Chapter Four

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Joker's pov-

"I think I may have fallen in love with you too."
As soon as I heard those words, I felt very calm. I haven't let anyone in for years, but I meet this gorgeous girl and I'm already in love with her. I really hope she stays with me, even though I met her today, she already means the world to me. Insanity and Sanity don't mix. But Insanity and Insanity do. I happen to like this combination.
I looked down and noticed she had now fallen asleep. She's such a beautiful sleeper. I bet she's a beautiful screamer too, if you know what I mean. I need to calm my psycho ass down before I creep her out, though she seems to like the attention I've been giving her. I hope I don't go unleashed and abusive like I used to be.
I continue to think about Jess until I fall asleep.
Joker's dream
"Jessica?! Jess!" I shook her violently trying to get her to open her eyes, but they weren't budging. "Jessica...please." I whispered, my voice cracking. For the first time in countless years, I cried. I took it too far. I shouldn't have let my anger get out of control. This is my fault. I feel so fucking terrible. Why did I have to kill her?!? Why did I have to be so violent and deranged that I killed her?!? I hate myself for what I have become. Jessica is dead and lying in front of me. I sob as I hold her one last time. "I love you Jess...please come back..I can't do this without you...I just.." I sobbed uncontrollably. I don't cry over death, I laugh at it. But she made me love her, and she made me never wanna let her go. She made me like this. I can't let her go.
End of dream

"Joker?! Joker please wake up!" I fluttered my eyes open and realized I had been crying and sobbing in my sleep. I stared at Jessica, thankful she is here. I pulled her into a tight embrace and held onto her tighter than ever before. "Joker, what's wrong?" She asked, a hint of worry in her voice. "I-i can't lose you, Jess." I admitted, feeling like a dumbass teenage boy. But if that's what she makes me, then so be it. "Trust me, you won't. I'm not going anywhere." She assured me. I continued to hold her for as long as I could. The next thing I know, there is sunlight coming through the window. I looked down at her and she had fallen asleep, maybe even hours ago. I want to surprise her with something before she wakes up, but I don't know how. Since it's morning time, maybe I can make her breakfast in bed.
I slowly detach me from her and slip out of the bed. As I was walking to the kitchen, I made sure to find my chef to help me cook because I damn sure don't know how to. I sat as he made the food, making sure he was not putting anything in it that would hurt her.
About an hour passed and I made our plates and began to walk towards the room. I opened the door, and to my surprise, she was no longer in the bed. Don't freak out, maybe she is just in the bathroom doing her makeup or something. "Jess? Jess are you in here?" I called out loud enough to where she would hear me. I set the plates down and entered the hallway. "Goons! Find Jessica and make sure she is okay! I can't lose her already!" I went back in the room and started checking the bathroom, closet, under the bed, everywhere. Then I found an open window. Did she leave? No, she wouldn't have. I looked more at the window and saw there were fresh scratch marks. Someone took her.
I stuck my head out of the window and looked down, and guess what I saw? A fucking bat symbol! I'm gonna fucking kill that bat once and for all!
I stormed out of the room and fixed my coat so it rested on my shoulders perfectly. "Goons! Get the van and load all my toys!" I shouted, making everyone run to where they were supposed to be.
I ran outside and there were already multiple weapons in there, bombs of all kinds, and everything I would need to get her. That bat is gonna pay for what he has done. I get in the van and make sure everyone that was going was in the van. As soon as everyone is in, I stomp on the gas pedal. I still had the tracker planted on Batman's suit which he had yet to realize, so finding him wouldn't be so hard. "Tracker screen!" I demanded and I held my hand out, immediately receiving it. I examined the screen and found Batman's location. Here we go.
-five minutes later-

