "You too, Mistah J." I replied as I began to fall asleep again.
I soon woke up and moaned slightly to the sudden light from my lamp. I heard the joker lightly chuckle. "What?" I asked as I looked up at him. He looked down on me and said, "Nothing. And..what dream were you having?" He made a curious face but it had a smirk. "I can't remember...why?" Maybe he was just asking for fun, but I don't know. He's kinda unpredictable. "You were saying my name in your sleep." He replied with a huge smirk now on his face. Well fuck. "O-oh I um-" I tried to find some way to save it, but the next thing I know, his lips were touching my ear. "You know sweetie, I can make you scream my name in real life too." He lightly bit my ear, tugging softly. I didn't know what to do. I already knew my face was probably the color of a fucking tomato, so blushing was out of the way.
In the distance we heard a bell ring, meaning it was time for dinner. Saved by the Bell, you know? "You're lucky that bell sounded, because if it hadn't..." he then started to laugh. He let me out of his arms and I stood up, him following my actions shortly after. We both approached the door as soon as John opened it. "Well you are just eager to get out aren't you?" John joked. I nodded my head and head to the cafeteria with Joker. Guards don't have to lead anyone when it's dinner time, because that's everyone all at once. At lunch and breakfast we all get divided into two groups, but not dinner.
We quickly eat as fast as we could and went outside for after dinner hang out. Joker leaned over to me and whispered, "Wanna escape now? I have people waiting for us out there." You looked over to him and nodded towards the fence. "Quickly climb it and I'll follow you. It's dark enough to where nobody will notice unless we are being watched." He nodded and we both slowly walked towards it, trying to keep low profile. Girls would stare at us as we passed by, and I wanted to knock the daylights out of them, but if I wanted to escape then I had to hold back. We got to the fence and I looked around, not seeing anyone looking. "Climb, now." I commanded Joker. "Feisty." He quickly jumped and latched to the fence and reached the other side. "Okay I'm gonna climb now." I whispered to him. I quickly climbed and jumped off the top, landing on the ground with a perfect position. I heard joker mumble "damn" under his breath. "Okay now where are these people?" I whispered. He then whistled and a Purple Lamborghini immediately pulled out in front of us. "Nice." I complemented the car as I got in the passenger side. He got in the driver's seat and immediately pushed down on the gas pedal as hard as he could. I rolled down the window and hung my head out. God, I haven't felt freedom like this in forever.
Soon we pulled up at an old abandoned warehouse. Joker grabbed my hand and lead me inside the warehouse. We were greeted by a bunch of men that Joker calls his goons.
This will be interesting.

Hey, so how do you guys like this so far? I think it's pretty good for a first chapter. But don't worry, it gets really good now. Sooooooo I hope you enjoyed and I'll be updating every 1-2 days so be ready!

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