Chapter Six

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Joker's pov-

Jess had went back out to the stage with Harley and started having fun again, while I was dealing with business.
"You thought it was okay to lay a hand on my girl?!" I shouted at the man in front of me. He looked down at his feet in ashamement and fear. "Well, well, well. We won't have to be worrying at that!" I cackled slightly. "Because ring around the Rosie, a pocket full of poseys, ashes, ashes, we all..fall...down." I made a fake sad face and shot the man in between the eyes. "Get him out of my sight." I demanded, my henchmen immediately dragging the body away. I walked to the window and separated the blinds just enough to see Harley and my little WildCard having fun. I laughed slightly under my breath, enjoying the fact that they were getting along.
"Sir?" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and looked my henchmen in the eye. "Yes?" He gulped, obviously still terrified of me from what he saw me do to his brother a few days ago. "Someone is on the phone for you." He pointed to the room behind him where the phone was located. Sighing, I made my way to the room and picked up the phone.
"Hello, Joker here." I greeted. "Yes, I know. Listen, meet me at the loading docks in exactly ten minutes, or else." The voice spoke through the phone. Or else? He obviously can't think I'm scared of anything he will do. I'm fearless, because I'm the one people fear. I have power. "Okie dokie, but what exactly is the 'or else' you speak of? There isn't any way you could get to me." I laughed quietly. "Well, let's just say that if you ever wanna see that pretty little girl of yours again, you'll show up." The phone hung up and I ran back to the window and looked through the blinds to see Jessica being led out the back door while Harley, being the dumb bitch she is, talking to some man in the crowd while twirling her colored ends. I call for my henchmen and immediately get outside. Good thing the van is here, because we all raced in and sped down the street to the docks. I looked at my clock. Four minutes left. I saw the loading docks a few streets down and sped even faster. I skirted to a stop and me and my henchmen rushed out the van to the area where a group of men were standing.
"Well look who it is!" He called out. I looked behind him and saw my precious princess being held at gun point and tied up. This is the second time today! What does everyone want with her? She is mine! "What do you want, Penguin." I asked furiously. "Oh you know what I want! I want my money!" Penguin shouted back, waving his cane in the air. "Oh Penguin. Penguin, Penguin, Penguin. You aren't getting that back without a fight." I laughed manically. I looked back at my henchmen who had guns loaded and aimed. "Well, I don't need a fight. Because I will kill her if one bullet is shot or if I receive no money." Penguin snarled. I pursed my lips together. "Fuck you Penguin." I shouted. "What? Shoot her? Okay." Penguin spun around and shot her leg. She inhaled air through her nose and tried her best to laugh but they had her mouth gagged. "GODDAMNIT PENGUIN! FINE. TAKE YOUR GODDAMN MONEY BUT DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER EVER AGAIN." I screamed in anger. Penguin smiled and I pulled my checkbook out of my coat pocket. "How much do I owe your fatass?" I asked. "Two hundred thousand." He spoke with the happiest stupid little tone in his voice. "What about One hundred and seventy five and I don't blow your brains out the next time I see you?" I offered in all seriousness. "Sure." Smart choice. I wrote the check and threw it at the ground in front of him. "Thanks Joker." Penguin picked up the check and placed it in his pocket. He nodded once and him and his henchmen fled the scene. I ran over to Jess and untied her and removed the gag from her mouth. Immediately before I said anything, she put her hands up and spoke. "Don't bother asking if I'm okay or anything because I'm fine and I don't want you worried. I've been in this situation many times, I'm used to it." She laughed and I laughed along with her. "You're so brave babe." I said as I caressed her face. "Now let's take you back to the house and we can help heal your leg. I picked her up bridal style and put her in the back of the van so she could lay down. My henchmen knew better than to touch her or they'd get their asses beat to a bloody pulp. I drove to the warehouse, like always, not giving a shit about red lights.
We soon got there and I carried her to my medical room where my doctor was already at. "What's the problem?" He asked. I held her leg up and pointed. "Bullet." He just nodded and pointed at the operation table. I laid her down and sat next to her while he began to work on her right leg. "So what happened?" The doctor asked. I growled and forced myself to tell him. "That goddamn Penguin shot her. I will get revenge soon. I have to." I swore. The doctor removed the bullet and began to put disinfectant and cleaners on the hole. "He sure is trouble. You'll have to keep a close eye on her, apparently people have noticed she is your weak spot and she's what they are gonna use to get to you." Jess looked over at me and smiled. "I'm your weak spot?" She had a light blush covering her cheeks. "Are you crazy? He's head over heels for you." The doctor said chuckling. I pet  her hair and nodded. "He's telling the truth." I informed her. She giggled and reached out to me, pulling my  face closer to hers as she gave me a gentle kiss. I pulled away and whispered, "I love you." She looked in my eyes amd whispered back, "I love you too."
"All done!" The doctor announced. I quickly thanked him and she rolled her pants leg back down and tried to put her feet on the ground, but I picked her up before she got the chance. "The princess must be treated like royalty." I said as I carried her out of the room. We descended up the stairs and found our way to her bedroom. I set her down on the bed and sat next to her.
"I should probably change my pants since these are blood soaked." She spoke as she looked at her jeans. She stood up and chuckled softly at the pain that shot up her leg. I watched her as she walked into the closet and pulled out some black shorts. I watched as she took off her boots along with her pants and put on the tiny black shorts. She seriously has the sexiest ass ever made. She took off her jacket and hung it on a hook and turned around to face me. She came back to the bed and sat next to me. "Can I see my tattoo yet, Mistah J?" She asked. I pondered for a moment. Now would be a good time to show her. "Okay, go ahead." I answered. She squealed and pulled up her shirt, removing the seal over the tattoo. She gasped and smiled widely. "Property of the joker? I love it!" She exclaimed and reached over to kiss me on the cheek. She ran her hand over the tattoo multiple times, apparently loving it. "Do you wanna see the one I got when you were in here waiting?" I asked. She nodded and I took off my coat, revealing my torso. I pointed to my side, which read, "Owner of WildCard" I looked at her smile that lit up on her face. "Oh my god, you are so sweet." Her face was even more red now. She immediately fell against me and wrapped her arms around me, laying her head on my chest. I got as close to her as possible and after a while of just sitting there holding each other, she eventually fell asleep. She needed to sleep, she's had a rough day. Kidnapped twice and working her ass off on that pole? She deserves some time to relax. I closed my eyes, enjoying the scent of her. She smells like freshly baked vanilla cookies, which happens to be one of my favorite scents. I inhaled, and exhale repeatedly until I fall asleep as well.
Hopefully I wake up with her still here.

Yeah yeah, I know, short chapter. Don't worry, only a few more short ones like these and then we can get to the big ones (that's what she said) haha anywaysss, is it good so far? Anything I need to add?
Also please when you see a typo or think you see a typo, comment and let me know please so I can fix it, please and thank you :) ily all and byeeee NOOT NOOT

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