Jessica's pov-

I kicked and wiggled but it was no use. Whoever had me tied up in this stupid bag and tied me tight. Was it Joker? No, Joker doesn't drive this slow. All of a sudden I began rolling. Where am I? Now I'm getting picked up and put in a chair. Like I said before, where the fuck am I? I have been tied up enough in my life, and when I get out, blood will be spilled. That's a promise.
The bag was untied and I stuck my head out trying to get fresh air. I looked up at the man who took me.
"You fucking bastard, I'm gonna kill you!" I screamed as I attempted to wiggle out of the ropes. "I took you for your own safety. You will be taken back to Arkham Asylum tomorrow morning but for now, just sit here and do whatever. I've got an eye on you." Batman said as he walked out of the room. I looked around at the gun metal grey walls. This room was so hollow and empty, but there was mirror on the wall to my right. Batman or one of his little assistants is probably watching me from the other side. The bag the rest of my body is in is a trash bag, which are easy to tear if you try hard enough. I bend my head down and bite through the bag, placing a long tear in it. I struggle some more and eventually the bag comes off. That probably took about ten minutes. Where is Joker? Has he even noticed i was gone yet?
My muscles are so sore from all this wiggling. My voice isn't tired yet though.
"HEY PUSSY, WHY DON'T YOU GET IN HERE AND FIGHT ME LIKE THE MAN YOU SAY YOU ARE!?" I shouted out to the mirror, shooting my words at Batman. "YOU KNOW BATMAN, I DON'T THINK YOUR PARENTS WOULD BE VERY PROUD, BUT THEY ARE DEAD ANYWAYS SO WHAT CAN THEY DO?!" I am trying my best to get on his nerves so he'll let me go. The door swung open and he raced straight towards me, his fist immediately coming in contact with my nose. The chair I was in flew back and I landed on the floor. I began to laugh as loud as I can. "THAT ALL YOU GOT BATSHIT? WHY DON'T YOU UNTIE ME AND FIGHT ME?" I screamed.
Just then men started pouring into the room. "Yeah batshit, why don't you untie her?" Jokers voice echoed throughout the room. I began to smile as big as I could, since I now had a broken nose. I couldn't see anything, all I know is that multiple gun shots were fired and then all I saw was smoke. "Where the hell did he go?! Find him. KILL HIM!" Joker commanded as he came over to me and untied me. When all the ropes were off I lunged at him for a hug. "I'm so glad you came. He was gonna take me back to that goddamn hell hole." I whispered. Joker wrapped me up in his arms and then stood up. I wrapped my legs around his waist so that I had more support. "Are you okay? Your nose is bleeding and turning purple." He looked at my nose with worry in his eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine, it just hurts a little but I'm used to pain." I replied, admiring how cute he was when he worried about me. "Do I need to kiss it better?" He flirted. I nodded and he gently kissed my nose, trying not to hurt it even more. I tilted my head up and he accidentally kissed my lips, but I did that on purpose. Just like yesterday, our lips moved in perfect sync, making it very passionate. I slowly pulled away and spoke, "can we go home?" He nodded and carried me out of the building to a van. I sat in the front seat with him with the goons and weapons in the back.
We finally got to the warehouse and I plopped down on my bed, muscles still sore. Joker plopped down next to me. "I made you breakfast in bed, but I don't think it'd be good now so if you'd like..we could go out for lunch." I looked over at him and smiled. "I'd love that. But what if someone sees us? I don't wanna be put back in that asylum." I replied. He caressed me cheek and whispered. "Don't worry babydoll, you won't be going back there for as long as I shall live." He assured. I nodded and stood up. "So we both pick out something to wear then, yeah?" I began walking to the closet with clothes already packed in there. "Yeah, I'll go get ready and you do too, okay babydoll?" He planted a light kiss on my forehead, making me blush lightly. I looked up at him and nodded and he left the room so I could get dressed. I walked to the closet and began to pick out an outfit.
This should be a fun night.

Heyyyy, did you guys like it? Is there anything you want me to add to the story? Any nicknames they could call each other? Comment please! Also thanks for all the reads! Ily byeeeee

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