Chapter 9

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Joker's pov-

Poison Ivy's vines wrapped around me. "Ivy what the fuck are you doing?!" I exclaimed. "Just getting what I want." She instantly smashed her lips into mine and grabbed my fave to keep me from turning. I bit her mouth harshly to ward her away, and I tried to push her by her chest but she was planted into the ground. Literally.
I heard a gasp and ivy pulled away as I opened my eyes and I looked at Jessica. She had tears in her eyes and I could immediately tell her trust for me was gone."Oops." Ivy said with sarcasm thick in her voice. "Jessica I ca-" I said being interrupted with a "FUCK OFF!" as Jessica ran away, sobbing loudly. The sight of her like that tore me apart. I'm a sociopath, I don't do sorry or remorse but for once I am sorry. Truly sorry.
I looked at poison ivy. "Fuck you and everything about you, I take back being friends and now, I'm done with you. I pulled out my gun and immediately shot her in between the eyes. Without her, the plants are useless so I was set free. I kicked her in the face and then ran outside to find Jessica. I looked around, no sign of her or the car. My stomach starts to turn. I may have just lost her forever.
I run to the nearest pay phone and call someone to bring the van and help me find her. After about five minutes my van with some henchmen arrive. I get in quickly and drive slowly for once, scanning the sidewalks and streets for any sign of her. It's my fault she's gone. Who knows where she could be? I know she isn't back at the warehouse because of she was, my henchmen would have told me. I begin to laugh at myself. Who knew someone could make me so worried?
I spent all night driving. I didn't see her anywhere. I may never find her again.

Jessica's pov-

I woke up, sadly. I looked around and my car was gone. Well isn't that just great. I sighed and stood up. I kinda wanna swim, but there are now people here and I'm not wanting to drag attention to myself. I quickly fled the scene and began walking the sidewalks with my head down and my hair blocking my face. Where could I go? I gasped out loud. I know just the place.
-time skip-
I walked into the club joker owns and quickly signaled Harley over. "Heya puddin'! What brings you here? You got Joker with ya?" She said. Immediately my eyes filled with tears and I began to cry. She pulled me into a hug and pat my back. "It's okay. Come to the back room with me." She pulled away and lead me to a quiet room. "What happened?" She asked. I tried to calm myself and began to explain. "W-we went to go meet this girl. P-poison Ivy. Well she was flirting with him and everything and s-so I got mad and," I sniffed. "I stormed out and waited like ten minutes and when I went back in..they were k-kissing." I sobbed again. She looked at my with sympathy and hugged me again. "Do you wanna talk with him about it?" She asked. I pulled away and shook my head. "I never wanna see him again. I need to hide from him." I replied. "Hun, silence fixes nothing. Knowing ivy, she's a good friend, but she's also very seductive. She may have forced him to kiss her." She persuaded. "Harley, he had his hands on her chest. He was groping her." I couldn't help but cry. Harley frowned at me. "I think someone needs a drink." She admitted. I nodded and replied, "Yeah. I need to forget."
The next thing I know I am hammered off my ass and dancing like no tomorrow on the pole. Dollar bills are being thrown at me and everyone is cheering, and I'm pretty sure it's almost night time which means even more people in here dancing! I stepped down from the pole to take a break and let another girl go up there. Me and Harley are just dancing with random people that we find in the crowd. "Heyy Harrleyyy!" I slurred. "What!?" She replied almost sober. "Are you as dizzzz..y as I am?" I slurred once again, almost falling into her. "Nah, girl I'm barely drunk. I took one shot while you took like ten!" She exclaimed. "Oops." I said sarcastically like someone I knew. I just couldn't remember who they were at the moment. Then I felt hands attach to my sides and someone began to dance with me. I danced with them even though I could fall over at any minute. The man leaned down and whispered, "When is a prizefight like a beautiful lady?  When it's a knockout."
The next thing I know i was laying on the ground, knocked out cold.

Jokers pov-

I still can't find her anywhere. The only person I can think to help me find her with any chance of luck is Harley. She is most likely at the club, so that's where I can go next.
I soon arrive at the club and open the door, entering and going to my office. I told someone to bring Harley in, and she came in furious.
"What the fuck?! Do you realize what you have done!? Jess came to me crying and she was so heartbroken. You hurt her and I am pissed-" Harley screamed before I cut her off. "Look I'm sorry, can you just bring her in here?" I asked. "Let me finish. We got drunk, and she was fucking hammered, and we were dancing and then I turned for a few moments and when I turned back around she was gone. It's all your fault." Her words stung me. Now even Harley doesn't know where she is. I should've came sooner. I should've never gone to see Poison Ivy. I could go on forever. "Where is she?" I asked already knowing she didn't know. "No idea. Which is why were are going to go find her." Harley said, turning on her heel and making her way to the exit. I followed her and we got outside to Harley's car. She had a red and black lamborghini, styled kinda like mine but her little symbol was on the hood. We got in and began driving around town, searching frantically. "Harley, who was she dancing with?" I asked. "She was with this really tall white man wearing green with a question mark on the back I think." Instantly my mind panicked. She's with the riddler. This is gonna be hell. "Damnit!" I shout as I violently bang my head on the dashboard. "Ay! Calm down! Keep my car together!" She shouts. "Harley. She is with the riddler!" I exclaimed. Her face filled with anger as she pulled over. She looked at me. "Well what the hell do we do then?" She asked. "We ha-" all of a sudden my phone rang. It was a blocked number. I looked at Harley and she nodded so I answered.
"Hello?" I asked with the phone now on speaker.
"I've taken your friend, now only you remain. If you want this to end, let's play a game."
The phone hung up. It was the riddler. "Was that him?" Harley asked nervously. I nodded and sighed. "Yep. We have to find Jessica. But from that call, we have to play his game first."

Jessica's pov-

I looked around the room. There were green question marks everywhere. Where was i? Did the Joker take me somewhere? Is he gonna kill me?
"Well, well, well. Look who's awake! Did you have fun on your nap?" The voice echoed. "Who are you and what do you want with me?" I shouted out to the voice. "Just to play a little game." The voice chuckled to them self. This must be another kidnapping but joker usually comes to save me. I'll be okay.
"How do I play the game?" I called out again. "Well it's easy, you solve my riddles, you follow my rules, you get out! Easy!" I pondered for a second. Riddles. Why is it so familiar by the word riddles? Oh don't tell me. "Are you the riddler?" I asked. I heard laughing echoing throughout the room, bouncing off the walls. "Why yes, yes I am. Time for our game to begin." The lights suddenly shut off. What the fuck was going on? There were green question marks glowing all over the room. On the floor, there was a riddle. It read, 'What is it that's always coming but never arrives?' I wondered. Only thing I could think of is the future. "Is it the future?" I shouted to the voice. "You are very close." It responded. "Tomorrow?" I asked. I heard laughing and then the voice replied, "Yes!" I smiled to myself. Can I get out now?
"And now...the game really begins."

Sorry it's short, I don't really have much time but I will be updating later tonight or tomorrow, thank you for reading! I love you all!!! Byeeeeeee! NOOT NOOT

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