Phoenix Ring Book 3: Those Who Studieth Revenge

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"We leave for a few days and this place is a mess." A wise crack echoed through the guild, gliding in was someone who looked just a few years older than any of the rest of the members. His strawberry blond hair only covered his face for a moment before he pushed it away, revealing a bright smile.

    "Adrian, welcome back." Zeke patted his shoulder. "We had a bit of a collision with another magic user."

    "We can tell." A girl followed behind them. She had perfectly flowing hair that was just a shade lighter than Adrian's. "It looks like a tornado hit while we were gone."

    Jason rubbed the back of his neck, trying not to look guilty. "Don't be silly Allison. How would a tornado only hit one single place anyway."

    Adrian directed his attention towards Morgan and Ivy. "Did the fresh meat cause this disaster?"

    Jason put his arms around both of the girls. "Excuse my poor manners, these are our two newest members. Morgan, Ivy, meet Adrian and Allison the star couple of our guild. Of course that title will be taken from them once Ivy and I get together."

Rider rolled his eyes. "That's it, the next time something creepy comes out of your mouth I'm going to duct tape it closed."

    "I really did just meet you." Ivy added. "Though give it a month or so, and you probably won't be hearing an objection."

    "Of course Ivy dear, I must have just gotten ahead of myself if all."

    Rider raised his voice in an attempt to capture the attention of the group. "Can you guys ever be serious? We have a problem remember."

    No offence boss man, but it's you that has the problem." Jason seemed to hesitate, like he already regretted letting the words fall out of his mouth. "I mean I'm sorry, but you seem to be the one who messed him up."

    Bella stood behind the bar across the room. Until now she had just been listening to everyone and taking everything in. "He would never do something like that, I just don't believe it.  Rider was going through a hard time back then he wouldn't hurt anyone."

"Bella, please stop. No one wants to hear about that."

She held up her hands. "Okay, I won't say anything else." 

A long silence filled the room. Rider stood parallel to the door, hands in his pockets, with a face stone cold and emotionless. No one moved, no one spoke, they just waited patiently for the orders that would soon come from their leader. It was almost as if it happened right before Rider was about to begin to speak again. A small pastel blue bird, with the most gorgeous spotted pattern along the bottom of it's feathers landed on his shoulder. In it's mouth was a blue container, like something your would get for twenty five cents at a grocery store. The guild watched as Rider cautiously removed it, once the container was secure in his hand, the bird took off making everyone flinch.

"What the hell is that?" Jason once again broke the silence.

Rider slowly opened it revealing the small slip of paper that was inside. He read it, tightening his grip on the note as more time went on. "Fine, if that's what he wants, fine." He slipped on his boots and flung the door open before anyone could build up the nerve to stop him.

The whole thing happened so quickly it had left the group confused, they all just looked at each other not sure what to say, until Ivy said what was on everyone's mind. "We're definitely going to follow him aren't we?"

Morgan tugged on the bottom of her hair nervously. "I think we should, It doesn't take a mind reader to know that notes from Fin. I mean I did read his mind, but still."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2016 ⏰

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