Chapter 16

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Jessica's pov

I looked up at him, squinting my eyes due to the bright lights illuminating the room. He smiled at me and put his hands on my face. I closed my eyes because the lights were too much to handle. I felt his soft lips leave a genuine kiss on my forehead. "I'm tired." I mumbled, barely moving my lips. "What'd she say?" I heard Quinn's voice ask. "She's tired. You guys go back to the club, I'm staying here." Joker said. I heard a door open, a couple of different pairs of footsteps, and the sound of a door shutting. I wasn't really tired, I just didn't want attention right now. I laid there, feeling the warmth of joker's hand on mine. His breathing gave me goosebumps every three seconds it glided across my flesh. Harmed, scarred, damaged flesh. "I'm cold." I mumbled again. "Hold on sweetheart." I heard some fabric swish noises and then a blanket was rested over me. "Is that better babydoll?" He asked. I nodded slowly. I took in a deep breath and breathed out. I could feel an empty feeling in my stomach, where it felt like it was being twisted into a giant knot. I haven't eaten in quite some time. I opened my eyes and squinted again. Joker reached up and turned off the lamp that was next to me. A slight dimness affected the room. I looked around and noticed how bare the walls were. It was so plain. How did he stay in this damn hospital waiting for me? I suddenly got a very cold chill and my mind fogged. My fingertips began to tap out of control and my throat became very dry. I gasped for air at each time I felt a sting in random parts of my body. I began to violently shake and my vision was like black ink fading into my sight. I couldn't hear anything but the slight ringing of my own ear. I can't breathe and I can hardly think.
Parts of me hurt so bad it felt like bruises were being formed, and then I remembered. The epilepsy. When I was little, I had problems with seizures. It happened often when doctor's gave me the wrong medicine. They must have given me that Vyvanse again. I felt myself being strapped down and a needle going into my arm. Suddenly I began to go back to normal. I stopped shaking, and my vision slowly came back to normal. The stinging stopped but my legs still hurt from where I had kicked around. I looked around and saw joker signing a paper for the nurse. She nodded and he smiled and watched her leave the room. "What the hell did you just sign?" I asked. He looked at me and hesitated, "Just some phone numbers and stuff.." He replied. "Sure." I looked down at my arm and saw they stuck a new IV in my arm, connected to a clear substance. "What's in my arm? What are you letting them inject into me?" I asked with fury rising in my voice. "Just basic hospital stuff." He answered. I removed the tape and yanked the IV from my arm, angrily ripping every other cord attached to me off and ran for the window. He grabbed my arm and yanked me towards him. "Where the hell are you going?!" He shouted. "Like you care!" I replied as I tried tugging my arm away. "I do care!" He replied. "Then why weren't you there for me? Why are you lying to me? I got entered in this damn hospital for you not being there. You're hardly ever there! You always wonder why I get kidnapped so often it's because you can't fucking handle me!" I shouted, running out of breath. I yanked my arm away from him. "Most of the time you get kidnapped is cause you can't handle yourself! You're so naive to get kidnapped over and over." He turned around, holding his head in his hands. I grabbed a syringe with a needle and raised my arm and charged it at him. He turned around just before I could and pushed me. I stumbled back and landed against the window, hearing the hard shatter and feeling shards dig into my back. It felt as if I was in slow motion. My neon hair fell around my face as I fell and I watched the sky. The air was cold and making the cuts on my back almost numb. My eyes teared up and ran before I hit the ground. I hit the ground hearing a hard crack. Why didn't I feel it? I stood up shakily and immediately fell to my knees. My knuckles were bloody, I had multiple bruises all over me, and I had a bandage around my thigh. I looked where I fell and saw a man laying there. Somehow his face gave me deja vu but I don't care. I saw joker at the window then he disappeared. He'll be down here soon. I stood up and limped quickly away. I busted the window out of a nicely designed car and got in. Some stupid ass left his keys in the passenger seat. Stupid him. I cranked the car and swerved out of the parking lot. I know exactly where I'm going. I drove past all the red lights and old ladies walking and eventually reached the shore. I drove the car over the edge and straight into the water. I swam through the window and got to the surface. He'd be looking for the car I was driving but he isn't gonna find it now. I swam over and sat on my rock, looking at the sun beginning to rise. The sky was orange, pink, and purple. I just don't understand. Why would joker do that to me? Why did he let them inject stupid shit in my body? I don't think he even loves me anymore. He's just using me for attention from Batman. I bet he likes Harley. I mean I see the way he's looked at her before. I don't care anymore. I can't care anymore. Caring is what gets you hurt and leads you to dumb decisions that only neglect your feelings. I sighed mentally and physically and jumped into the water. My bandage came off and blood arose from my thigh. I had a huge cut across my leg from who knows what. Watching the blood is relaxing. I swam further under and laid on the sand and looked up at the water above me. There were almost no fish here which was very disappointing seeming as how I want to squish something in half. I closed my eyes and threw my arms out, letting the water handle me. I felt an empty panging in my lungs begging for air but oh well. I wonder how long I've been under here. I rose to the surface again and looked at the sun's direction. It's was only orange now. I heard gunshots in the distance. He's near.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2017 ⏰

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