Chapter 8

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Jessica's pov-

I looked around, still very wonky from all the shots I had taken. I wonder what time it is, since I couldn't really read any clocks. Joker was passed out from all his alcohol, and I had just woken up. I stood up, wincing as I did so, seeming as how my special place hurt from earlier actions. I looked around, looking for something to wear around my waist so I could go back to my room. I saw Jokers robe and thought, 'fuck it. why not wear it?' I grabbed the coat and wrapped it around my body and then exited, quickly power walking to my room. I got in and quickly shut the door, walking to my closet. I grabbed some clothes, walked into the bathroom and started some shower water, quickly got undressed, and got in the shower. I washed my body from head to toe, and then washed my hair thoroughly. The shampoo and conditioner smelled of honey vanilla, which happened to be one of my favorites. I quickly finished my shower and stepped out, putting on the clothes. Just a simple black tank top with an ace card on it with some black jeans, and the occasional wet messy bun. I put my other clothes into the dirty laundry basket and left the bathroom, wrapping jokers purple leather coat around me as I did so. I sat down on my bed and grabbed the remote from the nightstand and powered on the TV.
I looked at the TV in shock as I saw my mugshot and Jokers mugshot on the TV.
"If you see these two, call the police immediately. Steer clear of them, they are highly dangerous and seem to be working together. They are known as Joker and WildCard. Pl-"
I changed the channel immediately, not wanting to see that or it would just anger me more. The fucking news?!? Is my escape really that big of a deal? I can see why Jokers is, but mine? I threw my head back, hitting the backboard as hard as I could. I felt a pounding in my head, which occupied me for a while and kept my mind off of that. A henchmen peeked his head in the door. "You doing okay?" I looked at the henchmen and nodded, him quickly disappearing. O sighed, leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I rested my hands behind my head and sat there for a while, processing everything.
Out of no where I heard sudden laughter and when I opened my eyes, I was flying through the air and onto the floor. "What the fuck?!" I exclaimed. I looked up at the ceiling seeing as how I was lying on the floor. That really didn't help my headache. Jokers face appeared over the edge of bed as he laughed. "What did you do?" I asked, a hint of anger in my tone. "I catapulted you. Wasn't it fun?" He asked. "It would've been fun if someone would have told me first." I whined. "Awh, I'm sorry babydoll. Do you forgive me?" He asked. He was just trying to make me smile, so I guess I can forgive him. "Sure." I muttered. I stood up and he moved over so I could have my spot back. I sat down next to him and looked at the ceiling again. He ran his fingers over his coat that I was wearing. "So I see you have taken a liking to my clothes too?" He asked with a chuckle. I nodded and smiled softly at him, looking as innocent as can be. "You look cute in them." He complemented. "Thank you." I blushed a light shade of pink. "Aren't we gonna go see Poison Ivy?" I asked, wondering if that was still gonna happen. "Yeah, but maybe later. I'm kinda hungry right now, what about you?" He asked. "I could go for some food. But people are searching for us all over town so we can't go out." I replied, feeling kinda bummed that we couldn't go out and have fun in the city without getting caught. "It's about," he looked at a clock. "6:11pm. We could make random pancakes for dinner if you'd like." He suggested. I did really love pancakes, so why not? "Yeah sure, sounds good." I responded. He stood up, wearing no shirt and some pajama pants. I stood up and we raced down to the kitchen and got out the ingredients to make the pancakes. I got the mixing bowl and poured all the ingredients in and mixed into until it was just the right density. Joker started up a griddle he had for us to use, and as soon as it heated up, I had begun making the pancakes.
-time skip because writing that would be boring-
We sat at the table and ate our food, having a conversation about where the henchmen thought they had poison ivy. He made many remarks about how I made the best pancakes, though i highly doubt it.
Eventually we finished so then i got dressed and ready for me to meet poison ivy.

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