Chapter 10

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Joker's pov-

I thought about where riddler could be. I know one person who could help me, I can't put her in danger even more. If I have him help, he will put her in the asylum. Maybe he will come to his senses and get her out though. I'd rather her go back then die. I could always just break her out again. I sighed, fuck it. We are gonna have him help.
"Harley, we need to get in touch with Batman." I said suddenly. She looked at me with wide eyes and a crazy look. "Are you stupid? He could take her away." She replied. "That's better than the riddler killing her. Do you want her dead?" I asked with a sort of angry tone in my voice. She didn't reply, so instead she drove. She looked like she was deep in her thoughts. "Wanna cause some ruckus to bring him around?" I suggested. She looked over at me and smirked. "I'm already down for ruckus. Let's cause some trouble." She stepped on the gas pedal and we sped right in front of a casino, and grabbed our guns and began shooting every glass in sight along with some cars. We didn't shoot any people, because the bat wouldn't help us then.
After all the destruction, The bat swooped down from the top of the building. Harley immediately wrapped rope around him and covered his mouth, putting him in the back of her car. We got in and drove to a deserted boarding dock. "Batsy, we need your help." Harley said as innocent as she could. He mumbled against the duck tape she put over his mouth and I ripped it off. "What kind of help?" He asked with a stern voice. "It's Jessica. The riddler has her and we need your help. We don't know where he could be or what he has done to her. You are our only hope." I confessed. He looked at me for a while. "Is this a joke?" He asked. "No." Harley and I said in unison. He took a deep breath and sighed. "Alright. I'll help. But only so I can take car of the riddler." Batman agreed. "Yay!" I exclaimed and threw my arms up. I may get to see her again. "Thank you batsy!" Harley shouted as she ran to hug him. "It's no problem. So, shall we get going?" He asked. "Please." I responded. Harley untied him and Batman pressed his ear. Why?
"Alfred, I need you to scan the city for signs of the riddler." Harley and I glanced at each other in confusion. Batman stared at nothing for a moment and said, "Okay, thank you Alfred." He pressed his ear again. "The riddler will be in the Enigma Conundrum." I smiled and turned to get in Harley's car. "I'll be in my batmobile, see you there." I nodded at him as Harley and I got in her car. She sped to the destination quickly, passing batman on the way. We got there and got out. There were green question marks all over the door and there was...frost? Oh fucking hell. Riddler and the freeze. Great.
"Houston, we have a problem!" I shouted. "Riddler and the Freeze both." I informed. Batman looked down at his belt and nodded. "I can handle them." I took my guns out and loaded them. "Joker no, we don't want them to know we are here. You two stay, I will go in. If they come out, then shoot them- but not fatally." He ordered. I sighed and agreed. We watched as he climbed through the vents and entered the building.
I hope he can find her and save her. She is the only person who makes me care.

Jessica's pov-
I look around the room in fear. What game? Suddenly my eyes are met by a bright light. There are green question marks in row on the wall.
"We are gonna play a memory game." The voice announced. The green questions marks all flips over into squares. There were only ten question marks, so there were only five choices. I memorized the board to the best of my ability. They flipped back over and they were the only thing in the room visible. The things holding me down suddenly unlatched from me and I was set free. I stood up and ran to the door, an icy pain shooting through my arm as I touched the door knob. I jumped back with laughter. "Oh, someone thinks they can run away?! Not until the game is finished. Now play." I gritted my teeth and laughed even harder. "Fuck you. You think I care about living? No. I have been betrayed and used and abused and i am sick of it. I would rather die." I growled. "That's how you wanna be? Okay. Crank up the freeze!" I looked around as cold air poured through. The room got so cold, I could hear my teeth chattering. I took off my jacket and let my skin grow numb. I wanted to die anyways. I sprawled out across the floor and let the cold take over completely. I closed my eyes and thought about why I shouldn't die. I honestly couldn't think of any reasons. I could rot in here for all I care. I soon fell asleep.

Batman's pov-

I travel through the vents, trying to find the room she was in. I plan to take down the riddler and freeze if I can find where they are. I may need to get maps of the building.I pressed the button on my ear and contacted Alfred.
"Alfred, I need maps of the vents on the Enigma Conundrum building." I spoke softly. After about thirty seconds he replied. "I have sent them to you sir." "Thank you." I hung up and checked my utility belt for my hologram device where the maps would be. I opened it up, examine the map of the vents and saw that I was in the left corridor. Riddler would be in the middle, so that's where I need to go. I continued to travel through until I reached a vent opening into a room. I saw Jessica jumping back and laughing after touching the door knob. "Oh, someone thinks they can run away?! Not until the game is finished. Now play." The riddler voice spoke throughout the room. She gritted her teeth and began to laugh even more. She was really getting a kick out of this. "Fuck you! You think I care about living? No. I have been betrayed and used and abused and i am sick of it. I would rather die." She growled. Her words honestly hurt me. How could the evil people feel so bad like that? I thought nothing got to them. "Oh so that's how you wanna play? Okay. Crank up the freeze!" All of a sudden I felt a cold air brushing against my mouth, so I rolled over to the right. I could hear her teeth chattering from all the way up here. In the room, there was a door. So I climbed to the vent that lead to the hallway and looked around for cameras. I spotted three, so I took them all out with my batarangs. As soon as they were out, I jumped down from the vent. I opened the door and saw Jess laying on the ground, jacket under her, and she was sprawled out letting the cold numb her body. Was she trying to kill herself right now? Not on my watch. I picked her up, glancing at her wide eyes and ran out into the hallway and jumped out the window at the end. I held my eyes shut and held her close to me so she wouldn't get dropped. We hit the ground pretty hard, and rolled until we hit a car. I opened my eyes and looked down at her, laying in my lap. She had cuts from head to toe from the glass we had previously jumped through, and I'm guessing she didn't feel them because she was still numb. "Why did you save me?" She asked, a tear sliding down her cheek. "Harley and Joker wanted me to." I replied, brushing hair out of her face. "I would get up and run, but I can't feel my legs." She admitted. I looked around for Joker, and he was looking at her and smiled. He walked over and got on his knees. He cupped her face with his hands and spoke. "Darling, I am so sorry. It wasn't what it looks like. Ivy wrapped me up in those vines, and she forced me to kiss her. I didn't mean to hurt you, Jess." He looked into her eyes. "Bullshit. You had your hands on her breasts. You were feeling her up, Joker!" She exclaimed, another tear sliding down her cheek. "No! I was trying to push her away. I wouldn't do all that with you and then betray you." He removed the tear from her cheek and crashed their lips together. From the way she reacted, I'm guessing she forgave him. He unattached their lips and picked her up, carrying her to the car and buckling her in the passenger seat. He smiled at me and got in, driving off without a word. As he drove, a note fell off the back.

Dear Batsy,
Thank you for saving my doll. I couldn't possibly repay you. Next time I see you, I won't shoot you. No promises that I won't the next time after that!

YAY I GOT IT DONE. Sorry about the wait, my wattpad is being a butt today. Anyways, here is the chapter! I hope you like! Happy times yay! I love you all! Byeeeeeee! NOOT NOOT

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